Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2831: Revenge!

Chapter 2831 has revenge and revenge!

Chapter 2829 revenge!

This battle was fought happily.

All the pain and torture suffered by the soldiers and civilians in Juling County over the past year were vented at this moment.

Everyone tried their best to slay the enemy madly. In the sky, Ding Hao also mercilessly killed the disciples one by one!

"Kill!" The old king of Juling County and his soldiers, not only drove all the enemies who had invaded the city out of the city, but also slammed out of the city.

"The King, over there!" Uncle Yong raised his hand and pointed.

I saw a group of people not far away, it was the Tailing County King and others who were fleeing frantically.

This time the army attacked the city, Tailing County played a very bad role in it: Tian Xuan Sun and others were attracted by Tailing County's king, and in the battle, Tailing County's royal family killed the most people. Now that the army is defeated, the king of Tailing County is under the protection of others and wants to escape!

"Good, good!" The old prince of Suling County, with a deep gaze, said word by word, "Since you are here, don't even think about leaving, come and kill with me!"

After a rush, the king of Tailing County and his tribe were finally trapped under a small hill, surrounded by people from Juling County!

When the king of Tailing County saw the situation in front of him, his face was pale with fright. He quickly pleaded, "Old king of Sulling County, we are the neighbors next door for many years! This time I am confused, so please spare me. Fate! From now on, Tailing County will be yours, and I will leave with the people..."

"Do you still want to leave?" The old king of Juling County laughed!

His laughter was terrible, with blood in his eyes, "I have so many erlangs in Beastling County, but you still want to leave?" After saying that, he yelled, "I will tell the king of Tailing County and his All the clansmen chop into mashed meat!"

The soldiers of the Juling County had long ago hated these people in front of them, rushing to kill them, and beheading them all! One knife per person is enough to chop it into meat sauce!

Soon afterwards, other nearby counties were captured.

These princes were sent to the old princes, who had blood in his eyes, saying, "You counties and counties are usually neighbors. When you encounter a beast attack, my Beastling County even sent soldiers to help first! This time, you actually took the initiative to send troops to help the army to attack our Beast Ling County!"

These princesses paled with fright, and they kowtowed, "The old princess of Sulling County is spared! We are also looking at the face of the palm! I thought, you have offended the palm, and you are sure to die! We! It's better to fall into the trap and leave a good impression on the palm..."

"You really thought very well, but you didn't expect us to win this battle!" The old county king snorted coldly.

However, among these county kings, there were also some people with arrogance on their faces, and they accused them, "Rebels of Beastling County, don't look at your victory in this battle, you will still be dead in the end! Lord Palm is on the way here, waiting for the palm. Your lord arrives, all of you are dead!"

"Then I will let you die first!" The old princess snorted coldly and ordered his subordinates to execute all the princesses in front of him.

In the area near Juling County, enemies were being killed everywhere. Millions of enemy troops had no mercy at the time of the siege. Now when they are being chased, they are of course battling a tooth for a tooth. In a short time, Millions of enemies were beheaded, and most of the hundreds of palm-sovereign disciples were also beheaded by Ding Hao!

At this moment, millions of Tingli breaths on the entire battlefield rose from the corpse!

Ding Hao stepped on the evil dragon, standing in the air, and seeing the sky full of Tingli aura, the voice of the star fish heard in his ears, "Great! My colorless people, etc., are going to step on the enemy. The corpse becomes stronger! Young patriarch, this is the time for you to become stronger. The millions of breaths are all the freshest breaths. After refining, your strength will increase a lot!"

Seeing such a huge number of corpses at his feet, Ding Hao was not as happy as Xingyu, but sighed with emotion, "Such a big battle, killing people, I hope that in the future, there will be no more such things! It seems that the palm must be resolved soon. The entire Zhongting Region will settle down!"

Having said this, Ding Hao opened his mouth wide and inhaled all the millions of Tingli in front of him, then sat cross-legged on the back of the dragon, and began to refining simply!

When Ding Hao was refining, the colorless elder Cangkong had already led a group of his tribesmen and slammed into the Shouling County, and saw the old king of Shouling County.

The old county king said with emotion, "This time, the Suling County is isolated and helpless. The thousands of counties and counties in the Central Ting Region are all enemies! Only you, the colorless family, can help at the critical moment. From then on, you are us. Benefactor of Juling County! Welcome to Juling County!"

Elder Cangkong brought a group of people out of the gap in space, feeling very worried, afraid that the outside world would not accept them.

Now that he was welcomed by Juling County, Elder Cangkong also had excitement in his eyes, and took the old king’s hand and said, “The outside world actually has a lot of prejudice against our colorless legends, and we have our own practice methods. , You don’t have to eat people for cultivation! Living in Juling County, we won’t cause you trouble!"

At the end of the war in Juling County, when the battlefield was being cleaned, a husky man and horse had fled to the direction of the palm palace.

This humiliating horse led the great-great-great-grandson who escaped. Hundreds of palm-sovereign disciples used their lives to block Ding Hao and let the great-great-grandson take his life.

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect that millions of troops could be defeated! I didn't expect that hundreds of palm-sovereign disciples would not be able to beat Ding Hao alone!" Heavenly Great Sun was stunned, and even now, he was still shocked. Take a step forward, and died in Ding Hao's hands!

"Forget me to escape." Heavenly Great Sun breathed a sigh of relief.

As he relaxed, suddenly one of his subordinates pointed to the distance and shouted, "The coach, look over there!"

The great-great-great-great-grandson thought that Ding Hao was chasing again, and quickly looked up; but when he saw this, he was in ecstasy and shouted, "Palm ancestor, it's me! I am here! I am your great-great-grandson! "

It turned out that the person who came quickly in the sky turned out to be the strongest in Zhongting Region, Lord Palm!

Master Zhang Zun has dealt with some things over the years. After finishing the processing, he returned to the Mansion of Zhang Zun. He heard that his great-great-grandson had taken a team of troops to attack the Suling County! He suddenly became furious and cursed, "These idiots don't even know that Ding Hao is so powerful, isn't this going to die?"

So he took another group of men and horses, and quickly set off from Zhangzun's Mansion and rushed to the Beast Ling County. He didn't expect to encounter the defeated Heavenly Great-grandson on the way!

"You shameless offspring, die!" Master Palm was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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