Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2832: Palms

Chapter 2832

Chapter 2830

When Master Palm saw the great-great-great-great-grandson, he was immediately angry.

Although he spoiled his offspring very much, this time, Master Palm was upset!

Even he didn't dare to attack Ding Hao easily, but Heavenly Great-sun went to capture Ding Hao with a few people. Isn't this looking for death?

Now seeing the appearance of the great-great-great-grandson and others losing their helmets and unarming, Master Palm instantly understood that the great-great-grandson had buried millions of troops. Therefore, with a wave of his hand, Master Palm-sovereign wanted to hit the great-great-sun on the spot. kill!

However, at this moment, the counsellor behind Master Palmer shouted, "Master Palmer must not! Don't be your relatives, things that hurt your enemies!"

This counselor is very important to Master Palm, and Master Palm is also obedient to him, so he temporarily gave up the murderous intention, but this slap, this must be let down!


A clear and loud sound rang out in the air, and the Great Sun was beaten out directly, spurting blood, and the scene was very miserable.

Although the head was slapped and dizzy by Master Palm, the Great-great-grandson cried and flew back, knelt in front of Master Palm, and cried loudly, "That Ding Hao thief is so arrogant that he not only occupied the Beast Tomb. County, but also want to occupy Tailing County, and even want to occupy other counties and counties! Only then did the boy lead soldiers and horses to block, and the attack for a year, it will be successful! But at the critical moment, Ding Hao actually took a lot The colorless demon came out from behind, which caused the collapse of our army, one X thousand miles!"

Hearing the great-great-grandson said about the situation at that time, Master Palm was angry, and this was suppressed.

The counsellor next to him said, "Ding Hao is a rebellious person, and he is really prepared! Not only does he want to eat people and cultivate, he also creates a bunch of colorless demon! It seems that this time I really want to eliminate it soon!"

Master Palm Sovereign frowned and said, "The strength of Ding Hao thief alone is already quite amazing. Now that we have a group of people, isn't it because the tail is too big?"

The Heavenly Great-great-grandson kneeling on the ground said quickly, "Palm-sovereign ancestors, don’t worry! Except for Ding Hao’s rebellion against one person, everyone else’s strength is limited! As long as the palm-sovereigner takes action, Ding Hao’s thieves will surely be wiped out on the spot! They can also be destroyed together!"

"So that's it." Master Palm was relieved.

In fact, don’t think that Master Palm is the strongest person in Zhongtingyu, but he is also quite worried. What he is most worried about is that Ding Hao and his two elder brothers have already got together, so that the strength of these three people, even he Master Palm, I am afraid I can't deal with it!

But now listening to the great grandson of the sky, it seems that the situation is not so bad. What Ding Hao found was only a group of colorless thieves, not Fuxi and Ye Kong!

Understanding this, the counselor of Master Palm Sovereign said, "Master Palm Sovereign, since the matter is at this point, I see that it is better for you to take action yourself and solve Ding Hao so as to prevent him from meeting the other two! Even if it cannot be resolved, Respect your strength, don’t worry about not being able to escape!"

Master Palm nodded, "Then I will explore his fiction! Even if I lose this battle..."

Having said this, Master Palm no longer said downwards, but in his eyes, there was a sharp look.

At this moment, the Juling County is cleaning the battlefield. The soldiers, civilians and people in the county city have exhausted all the supplies this year! Now that millions of enemy troops have been killed, a lot of property is left on the corpse, especially the amazing number of Tingli crystals, which have just become everyone's trophy, allowing everyone to recover quickly!

On the other side, the life in the city is afraid that there will be greater battles next. Under the leadership of the old county king, he has repaired the city and built the city wall, preparing for the coming of the next great war!

At this busy hour, a large number of people suddenly appeared on the distant hills.

All of these men and horses are fat and strong, with flying flags, bright flags, and a mighty sight. At first glance, the amazing people have arrived!

The first person to walk out was an acquaintance, and it was the great grandson of the previous coach.

It turned out that the Great-great-great-great-great-grandson was let off by Master Palm, and followed Master Palm all the way to collect all the old tribes that were defeated on the road, accompanied by Master Palm to kill another carbine, and came back to the front of Suling County.

In a short while, the entire hillside is densely packed with powerful armies.

Heavenly Great Sun accompanied a majestic middle-aged man in a gorgeous black gown, walked out of the army, pointed to the city in front of him, and the figure of the dragon above the city, and said, "Palm-sovereign ancestor, look! Here! It's in Suling County, that Ding Hao thief is on the back of that black dragon at this moment!"

"My God! Lord Palm comes!"

In the city, many people in the city and even sergeants, when they saw the majestic figure of Master Palm, they all fell to their knees in fright.

On the city wall, the old king's face was also pale. Some generals and his descendants under him, when they saw the palm master, their legs shuddered, trembling, and terrified!

These were all in the previous battles, and they were not afraid to face powerful enemies.

But now when I saw the palm-sovereign, I couldn't help trembling with indescribable fear.

"Old County King, we are fighting against Master Palm! We are dead this time!" A general who looked healthy, his face was pale.

Master Palm has ruled in Zhongting Region for hundreds of millions of years, and everyone in the entire Zhongting Region world, who doesn't fear Master Palm?

Uncle Yong and the others also looked horrified and had nothing to say, because they also felt scared. Even if Xuanzun Tian brought a million troops to attack the city, they were not scared, but when Master Palm arrived in person, they too I'm scared!

"Old County King, should we surrender? Or persuade Senior Ding Hao to negotiate terms with Master Zhang Zun, and everyone should step back. What do you think?" An older descendant of the Old County King whispered Suggest.

The old princess also had no confidence in his heart. He raised his head and looked at Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged on the back of the dragon in mid-air, and said hesitantly, "I'm afraid Senior Ding Hao will not!"

"I think Senior Ding Hao must be willing!" the descendant said, "Senior Ding Hao comes from the lower realm after all, and he hasn't been up for many years! Even if his strength is good, how can he have done a master palm? Isn't this a joke? Senior Ding Hao can beat the great-great-great-grandson. If he wants to beat Master Zhangzun, he will definitely lose!"

The old county king also felt that Ding Hao must not be able to beat Master Palm, so he hurriedly said to the air, "Senior Ding Hao, listen to me! I have something to say with Master Palm later. If you can negotiate, it will be the best! Don't offend Master Palm!"

call! Ding Hao just exhaled, swallowing all the Tingli breath of the millions of people just now, feeling that his power is endless, he lowered his head and said, "If the palm of your hand kneels down and begs me, I will talk to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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