Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2801: Ye Kong Lai Ye

Chapter 2801 Ye Konglai Ye

Chapter 2799 Ye Kong Comes Also


Tingsheng’s last batch of terrifying thunders has gathered and formed, and crashed down after a loud noise!

"God Ward!"

Not only the heads of the seven major ethnic groups who were watching were shocked, but even the cultivators of all ethnic groups who watched the process of Ting Sheng through the sky light screen in the main cities of the entire Lower Ting Region were shocked when they saw this scene. You have to regress one after another, the weak and weak people have fallen to the ground just by looking at it!

"This kind of thunder! This kind of power! This kind of power!"

All the cultivators who directly or indirectly saw this group of Tianlei were shocked and horrified, and it was not utterable at all!

And below, Ding Hao, who was originally protected by an astonishing amount of Tingli haze, finally revealed his figure!

Those Tingli light mists that had protected him had been suppressed by the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder in the sky, retreating downwards, exposing Ding Hao!

I saw Ding Hao standing on the back of the huge dragon, looking up at the sky, his eyes were very deep, and although his complexion was solemn, he was not afraid!

The sky was fierce, swept down crazily, urging his gown to swing!

But no matter how terrifying the scene in the sky, Ding Hao still looked up at Chang Tian, ​​holding a long sword in his hand, motionless, that momentum was enough to look at the world!

"Is this the momentum of Ding Hao, the controller of Lower Tingyu?"

Although those who watched the battle saw the thunder in the sky, they were all frightened and sat on the ground, but when they saw Ding Hao's posture at this moment, they also felt a fearless belief in their hearts!

This belief can be conveyed. Many people who were frightened and fell to the ground also had enough strength to stand up and get up; and those who were originally determined practitioners saw Ding Hao’s expression in their hearts. Excited, and I look forward to the day when I can rise!


Finally, the last batch of terrifying thunders began to land one after another, and the speed of that kind of falling was much faster than the raindrops!

The white thunder and lightning, falling from the sky to the ground, took no more than 0.1 second!


The electric current fell crazily, and finally the scene of the electric current falling in the sky was like a waterfall of thunder and lightning falling from the sky, covering the field of vision. Amidst this astonishing and terrifying number of thunder and lightning attacks, it reminded of some strange sounds. The sonic attack formed by the electric current has a powerful attack effect on the spiritual power of the robbers!

"It's terrible!" Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning. If they were standing in the Tingsheng area at this moment, I'm afraid they would have become a roast pig!

And in the current waterfall, Ding Hao, who is looming, not only withstands the crazy attack of the sky with his own strength, but with the help of the black dragon under his feet, attacking upwards, going higher and higher, his looming figure, white clothes fluttering, as if You can fly away at any time!

"Ding Hao is really powerful!" The 36 top powerhouses in the Ting Domain in the sky were shocked!

With such a terrible Thunder attack, even if they changed to Ding Hao's position, I am afraid they would not be able to do so calmly!

And Ding Hao not only withstood such an attack, but was able to counterattack upward, getting higher and higher, getting closer and closer to them!

At this moment, one of the 36 top powerhouses said loudly, "Ding Hao Demon is coming up, can you succeed in this attack! Don’t forget Master Palm’s request, I will never let this happen. The devil has boarded the Middle Ting Domain! Now listen to my orders and take action!"

With the violent shout of this super power, the light overflowing from the 36 top powers became more shining, and the call to the middle Tingyu Tingli became even more crazy. The brightness seemed to be more than the sky. 36 suns, and the beam of power passes between these 36 suns!

In the end, all the power is gathered on the six top powerhouses in the bottom group!

These six top powerhouses formed a circle. In this huge circular space, the gathering of Tingli is simply unprecedented!

Not to mention the people of the Lower Ting Region, even the powerhouses of the Middle Ting Region, or even the master of the Middle Ting Region, do not have enough power to deal with this attack!

"Attack!" 36 people suddenly shouted in unison!

Suddenly a terrifyingly huge beam of light fell from the sky and fell straight down!

How terrible this beam of light is, it can be said that the thunder that Tingsheng lowers is less than one percent!

The total power of the Thunder Falls falling in the sky is not as good as one percent of the light beam. It is conceivable how powerful this light beam is!

"Ding Hao Devil, when the Star Fish Tingsheng was ascending, Master Palms shot him with all his strength and smashed his body to pieces! This time, at the most critical moment of your Tingsheng, our 36 top-notch powerhouses took full force and surpassed Master Palm’s blow, let’s see how you survive? See how you succeed? You can go to death!"

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Although Ding Hao has made enough preparations to increase his strength to be stronger than the Starfish of the year; however, the combined blow of these 36 top powerhouses is also much stronger than the Master Palmer of the year. !

Therefore, under this terrifying white beam, Ding Hao, who was hitting the sky, was directly knocked down from the sky!

The black dragon at Ding Hao's feet was directly beaten to the ground, and the huge wings were constantly scorched with green smoke, curled up there, knowing whether it was alive!

Ding Hao was also beaten to the ground on one knee, but his strength was here, he still raised his head fiercely, with the long sword in his hand resisting the huge white light attack!

But at this moment, the Heartbroken Sword in Ding Hao's hand was finally overwhelmed. It was only a weapon of an ordinary powerhouse of the ancient colorless system, and it was unable to resist such a terrible attack!

Just hearing a boom, the black long sword suddenly shattered and exploded into powder.

When the weapon in Ding Hao's hand was broken, Ding Hao's situation became even more critical. A huge white light hit his body directly, and a piece of the remaining battle armor appeared on his body. This battle armor was also at the same level as the Heartbroken Sword. Yes, so within a few seconds of resistance, this armor was also broken!


The power finally hit Ding Hao's body, Ding Hao was knocked to the ground, lying on the ground, but still gritted his teeth!

"Ding Hao Devil! Your strength is nothing more than that!"

In the sky, the joy of victory was shown on the faces of 36 strong men. Some of them said, “Everyone insists on it with all their strength. As long as you persist for a while, this guy will not be able to hold it! His failure is only a matter of time now!”

"It's over." The patriarchs of the seven clans who watched the battle around and all the cultivators in Xia Tingyu who watched all this through the light curtain, their hearts sank down, knowing that Ding Hao was over.

Suddenly, two groups of Tingli clouds rushed from a distance, and a familiar voice came from the clouds, "Don't panic, Ye Kong is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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