Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2817: Heaven and earth

Chapter 2817

Chapter 2815 the world is a sword

"The whole army is on again!"

Under the scream of the prince, the entire army of tens of thousands of sergeants all once again used a more powerful Tingli.

The clouds of Tingli in front of Ding Hao were also even bigger, and the power swept wildly, attacking him continuously!

However, even if Ding Hao faced the power of the Ten Thousand Arms alone, his expression remained the same, and he spoke word by word.

"Even if it is your strength, how can you compare to the 36 top powers of the day!"

When Ding Haoting was ascending through the calamity, Master Palm once sent 36 powerful men to form a combined attack to attack Ding Hao!

The 36 top powerhouses in the Tingyu domain, the combined strength far exceeds the power of the armies in front of them!

How did Ding Hao face so many strong men before he was not beaten, not to mention the power of all forces in front of him?

"Since your army is all here to destroy me, then I don't need to be polite to you!" Ding Hao's expression has already turned gloomy. These people marched for thousands of miles to take Ding Hao's life. People do not have to leave room!

Right now, Ding Hao's hands slid in the air.

He still lacks a weapon in his hand. The Heartbroken Sword he used before has been smashed in Tingsheng, but this does not affect his battle!

The advanced runes of Middle Tingyu he learned these days are enough to support him in battle!

"Senior Ding Hao is going to fight back!"

On the city wall behind Ding Hao, the young princess and all the people in Suling County looked at Ding Hao with scorching eyes.

Everyone knows that Ding Hao's strength is extraordinary. Now that he has withstood the attack, what kind of counterattack will Ding Hao issue?

With the sliding of Ding Hao's fingers, in the midair, a rune composed of huge white light and shadow appeared in front of everyone!

When this rune appeared, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth, and then the Tingli in all directions vibrated violently!

"What's the situation?" The people waited for a moment, and then they all vaguely understood what?

The old King's face changed and asked, "I have heard you say that Senior Ding Hao is a top inscriber! Now it seems that it is so!"

Before, Princess Young and Uncle Yong introduced that Ding Hao is also a top inscriber, but everyone didn't care.

It now appears that the runes written by Ding Hao in mid-air are high-level runes, and they have already been inspired by heaven and earth.

However, some people frowned and asked, "The general inscriber can only engrave the inscription on the weapon to have an attack effect! Senior Ding Hao, what is the effect of engraving the inscription in the void?"

"Yes, what exactly is Senior Ding Hao going to do?"

Not to mention that the spectators were inexplicable, even the prince who was fighting Ding Hao was puzzled, "This guy is still a good inscriber, and the runes he scribbled easily can cause the world to shake! It's just that he is currently fighting, He didn't take out weapons, he just painted runes in midair. What does this mean?"

He soon understood.

Ding Hao carved runes into the void one by one. His eyes were like electricity, and his fingertips carried white currents, depicting back and forth. Every time a rune was added, the vibration of the world would become greater!

In the inexplicable eyes of everyone, Ding Hao has written thousands of runes in a blink of an eye!

These runes float in the air, forming a huge rune knife!

"Oh my God!"

All the people present were shocked in their eyes, and the old county king blurted out, "It's amazing! Senior Ding Hao uses the world as a sword and Tingli as the front, and directly engraves the inscription between the sky and the earth! This is a one A way to win without a knife!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, "Heaven and earth are swords! Tingli is the front! Carve the inscription directly between the heaven and the earth!"

Uncle Yong said in surprise, "This invisible knife is probably far more powerful than a visible knife!"

Just as their gazes were extremely shocked, Ding Hao grabbed the invisible knife with his big hand, and raised this invisible knife high. As the old king said, although this is an invisible knife, it uses heaven and earth as a knife. More than a tangible knife!

At this moment, the prince who was under the blade and the tens of thousands of troops under him were also shocked.

Even if they thought with their heels, they understood what had happened at the moment, and the prince shook his heart and his face became extremely pale.

"This kind of strength! This kind of means! After all, this Ding Hao is the person that the palm master personally wants to target, definitely not what I can deal with!" The prince regretted at this moment, if he could choose again, he would definitely not choose to become Ding Hao's enemy!

But now that he has become an enemy, he can only grit his teeth and walk all the way to the dark.

At this moment behind the prince, the neat army had begun to chaos. The well-trained soldiers saw Ding Hao's terrible attack about to fall, and they all began to panic, the formation began to loosen, morale dropped, and everyone wanted to escape!

"Don't panic!"

The prince yelled and screamed, "Ding Hao demon, super strong! If I am so flustered, everyone will definitely die! It is better to break the cauldron and sink the boat, release all your strength, and block its shocking blow! If it can be blocked, I will not wait. Will die, but everyone has made a wonderful achievement!"

Tailing County dispatched the tiger and wolf army this time, and under the encouragement of the prince, the formation was immediately stable.

From all directions, an astonishing amount of Tingli converged, and the huge clouds and mists turned into a huge cloud, rolling back and forth!

As the commander of this army, the prince grabbed his big hand in the void, and suddenly lifted the surging Tingli gathered from the 10,000 people into the sky, forming an extremely huge Tingli shield! This shield floats in the air, blocking the army below!

"My God!" The people in Juling County watching the battle on the city wall were all excited.

At this level of battle, they had never heard of it before, and they had never seen it before. No matter what aspect it was, they had already used Tingli to its extreme!

So in the end, is the invisible knife in the sky more powerful, or the shield of Tingli under the ground?


The earth shook and the mountain shook, and the power surged out in that instant!

The young princess on the city wall clearly saw that Ding Hao slashed down and easily split the Tingli shield in half. Then the power surged downwards like a tide, and the prince took it up. Wan Junjun was blown to pieces in the boundless Tingli flood, and then, the runes written by Ding Hao also scattered from the invisible knife, and there was a bang, and an explosion occurred at the same time!

In the sound of the explosion, I don't know how many people were blown apart and died on the spot.

The head coach of the entire army, the prince, was directly beaten to pieces. In a large area, Tingli's breath rushed to the sky like countless fountains, and the scene was extremely spectacular!

(End of this chapter)

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