Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2800: Ding Hao's crisis

Chapter 2800 Ding Hao's crisis

Chapter 2798 Ding Hao's Crisis

Boom boom boom!

The thunder falling in the sky, like raindrops, was extremely crazy. Almost every second, thousands of thunder hit Ding Hao's body.

However, under such a terrifying frequency of attacks, Ding Hao’s figure was flashing quickly, and Ting Li gathered from all directions, forming a huge fog of light, from which numerous sword lights were shot into the sky to resist Live the attack of Thunder!

Standing in a distant place, the patriarchs of the Seven Clan of the Lower Ting Region looked at them, and they were all startled.

"Senior Ding Hao's strength is really extraordinary!" A patriarch said with a look of surprise, "If it were me, in this area where thunder is raging, I am afraid that at this moment, I have already been beaten into the dark, and I can't distinguish the north, south, east and west!"

"It's true." The patriarch of the golden clan was pardoned by Ding Hao. At this moment, he was extremely grateful and said, "Senior Ding Hao, whether it is strength or character! I am completely convinced! The seven of us can't compare with me Seeing Ding Hao's success in Ting Sheng this time, it should not be a problem to rush to Zhong Ting Yu!"

Although none of the seven patriarchs of Xia Tingyu belong to the colorless clan, Ding Hao, as the controller of Xia Tingyu, is the first Tingsheng person in hundreds of millions of years. Everyone is looking forward to it in their hearts. Ding Hao can rise to success!

However, another patriarch said, "The former Master Palm in Tingyu said that he would intervene in Senior Ding Hao Tingsheng! If this is the case, can Senior Ding Hao succeed? Still talking!"

Everyone nodded. Now it seems that Ding Hao succeeded in Tingsheng with his own strength. The question is whether Master Palm will interfere with Tingsheng!

"I heard about it!" The black patriarch said, "Tingsheng has been free since ancient times, no one can interfere! This is the axiom between heaven and earth! Even if the master of palm is strong, I am afraid he will consider it!"

"That's not necessarily!" said another patriarch, "The Star Fish Tingsheng was not destroyed by Master Palm, and even so big that Master Palm was so big that he could not practice since then!"

"But this time, why hasn't it been two months since Master Palm has taken action?"

"This is really weird! If Master Palm does not make a move again, Ding Hao Tingsheng will almost succeed!"

At the moment when everyone was talking about it, suddenly a patriarch raised his head and pointed to the sky and said, "Look at it!"

Everyone raised their heads, and saw one figure after another among the dense thunder and lightning in the Tingsheng area!

To the cultivators of Xia Tingyu, these voices are extremely powerful and noble, and each one is admirable!

"The strong! These people are all strong!" A patriarch looked at the sky with shocked eyes, and said in shock, "Looking at the strength of these people, each of them should be the top strong in Zhongting Domain! Any of these people A lower realm, we will tremble when we go to Tingyu!"

Another patriarch also said in a terrified voice, "And now there are 36 top powerhouses!"

"Just now I said that Master Palm did not make a move. It seems that the combined strength of these 36 top powerhouses is much stronger than that of Palm Master!"

The eyes of the seven patriarchs present were shocked, and the seven sisters who stood not far away were shocked in their hearts!

Seven Sister herself is from Zhongting Region, and she knows the situation of Zhongting Region better than others. Although she can't say that she knows all of the 36 superpowers who walked down in the sky, she knows at least half of them!

When she was still in the middle Tingyu region, these people were already famous all over the world, and each of them was a scary existence!

And more importantly, her teacher is one of them! Her teacher is even the teacher of everyone in Qipu!

Therefore, when this person walked into the area of ​​Tingsheng, looked down, and saw Qimei at a glance, the person immediately asked in a deep voice, "Sister Qi, are you here?"

Qimei was so frightened that she knelt to the ground and bowed her head to salute, saying, "Teacher, I am here!"

This top powerhouse has a short black beard and a very majestic complexion. He lowered his head and said, "I sent you seven to the Lower Realm to sit in the Lower Ting Domain to prevent the Starfish and the colorless demon from attacking the Middle Ting Domain! Why didn't you block this Demon Ding Hao?"

Seventh Sister squatted her head and said, "Teacher, I also thought of blocking Ding Hao! But his strength is too strong, and his personality is not bad, he is a decent and kind person, not the devil in your mouth..."

"Bastard!" The top powerhouse in the sky suddenly furious, raised his hand and pointed at Qimei and asked, "You still dare to speak for Ding Hao? Then I ask you, where are the others?"

Qimei suddenly had nothing to say, she lowered her head and said, "At the beginning, the seven people in the lower realm, except me, everyone else died!"

"Why die?"

Seven sisters have nothing to say again.

The majestic and powerful man standing in the air said with cold eyes, "The other six people were probably killed by you and Ding Hao Demon. In that case, when we kill Ding Hao Demon, we will come and clean you!"

Qimei suddenly paled and collapsed weakly.

At this moment, the 36 powerhouses in the sky have already completed their positions. If they fight alone with Ding Hao, they will not be able to do Ding Hao. Therefore, they can only choose to master the combined attack techniques that teach them. They are divided into groups. The forces of 36 people gathered in one place, working together to attack Ding Hao!

I saw the pure Tingli from the Middle Ting Domain in the mid-air converging crazily. The figures of these 36 people were lit up, and their power was poured into their bodies, even overflowing. Then the 18 people at the top level All the power blasted downward, and the power finally converged on the 12 people on the second floor. The power at this moment is already crazy!

But these 12 people passed their power down again, and finally to the last group of six.

At this time, the power of these six people, each of them, was truly earth-shattering.

The patriarchs of the seven tribes who watched below were all scared at the moment, their faces were pale, and they went backwards frantically. In the sky, let alone withstand a blow, the terrible power, even if you look at it, it is shocking!

The strength of these 36 people gathered together, but they did not attack, they were still waiting!

They are waiting for a more suitable time, which is also the most critical moment for Tingsheng!

That was Tingsheng's last batch of lightning!

This batch of lightning is Tingsheng's last crazy attack. If it can be passed, even Tingsheng succeeds, and this batch of lightning is also the most powerful moment!

Finally, the thunder in the air began to weaken, and fewer and fewer people know it, this is the thunder gathering power!

Sure enough, amidst the sound of the mountain shaking with a click, the last batch of terrifying lightning gathered in the sky.

On top of these lightning and thunder, 36 strong men are also ready, "Ready to take action at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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