Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2797: Ding Hao Tingsheng

Chapter 2797 Ding Hao Tingsheng

Chapter 2795 Ding Hao Tingsheng

"Ding Hao?" Fu Xi was stunned for a moment, and thought of something, and asked, "Second brother, you told me just now that there is also a young man who also came out of the earth, who also seems to be called Ding Hao!"

"Yes!" Ye Kong still feels unbelievable, "When I was in the world of Gu Hong, his strength was a lot worse than mine! How many years is this? His strength is so strong and he became Xia Ting The master of the domain!"

"Second brother, it’s hard to say! You told me just now that this young man has very good aptitude, and he improves very quickly! Maybe it’s hard for him to say!" Fuxi asked again, "This is called Ding Hao. About when did he come to Ting Yu?"

"About a hundred years ago, 120 years ago!"

Ye Kong said dumbfounded, "It's just behind me! If that's the case, it's really probably him!"

Both Fuxi and Ye Kong were a little shocked, Ding Hao, who also came out of the earth, unknowingly walked ahead of them!

"Seriously, I still can't believe it!"

Just as they were talking, the black thunder above the main city suddenly flashed out of sparks.

"what's the situation?"

After hearing the sound, the black cultivators in the entire city walked out of the Tongtian Sword Tower where they lived, and went outside to see what happened.

I saw the black thunder emit an astonishing amount of black current, and the current slowly formed a light curtain in the air.

In the light curtain appeared a huge hurricane through the sky, the lens became farther and farther, and there were more and more huge and terrifying hurricanes.

"What is this?" Ye Kong asked if there were not many things to this world.

Fuxi said, "This is the oldest area in Xia Tingyu, called the ancestral domain! It is also the most dangerous area, and only the strongest treasure hunters will go there!"

"Then what does it mean to appear in midair?" Ye Kong asked again.

As a result, Fuxi couldn't answer, so she could only shake her head and smile bitterly, "Look at it before talking."

No one in the audience understands what does this mean?

In the light curtain, seven figures soon appeared!

"It's the patriarch of this clan!" someone present finally called out, "Look, that's our black patriarch!"

Fuxi also pointed at one of the seven people and said, "This person is our black patriarch."

Ye Kong asked curiously, "Didn't the patriarchs of these seven races all go to meet Ding Hao, the controller of the Lower Tingyu?"

Everyone is inexplicable, just look at this image, these seven patriarchs who have great power in the Lower Tingyu, unexpectedly all knelt down.

"The patriarch is kneeling down!"

"What do you mean?"

"What is there in this hurricane?"

Just when everyone was inexplicable, an astonishing number of hurricanes in front of them began to converge towards the center, and finally converged into a huge hurricane that pierced the sky and the earth! This hurricane merges all the hurricanes, it is huge and boundless, in which there are constantly blue currents overflowing from the hurricane!

It will be very spectacular!

Just when everyone was thrilling, this horrible hurricane that had never been seen before turned the sky up and twisted, and the space on the sky was slowly torn apart from the sky. , The black light and starry sky appeared in everyone's eyes! !

Not only the main city of the black series, but also the main cities of the other major colors, everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

When seeing this, someone finally exclaimed, "I know what happened! My God, this is someone who wants to rise!"

"Someone wants to rise!"

"No one has been promoted for many years!"

"Who is this Tingsheng?"

Everyone was shocked. In the main city of the Black Element, Ye Kong and the others heard similar statements.

"Ting Sheng? It must be Ting Yu's ascension!" Ye Kong asked, "Brother Fuxi, is this really someone trying to ascend to Middle Ting Yu?"

Fuxi looked deep, looked up at the light curtain in the sky, and slowly nodded and said, "Although I haven't seen Tingsheng, but now it seems that it should be like this! Xia Tingyu finally reappeared after hundreds of millions of years. A super strong, wants to rise to the middle region!"

"Only one person has soared for hundreds of millions of years!" Ye Kong also felt shocked in his heart.

The black powerhouse standing next to him said, "The patriarch went to visit Ding Hao, the master of the lower Tingyu region this time. Wouldn't it be Ding Hao that Tingsheng's superpower this time?"

"What?" Fuxi and Ye Kong's expressions changed.

Then Ye Kong's face showed a surprise, "You don't know if it is my brother Ding Hao who came out of the earth too! If it were him, that would be great!"

Fuxi laughed and said, "The three of us all came out of the earth. According to chronological order, he ranked third, then he is my third brother! The third brother who has never met before! If it is really him, Then we people on earth really have a lot of face!"

Ye Kong said anxiously, "He didn't practice so fast, right? Although I am looking forward to it too, but it feels too fast..."

As they were talking, in the torn black sky, a terrifying thunder that had never been seen in the lower realm suddenly fell!

This thunderbolt is very huge, and its power is also very powerful. It attacked the body of Tingli Hurricane below!

The huge hurricane was hit by such a thunder, and it was immediately shrunk.

As a result, the torn gap in the sky slowly closed again.

However, the hurricane below did not give up, and continued to attack upward, tearing the sky apart again!

In the sky, a terrifying thunder fell again! !

In this way, the thunder and the huge hurricane below are repeated in this way. Each attack of the hurricane tears the sky bigger. Gradually, the thunder falling in the sky also loses its effect on the hurricane below!

A **** hole appeared in the sky!

"It's really Tingsheng, this is Tingsheng channel has been opened!" Suddenly the old man exclaimed loudly.

These elders have been studying ancient classics all the year round, and what they said is very credible, and the people present are all excited.

"This is the first time to rise in hundreds of millions of years. I don't know if it can succeed?" Everyone's faces are full of excitement, looking forward to the light curtain in front of them.

Just as the Tingsheng channel in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, suddenly a very terrifying sword light appeared in the huge black starry sky!

The power of this sword light is very huge, surpassing all the thunders before. When this sword light was cut down, the terrifying hurricane below was cut by this sword and dissipated instantly!

When the hurricane was slashed, a young figure standing on the back of the black dragon emerged.

Ye Kong shouted out, "It's really him! Ding Hao!"

(End of this chapter)

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