Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2806: Ding Hao passing by

Chapter 2806 Ding Hao passing by

2804-Ding Hao

"What's going on?" Yuanba and the others saw that they were about to win a big victory, but they made a Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

Behind these knights, the extremely tall trees were repeatedly trampled over by a giant foot, and a huge black figure slowly walked over. Although its movements seem to be slow, every step it steps out, there is a considerable distance. , The approaching speed is still very fast!

"This Ting Beast is so big!" Yuan Ba's face was shocked.

Although he had often hunted the Thunder Beast in the forest, it was the first time he saw a Thunder Beast as big as his eyes.

Moreover, the fierce light was exposed in the eyes of this Ting beast, and when he saw the practitioner below, his eyes were very cruel!

"You guys! Die!"

In the Middle Ting Region, Ting Beasts have lived for many years, and some of the smartest Ting Beasts can speak words!

It roared and came over.

"Young Princess!" the middle-aged man whispered, "It's not good, it's the patriarch of the Ting Beast that you hunted! It seems that the young cub you hunted was among the group. Important offspring!"

The young county lord's expression became even more flustered, "What about Uncle Yong? Just Yuanba, we can't deal with it at all. Now everyone is injured and killed, and there is such a huge Ting Beast! Isn't it sure to die? "

However, the middle-aged man named Uncle Yong had a smile on his face, "Maybe this Ting Beast is our hope of escape!"

"What do you mean?" Doubts arose in the young princess's Jie Yingmu.

Uncle Yong did not respond to her, but called out loudly, "Captain Yuanba, it's not good! The Ting Beast cub you hunted is still lying there, and the parents of the cubs are here! You hurry up Take out the Tingli crystal dug out from the cub!"

Although the huge Ting Beast uttered words, it did not become a demon, and its IQ was very simple. Listening to Uncle Yong's roar, its cold eyes immediately looked at Yuanba!

Yuanba looked at the corpse of the cub lying on the ground, and suddenly understood that he gritted his teeth and cursed, "Nonsense! We all just came here, and we didn't hunt this cub at all! You did it, Tingli Crystal It's on you too!"

The young princess also understood what Yong Shu meant at this moment. She was riding on the back of the leading wildebeest, giggling, and said, "Yuan Ba, you didn't mean to hunt down this Ting Beast cub to obtain the high-quality Ting Li Did you propose the crystal to me? Why don't you admit it now? I give you a chance, but you don't want it!"

Not to mention, although the young princess is young, beautiful women are most likely to lie.

She said that the huge Ting Beast really believed it. It walked over and stood in front of the cub's body, gritted its teeth and said, "All the cultivators here are going to die! Especially you!"

After speaking it roared, staring at Yuanba, and then a giant palm covering the sky and the sun suddenly snapped!

"No, listen to me..." Yuan domineering was about to vomit blood. He didn't hunt down this cub at all, but the giant Ting Beast in front of him even thought of him as a murderer, "Hurry up!"

The knights that Yuanba had brought were immediately frightened and fled. The young princess and his men also quickly found a direction and ran away.

Half a day later, the young princess and his team escaped and fled to a lake.

At the moment, they are not in good condition. There are only seven or eight elite knights under Uncle Yong, and all of them have scars on their bodies. The young princess and the leading wildebeest under their seats are also exhausted. Everyone is sitting in the lake. By the way, take a brief rest.

The young county lord frowned and asked, "Uncle Yong, are we a few of us going to wander in the forest like this?"

Uncle Yong was also unable to think of a way for the time being. He thought about it and said, "If we are in good condition, we can still go to a friendly county far away! But now we are in a bad condition and can no longer travel long distances, so we can only rest nearby temporarily. ..."

But just as he spoke, a loud bang suddenly appeared in the sky.

A huge white light exploded, and a pale young figure suddenly fell from midair!


Ding Hao came to Zhong Ting Yu for the first time like this, he was thrown out directly by Ting Sheng Valley!

The reason why his landing posture is not so graceful is because the Ting power and aura of Middle Tingyu are different from those of Lower Tingyu in all aspects, so he couldn't adapt to it at first!

So after he landed, he immediately meditated cross-legged.

The first is that he has to adapt to the Tingli and breath here, and the other is that he has inhaled the Tingli breath of the 18 top strongest players in the Tingyu domain not long ago. He needs to hurry up to refine the breath of these people for his own use!

"This is..." Princess Young and Uncle Yong looked at each other.

Because Ding Hao fell suddenly, they couldn't think of Ting Sheng from the lower realm at all. They just felt that this person suddenly appeared, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, and it looked a little strange.

"Uncle Yong, this person came suddenly, how do we treat it?"

Uncle Yong immediately said, "Is this person a friend or an enemy, it's unclear for the time being! He doesn't provoke us, and we don't have to provoke him! Everyone is here, shrink the formation and simply rest! Let's set off in a while!"

As a result, the two teams were very tacitly divided into two teams to sit down on the lake and cultivate each.

However, it didn't take long before the sound of chaotic horseshoes came from all around. The young princess and others who were sitting there recuperating all changed their expressions and stood up abruptly!

On the roads around the lake, a large number of leading wildebeests rushed over, forming a circle of people around the rivers and lakes, surrounded inside!

And the leader of this batch of knights who came to kill was the Yuanba who was dumped by them!

"You really can run away! You escaped here for a long time, but even if you run away again, you won't be able to escape from the palm of my hand!" Yuanba smiled and walked over.

Uncle Yong's expression changed, he immediately thought of something, and turned around and shouted, "Which one of you is a traitor?"

Obviously, among the remaining knights under his hand, some of them were Yuanba's eyeliner. It was this person who left traces along the way, allowing Yuanba to catch up in the fastest time!

After Uncle Yong asked, a knight rushed out, fled to Yuanba's side, and said, "Captain, fortunately not insulting!"

"You did a good job." Yuanba patted him triumphantly, and then pointed at Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged not far away, "Who is that? Xiaobaiface looks unpleasant!"

At this time, the young princess first said, "This is just a passer-by, it has nothing to do with us, Yuanba, don't kill the innocent!"

"Wow! Is this your little friend?" Yuanba asked mockingly.

The traitor under him also reported, "Captain, this person really passed by! Just now there was a loud bang in the sky, and this person jumped from above!"

(End of this chapter)

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