Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2835: The rise of the new god

Chapter 2835 Rise of the New God

Chapter 2833 the rise of a new god

Master Palm recognized that this was Angry Dragon Slash at first sight, there was a reason!

Anger Dragon Slash is the legendary top weapon in the Middle Ting Region. Master Palm once wanted to refine one. After all, this is the easiest one among the legendary weapons in the Middle Ting Region!

However, after Master Palm really wanted to refine this weapon, he found that it was not so easy.

First of all, the most critical point is that the Fury Beast cannot be found at all.

Fury beasts live in the deepest part of the Thunder Beast Forest, which is very difficult to find, and constantly changes positions.

Master Palm has set off several times and entered the deepest part of the Ting Beast Forest, but he felt that the dangerous angry beast had already run out of sight! The count of this army went out to no avail, and after a few times, Lord Palmer gave up completely!

Master Palm once went deep into the Ting Beast forest by himself, and wanted to use his own power to find the angry beast, kill it, and win the bone of the angry dragon! He had encountered an angry beast once by chance, but under the battle between the two, although he tried his best to defeat the angry beast!

However, the angry beast has a huge body and amazing power. Although it is defeated, it can have enough power to escape!

In this way, Master Palm also completely gave up the idea of ​​fighting the angry dragon!

But I didn't expect that today, his opponent Ding Hao would release an angry dragon cut!

"How is it possible! How could there be an angry dragon cut in his hand?" Master Palm was stunned, and suddenly stood stupidly in the sky!

And below, in the city of Juling County.

Those sergeants and civilians who were kneeling on the ground and admired the Master Palm, but they did not recognize the angry dragon cut in Ding Hao's hands!

Even on the city wall, the old county king’s son, the young county king snorted coldly, “I said Senior Ding Hao is going to lose! Look at the weapon he took out, made of whole animal bones. So high-end! How can there be the handsomeness of Master Palm's Jiyuan Tinghuangjian?"

But just as he finished saying these words, the angry dragon sword in the sky and the Jiyuan Tinghuang sword finally collided together, and there was a loud noise of shaking the mountains between the sky and the earth, and everyone conditioned to raise them. Hand, block the dazzling white light!

When the white light dissipated, everyone was stunned, especially the young princess, whose eyes were full of unbelief!

"How can it be!"

I saw the angry dragon in the sky slashing once and hitting the Jiyuan Tinghuang Sword, everyone heard a very subtle, but with a thrilling, crisp sound!


Amidst this slight sound, the sword tip of the Jiyuan Tinghuang sword, which had never failed, suddenly had a very small crack!

Then, this crack grew bigger and bigger, spreading backwards, and finally covered the entire sword body!

This hard long sword polished by spar was shattered by a single blow from the angry dragon!

"This..." Master Palm's face also changed suddenly!

Although he knew that his weapon could not match Ding Hao's Anger Dragon Slash, he did not expect that the power of Anger Dragon Slash was so great!

He retracted his Era Tinghuang Sword and looked at this weapon in disbelief, but something even more embarrassing happened. When he reached out to hold his undefeated long sword, he heard a loud noise. This sword actually shattered into countless pieces in an instant, and turned into thousands of large and small crystal stones, which fell from the sky and scattered on the ground in the city of Juling County!

A group of children in ragged clothes rushed to the street, grabbing all these fine spars!

At this moment, there was deathly silence inside and outside the city!

All the cultivators in the two camps turned out to have the same expression. They were all dumbfounded, feeling that they were slapped in the face suddenly, and they were completely stupid!

There are no shortage of admirers of Master Palm in the Ju Ling County, and they all feel that Master Palm is invincible in their hearts!

But Ding Hao's attack hit the hearts of all of them, completely overthrowing, utterly shattering, and utterly disintegrating the invincible idol in their hearts! Although they should cheer for Ding Hao at this moment, they feel very painful in their hearts!

This is the pain of the shattered idol in the hearts of all cultivators in Zhongting Domain!

"Senior Ding Hao has won!" Cang Kong and others all shouted excitedly. This group of talents is Ding Hao's real team! They really cheered for Ding Hao, followed by the young princess and uncle Yong who cheered first, followed by the old princess, and then the others!

And the young princess who always believed that the master of the palm would win, his face was even uglier than his dead parents, but after a sigh, he finally smiled bitterly, "Anyway? I should be happy, a statue collapsed, maybe Only another statue can be built!"

In the next second, the people and sergeants in the entire Sulling County all raised their heads. When they looked at Ding Hao again, their eyes flashed with fanaticism!

Those who were not optimistic about Ding Hao's remarks before were because Ding Hao has not yet received their approval; but now, Ding Hao has gained their trust with their strength, and they finally met Ding Hao again and truly recognized Ding Hao!

The cultivators in Zhongting Region need faith. When they discovered that Ding Hao was truly powerful, the faith in their hearts began to shift their goals!

"Senior Ding Hao, maybe he can really defeat Master Palm! It seems that our Beast Ling County will not only be saved this time, but will also become the true center of the entire Zhongting Region!"

No one is a fool, everyone is very clear about the consequences if Ding Hao defeats Master Palm.

That would be the collapse of an old god, the rise of a new god!

But now, although the weapon in his hand has been defeated, Master Palm is not reconciled to fail. He condensed and said, "Ding Hao, I didn't expect your progress to be so fast! It's a colorless demon, how much life did you consume? Is the person's Tingli breath able to grow so fast?"

Ding Hao didn't deny it either, and said with a sneer, "Thanks to your descendant Heavenly Great-grandson, he started this war and killed millions of people in this war! Yes, I swallowed Tingli's breath. But these are all dead in the war! I am not going to kill people for cultivation, but he took the initiative to send so many cultivation resources. If I don't use them, wouldn't I betray your kindness?"

"It turned out to be like this!" Master Zhang Zun was so upset that he gritted his teeth secretly, this stupid offspring of Heavenly Great-grandson, looking back and wanting to kill him the first time, it was a big deal for me!

"Ding Hao! You have your strength now, and you have a super weapon, Anger Dragon Cut! I'm not your opponent, I won't fight you!" Master Palmer gritted his teeth and said this, turned and left, all the camps on both sides None of the soldiers could believe it!

In their hearts, the master of the hand!

To admit defeat and escape!

But Ding Hao snorted coldly, "I want to leave now, it's too late! Keep your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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