Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2799: Tingsheng Valley

Chapter 2799 Tingsheng Valley

Chapter 2797 Tingsheng Valley

Tingyu of Tingyu is different from the ascension of the lower realm. Tingyu is very terrifying and powerful.

The duration of Tingsheng is much longer than that of Feisheng, ranging from three to four months as short as two to three years. During this period, you have to continue to withstand various thunder attacks!

In the sky, the falling thunder has different colors and produces different effects.

Some thunders have the effect of tearing, and their attack power is very terrible; some thunders seem to be gentle, but they can penetrate into the defensive armor and cause fatal damage; some thunders are even more insidious. , Attacks on people directly attack mental power.

Ding Hao sat under the thunder, under the attack, time passed by.

At this moment, he was in a luxurious palace in Zhongtingyu.

A noble man wearing a purple gown sat there with a gloomy face, and in front of him, sat a lot of powerful people.

"Palm Sovereign, if we don't intervene, the success of this colorless demon Tingsheng is no longer a problem!" a strong man said.

The very noble Master Palm sat in the high seat and snorted coldly, "I don't know what you are talking about? It's just that I intervened in Tingsheng and killed the star fish in Tingsheng! After this incident, The Tingli between the heavens and the earth was very disagreeable to me, which caused my strength to be empty for thousands of years, even being challenged, and almost lost the position of the palm! If I intervene in Tingsheng again this time, I am afraid that the punishment from the world will be more severe! "

Ting Sheng is a natural phenomenon in the upper, middle and lower layers of the Ting Domain. There is a Ting Li between heaven and earth to dominate, and no one can intervene, otherwise it will be against God's will!

Even the indescribable palm sovereign who interfered with Tingsheng would still be punished.

So this time, although Zhang Zun spoke righteously to Ding Hao, he was reluctant to ask him to intervene in Tingsheng again.

At this time, a strong man below came out and reported, "Master Palm, in that case, it is better to let him up directly! When he comes to the Central Ting Region, we are calling the forces to find him, and then here he Kill!"

The Palm Sovereign shook his head and said, "The area of ​​the Lower Ting Region is quite vast, and the area of ​​the Middle Ting Region is more than ten times larger! Even as the Palm Sovereign, I cannot manage all areas of the Middle Ting Region! This colorless demon After Tingsheng, who knows where he will appear? At that time, it will be very difficult to find him. If he finds a remote corner, cannibalizes, cultivates, and grows slowly, then it will be a huge hidden danger. !"

Hearing what Palm Zun said, all the people present frowned and thought.

After a while, an old man walked out and said, "I mean, this person must never be allowed to enter the Middle Ting Domain! Otherwise, the dangers are endless! Back then, Master Palm personally blocked the path of Starfish's advancement, which stems from this consideration. This time, this demon named Ding Hao is coming fiercely, and it is more difficult to deal with than the star fish of the year, so we can't let him rise successfully!"

After hearing this old man's words, everyone present nodded and said yes.

Another strong man said, "Since Master Palm was willing to interfere with Tingsheng at the risk of losing the position of Palm Master! Then why can't we come out this time!"

As soon as this person said, several other strong people came out and agreed, "Yes! I am willing to share the worries for the palm! Although my strength is not as good as the palm, but fortunately, I am waiting for a large number of people! If I wait together Intervention will result in a strength no less than that of the palm master. Afterwards, the demon will be killed in Tingsheng, even if it is punished!"

Hearing these people's words, Palm Zun was overjoyed!

But on his face, there was another expression of pity, "Everyone, this is absolutely not the case! I was punished for thousands of years for this, and your strength is not as good as me. If you take the punishment together, this How to spend thousands of years?"

"I think it's okay!" said the old man who came out first. "For me and other strong people, thousands of years are just a flick of a finger! In these thousands of years, as long as there is the protection of Master Palm, Don’t worry about survival!"

Listening to what the old man said, several other young strong men expressed satisfaction.

If you can get the favor of Master Palm with the consumption of thousands of years, then it is worth it.

So these young powerhouses also came out one after another, clasped their fists and said, "I am willing to share the worries for Master Palm!"

Master Palm was overjoyed in his heart. He nodded slightly and said, "The human heart is available, and I am very relieved! Since you are willing to sacrifice for all the seven race cultivators in Zhongtingyu, of course I will not let you down! I promise you eventually Just sacrificing some time, there will be no life threatening!"

Hearing what he said, the strong men present also clasped their fists and shouted, "It's all arranged by the palm."

The palm-sovereign smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "In this case, it is much easier! I am teaching you a set of exercises now, that Ding Hao Demon is too strong, if you are alone, you are not necessarily his opponents! And I am A set of combined attacks, you can attack at the same time, attack together, and break it into pieces!"


At the moment, Palm Sovereign selects the 36 strongest from these strong, forming an attacking formation called a chain overlap. The 36 people are divided into six groups of three layers, one layer after another, and the last one. The strength that the strong team can display is terrifying!

"Haha!" The palm master laughed loudly, "As long as you 36 people can issue this type of chain overlap attack according to my arrangement, the power will be stronger than my shot against the star fish back then, ten times more! This Ding Hao demon will be counted. No matter how great your ability is, you can't stop your joint blow!"

"Master Palm is mighty!" The crowd roared in unison.

The Lord Palmer waved his hand, "In that case, you are now entering the Tingsheng area! But I want to remind you one last thing, before Tingsheng is over, you must leave the area! Otherwise, you will fall into the lower realm. It will be a little troublesome if you want to come up again at that time!"

"I'll find out later."

Thirty-six strong men were arranged by Master Palm and rushed to Tingsheng area majestic.

The area of ​​Tingsheng is a peculiar clearing, surrounded by a huge valley, in the valley, there are huge icicles, these icicles go straight into the sky, in which some ancient charms that even palms can’t understand are frozen. Wen, it is precisely because of these can the effect of Tingsheng.

At this moment, all the icicles in Tingsheng Valley are lit up, and the ancient runes are even more dazzling!

"Master Palm, I am waiting to enter!" 36 experts in the middle Tingyu region clasped their fists to the rear, and then walked neatly into the valley!

(End of this chapter)

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