Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2830: Moment of counterattack

Chapter 2830 Moment of Counterattack

Chapter 2828 the moment of counterattack


The giant palm fell from the sky, and the momentum was vented crazily from mid-air!

In the county city below, all the soldiers and civilians of Juling County were shocked and pale by this aura.

"Senior Ding Hao..." Everyone present was a little guilty. Even the Uncle Yong and the young princess who had always believed in Ding Hao's strength were terrified.

In the sky, this giant palm has the power of a million army and hundreds of disciples of the palm. The power in this giant palm is unprecedented. In the entire history of Zhongting Region, It has never appeared before!

"So, a giant palm photographed it, even if it is Master Palm who is here, I am afraid that he would not dare to raise his hand to take it! How can Ding Hao catch this shocking one million blow!"

Just as the giant palm on top of his head suppressed aggressively, Ding Hao looked up at the sky, his body was in the gusty wind, his clothes fluttered, his eyes were without fear!

"The power contained in this giant palm has surpassed the combined strikes of the 36 top powerhouses when I was ascended!"

Back then, Ding Hao was crushed to the ground under the combined attack of 36 strong men, unable to resist at all!

And this giant palm in the sky today is more powerful than it was today!

However, today's Ding Hao is no longer the Ding Hao of the day. Today's Ding Hao's strength has improved a lot. More importantly, when Ding Hao came to this battlefield, his heart was very excited!

Because in front of me, after a year of fighting, there were countless casualties.

Many of the Tingli auras released from the bodies of the deceased have not completely dissipated, and are floating over the battlefield.

At this moment, Ding Hao's eyes condensed, and he suddenly opened his mouth, sucking the air of as many as a million Tingli into his mouth!

Some of these breaths are already very dim, but it is better than nothing. Whether it is fresh or old, all of them are inhaled by him, and the refining is completed in the fastest time!

At that moment, the power in Ding Hao's body had a huge expansion!

Each of these auras of millions of strengths is not powerful, but the victory lies in the huge number. All the auras of millions of breaths are inhaled into the mouth and refining in an instant. The result of this is like a power bomb in Ding Hao’s body. In, burst open!


At that moment, Ding Hao's clothes shook suddenly, and the whole thing turned over!

Immediately, he borrowed this power, his eyes condensed, waved up, and slammed!

"You have the aura of Tingli from millions of people, and I also have the power of millions of people together! Then it's up to who is stronger!"

Ding Hao said in his mouth, his body has slowly climbed from the back of the black dragon, soaring into the sky, rising straight, and heading towards the huge palm covering the sky!


When the power of the two collided in mid-air, the resulting scene was quite shocking!

The seven-color giant palm formed by the concentration of Tingli in the air instantly exploded, and the mist of various colors vented crazily in all directions. The power detonated from one point, and then spread to the entire giant palm, and finally to the sky. Explosions everywhere, as if it’s the end of the world!

"My God! Is this the strength of Senior Ding Hao?" The soldiers, civilians, soldiers and civilians of Sulling County standing below, looking up at the sky, muttered to themselves, "I have lived for tens of millions of years, and I have never seen such a shocking experience. Explosion! It's just this blow, who won the victory?"

In the sky, the explosion continued to spread, and no one knew whether Ding Hao was able to withstand that shocking palm just now?

"How could he withstand it?" The county prince of Tailing County laughed loudly, "Master Tian Xuan Sun, the blow just now brought together the power of millions of us, among which hundreds of palm disciples made every effort! The disciples of the famous palm are all elites in our middle Tingyu! That Ding Hao child is just an arrogant person from the lower realm! Under the bombardment, let alone withstand it, it is very difficult to even save his life!"

Seeing the sky exploding everywhere, Great-great-great-grand Tian's expression gradually became gentle, "Yes! In that case, you don't need to take the palm of your hand, I can solve him! Haha! It seems that my strength is still Not bad!" Everyone laughed.

But their laughter just sounded, at the point where the explosion exploded most intensely in the sky.

A black dragon soars into the sky!

From the explosion area, a young man in a long gown was taken down!

"What?" Heavenly Great Sun saw Ding Hao coming out of the explosion area, unscathed, his face suddenly became very ugly!

"In the blow just now, I have gathered the power of millions of heroes. After a long time, I will not be able to issue a blow of the same power! But now Ding Hao is unharmed, indicating that my attack is in Ding Hao's eyes. It's not worth mentioning at all!" Great-great-great-great-grandson instantly figured out the joints.

He laughed loudly just now, but now he finally had fear in his heart for the first time.

"No wonder that when Ting Sheng, the 36 top powerhouses did not kill him, it turns out that he has real strength!"

When seeing Ding Hao's figure coming out of the explosion area in the sky, Juling County cheered, and all the soldiers and civilians shouted, "Long live Senior Ding Hao!"

On the other side of the battlefield, although Ding Hao brought only a few tens of thousands of colorless men and horses, they were all brave and good warriors. These men were like a sharp knife, piercing the heart of the army attacking the city, killing people back and forth!

Ding Hao stood in the air, and then he said, "All the people in Suling County, I am Ding Hao. I have returned. Everyone will try their best! Those who offend my city, punish!

When Ding Hao spit out the word "Zhu", the whole Suling County was completely boiling.

With tears in his eyes on the city wall, the old king yelled loudly, "The time for counterattack has arrived! The millions of troops led by the great-great-great-great-grandson can't beat Senior Ding Hao alone. When will I wait until? Everyone will do their best! Kill the thief! Let the anger you have accumulated for a year burst out!"


At this moment, the morale of Juling County was soaring wildly, everyone was excited and launched a counterattack!

On the other side, the morale of the siege army quickly dropped to its limit, and the Heavenly Great-grandson also paled in fright. He waved his hand suddenly and said, "President Palm, you must do your best to help me withstand Ding Hao!"

When he said these words, he rushed into the mist of Tingli alone, trying to use the white mist to escape the battlefield as soon as possible!

The coach only wanted to escape. The millions of troops under him were suddenly in chaos, and the troops from different counties were all scared and fled.

In the sky, the hundreds of palm-sovereign disciples had no choice but to bite the bullet and pounce on Ding Hao!

But Ding Hao is like a wolf entering a flock, killing people when he sees them, and while waving his hands, I don't know how many palms are killed!

"Master Palm, since you haven't shown up yet, then I will kill your disciple's accomplice first!"

(End of this chapter)

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