Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2805: Xie Ying

Chapter 2805 Jie Ying

Chapter 2803

Zhongting Region, a vast forest.

Suddenly from the depths of the forest, there was a cry of a beast before it died, and then there was another loud crash.

Countless tall trees fell in this loud noise. What overwhelmed the trees was a huge black behemoth. The body of the behemoth was covered with a black carapace, and the carapace was even more scarred. With countless spears with strong chains behind them!

This spear is extremely sharp, with barbs behind it, pierced into the carapace of the black giant beast, and it is under the hook, it is difficult to get rid of the giant beast!

And in this terrifying behemoth, there is a shocking huge crack on the neck!

Scarlet blood, from this crack, rolled outwards, the giant beast's eyes widened and fell to the ground!

In the huge eyes of the giant beast, a young girl in a linen attire leaped over in midair, then landed gently and skillfully, half squatting there, her black hair covering his face.


In the next second, she stood up abruptly, revealing her delicate face, tall figure, and a machete engraved with runes in her hand.

After the girl landed on the ground, a dozen silver-armored knights all around immediately became busy. They climbed up the body of the black giant beast like a hill, and broke through the carapace of the giant black beast to search inside.

Soon after, a middle-aged man in strong clothes came over excitedly holding a shiny spar, "Young Princess, you can hit a big Tingli crystal this time!"

Although the middle-aged man looked excited, the girl who was called the young princess did not look happy.

She said annoyedly, "Is this still big? Compared with the Tingli crystal that my father and the others hit, I am too small!"

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Young Princess, you are still young after all, so you can only kill the cubs of the Thunder Beast! When you become older and become an adult, then you can kill the Thunder Beast. An adult beast! The Tingli crystal you got was bigger then!"

The Young Princess said, "I am already 16, and I am not too young!"

"It's still very small!" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Anyway, there are prey in this time! Let's return to the county town!"

While talking, dozens of silver-armored knights gathered around the scene, and the young princess also boarded a dragon-head wildebeest with white clouds at its feet, and everyone was ready to return.

But at this moment, there was a chaotic sound of horseshoes on the forest trail.

This group of people quickly became vigilant and protected the young princess in it. After a while, three dragon-head wildebeest appeared, and three knights, who were sitting in the dust, came nearby and saw the young princess. They hurried over.

expensive! The dragon-head wildebeest screamed, and the sturdy figure stood up. The three knights rolled over from the horse and turned over and fell down, kneeling in front of the young princess, and reporting, "Young princess, it’s not good! Your five Brother rebelled and wanted to kill Lord Jun! Now in the counties and counties, there is chaos. Lord Jun let us run out to report to the Lord Princess! Please do not go back until the rebellion is over!"

"What?" A look of shock flashed in the young princess's beautiful eyes!

She hurriedly said, "My father is in distress, and I am his favorite daughter! How can I not go back at this time?"

The knight who was kneeling there said anxiously, "Young princess, lord princess is afraid of this, so let us risk our death to stop him! Although he is trapped in the inner castle, your fifth brother is short of time. Inside, there is no way to break the city! The two sides are in a stalemate! But if you go back rashly and are taken hostage by your fifth brother, when your fifth brother uses you to threaten your father, then he can only surrender. !"

"Jie Jin is right!" The middle-aged man standing next to the girl agreed, "The little princess always wanted to inherit the position of the princess, but the princess was unwilling to let the wise! As a result, the four little princesses in the front were already dead. The little princess was afraid that he would die too, so he could not be the princess, so this was launched in advance! Young princess, you must not go back!"

After all, the young princess was still a young girl, and in such a critical situation, he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

But at this moment, chaotic horseshoes sounded from all directions, and batches of leading wildebeest appeared one after another.

Among these leading wildebeests, a sturdy man wearing silver armor and a hidden gun walked out. He smiled and said, "Jie Jin, you idiot, don't you feel that I am following?"

"Yuanba! What do you want to do?" The young princess asked angrily, riding a wildebeest.

This sturdy man named Yuanba laughed and said, "Princess Jieying, according to your fifth brother's order, you have been betrothed to me now, and I followed this stupid Jie Jin to come here all the way. , I found you! I just want to take you back to the city, and then marry you in front of your fifth brother!"

The little princess puffed up with anger, and said angrily, "Yuanba, don't dream! I will never see you as a bastard, not to mention you have to help my fifth brother rebel against my father! I won’t agree, you are dead!"

"I'm afraid you can't help it, young princess!"

The young silver-armored knight Yuanba shook the spear in his hand, motioned to his subordinates and said, "Take them all down to me, and kill those who violate it!"

Suddenly, the hundreds of knights he was leading approached with the dragon-head wildebeest, and for a moment, the light and shadow of the weapon flickered.

The middle-aged man standing by the girl's face sank, and said in a low voice, "The enemy is many times ours. I am afraid that everyone will fight desperately this time! Young princess, after a while, we will desperately tear up a gap in the encirclement. ! Then you run away quickly!"

While talking, hundreds of knights have surrounded them.


Although the number of knights surrounding the girl was small, they were quite brave and good at fighting, and they even took the initiative to attack!

The sturdy man named Yuanba also shot a cold light in his eyes, "Since these guys do not live or die, then do it for me and kill!"

The shouts of the two sides immediately collided with each other, and the light and shadow caused by the swords, guns, swords and halberds and Tingli collided back and forth with endless rumbling!

The strength of the knights under the girl is very sturdy, but thanks to the large number of enemies, a few knights will soon be killed. The rest are wounded, and the so-called "gap" they want to open is always Did not show up!

"Haha!" A smile appeared on Yuanba's face, "Young Princess, where are you going to escape?"

But when he was about to win a complete victory, in the mountains and forests not far away, there was a low beast roar, and then a beast roar similar to human words came, "Kill my child, you guys You have to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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