Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2818: Juling County plan

Chapter 2818: Beast Ling County Planning

Chapter 2816 Beast Ling County Planning

Heaven and earth are swords, Tingli is the front, and the inscription is carved between heaven and earth!

When Ding Hao made this magical blow, the world suddenly changed color, and this place in Zhongting Region shook.

The prince of Tailing County and the tens of thousands of vanguard groups led by him were directly wiped out by Ding Hao alone. Just now, he was still laughing wildly at Ding Hao, who was unable to deal with an army at all. His face changed suddenly, and he couldn't believe his eyes!

"Oh my God! It's really a man against an army!"

"Senior Ding Hao's strength is too terrifying!"

"The most important thing is that Senior Ding Hao not only blocked the attack of the Ten Thousand Army, but also defeated and slaughtered all opponents!"

"I want to be able to do this. I'm afraid there is only Master Palm in Zhongting Region!"

All the kings and princesses of Juling County have changed their tunes at this moment! They thought that Ding Hao must be over this time, but the situation has developed to this point. Ding Hao defeated an army by himself is simply appalling!

However, they even felt that the shocking thing was still behind. When tens of thousands of legionaries were wiped out, an astonishing amount of Tingli skyrocketed over the battlefield!

Seeing this scene, Ding Hao shot a dazzling light in his eyes.

"Great! Although these Tingli breaths are weak, they are numerous, and together, the number is quite amazing!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately drove the evil dragon under his feet. The dragon’s big wings flapped and soon came to the sky above the battlefield. Ding Hao stood in the center of countless bright Tingli breaths and took a sharp breath, taking all these Tingli breaths. Swallow it in your own mouth!

"It's cool! It's so cool!" Ding Hao's expression was excited.

Prior to this, he had never swallowed the Tingli breath of cultivators so much. These people took the initiative to send them to the door, but it was cheap Ding Hao, so that the speed of his cultivation was greatly improved!

"My God! He really is a demon!"

At this moment, the old princess of Tailing County came with more soldiers and horses, seeing his son being killed by Ding Hao from a distance, and seeing Ding Hao devouring the Tingli breath of so many cultivators, the old princess suddenly His face was furious.

"Ding Hao, you devil, I will kill you today!"

The old princess of Tailing County was furious, and immediately ordered his men to attack and kill him frantically!

This time he brought more soldiers, and he thought that with more people, he could win with more people, defeat Ding Hao, and avenge his son!

But obviously, he was mistaken and mistaken, a terrible mistake!

In the face of the attack, Ding Hao was not afraid, but was happy!

"Since you are not afraid of death, then I will send you to die! Let's come together if you want to die!"

At the moment, Ding Hao no longer kept his hands anymore, attacking and killing the people with all his strength, all the breath of Tingli was inhaled into his mouth!

This battle fought faintly, from day to night, Ding Hao was completely unscathed, while the soldiers of Tailing County suffered heavy casualties. Tens of thousands of Tailing County descendants were killed, all becoming Ding Hao's training materials!

Later, Juling County simply stood on Ding Hao's side with determination, and sent an army from the city to attack and kill countless army of Tailing County.

Amidst the chaotic army, the old princess of Tailing County finally escaped. He returned to the city by luck, and his vitality was already severely injured.

At the same time, there is a joyous song in the Juling County, and all the people in the entire county and town are happy and excited about this great victory!

After the battle, Ding Hao immediately found a secluded place, entered it to practice, and practiced all the aura that had swallowed Tingli for his own use.

In the palace of Juling County, the old king also brought a group of children and counselors, and they were discussing closely.

"Everyone, even though we won a big battle today, it is still against us!" The old county king's eyes swept across everyone, his eyes were deep, and he said again, "Although we won this battle, I want the news. It will be spread to Master Palm Sovereign soon! We will offend Master Palm Sovereign and all counties and counties in the entire Zhongting Region!"

Everyone's joyful expressions suddenly appeared in a haze.

In this battle, Juling County helped Ding Hao to kill Tailing County, which can be said to have completely offended Master Palm! The future outcome of Juling County can be imagined!

"At that time, if Master Palm, leading the top powers of the major counties and a large number of troops, besiege our Beast Ling County, then we will be a mortal situation!"

When a little county king said this, everyone's hearts sank.

But at this moment, Uncle Yong came out and said, "In this case, when we are better off walking all the way to the dark! Anyway, there is no way to retreat, it is better to follow Senior Ding Hao!"

Hearing what Uncle Yong said, the young princess also came out and said, "Uncle Yong is right, since we have chosen a stand, don't waver! Senior Ding Hao is very powerful, and you have seen his strength! I am! I think that even if Master Palm comes here in person, I am afraid it will be nothing more than that!"

All the people present at the scene also nodded slowly. Although everyone was unwilling to be tied to Ding Hao's thief boat at first, things are already the case and it is irreversible. Then just do this and count on it! Anyway, Senior Ding Hao, the strength is indeed very strong!

Even those who were not optimistic about Ding Hao, this time after Ding Hao shot, they all changed their views.

However, some people came out and said, "The key question now is whether Senior Ding Hao is willing to stay and protect us? You all know that if this hadn't happened, Senior Ding Hao would have left! When Senior Ding Hao comes out, maybe He is leaving! We will be done by then!"

Hearing this, everyone, the flame of hope just now seems to have been extinguished again!

Ding Hao's strength is unparalleled. Without Ding Hao's existence, Juling County would be an empty city at all!

The old county king thought for a while and said, "I have a way! I can keep Senior Ding Hao! At that time, Senior Ding Hao will stay in our city, and we can survive for a long time under his protection! If Master Palm really does Come to encircle and suppress, then we can only cooperate with Senior Ding Hao to fight back!"

"It seems that it can only be so now." Everyone present nodded, and a small county king asked, "Father, what can you do to keep Senior Ding Hao?"

The old princess said with a smile, "The young princess is just 16 years old this year, and he has reached the age to be able to marry! I think Senior Ding Hao is not too old. It is better to marry the young princess to Ding Hao so that Senior Ding Hao is our beast mausoleum. The son-in-law of the county, the son-in-law! He can't help but stay at that time!"

"Good!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Only the young princess blushed, lowered his head and said, "Senior Ding Hao is so strong, I'm afraid he won't..."

(End of this chapter)

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