Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2836: Colorful eternity

Chapter 2836 Colorful Eternal

Chapter 2834 Colorful Eternal

Although Master Palm has lost a handful of weapons, but there is no loss of strength, how could Ding Hao let him go?

It can be said that Master Palm will find a more powerful weapon after returning!

That will become Ding Hao's confidant!

Even in the next battle, whoever wins and who loses will still be said!

"Master Palm, since you are here, don't even want to leave! Keep your life!" Ding Hao is not stupid, and of course he has to take advantage of Master Palm's downfall, and get the result!

In the sky, the huge wings of the black dragon fluttered in the wind. Ding Hao, who was like a javelin, stood on the back of the black dragon, with one hand behind him, and the other hand holding the angry dragon slash, like a **** descending from the sky, palm of the dragon descending from the sky , The prestige is nothing at all!

Seeing Ding Hao's indomitable momentum at this moment, the whole Sulling County was at first calm, and then there was a burst of cheers!

All the cultivators in the entire Juling County, no one at this moment, is not impressed by Ding Hao's demeanor!

How much these people worshiped Master Palm before, now they worship Ding Hao much, even doubled!

"Teacher Ding Hao, so handsome!" Standing on the city wall, the young princess looked at Ding Hao in the sky, with little stars in his eyes.

Others, including the old princess and his descendants, as well as the generals in the city, all looked happy and shocked! Even the young little princess, who has always been optimistic about his palm, now looks at Ding Hao's astonishing momentum, and his eyes also show admiration!

"Master Palm! Your time is over! Die!"

Ding Hao stood high in the air with a loud shout, and the angry dragon cut down again!

In the midair, a white dragon seemed to appear, transforming into a huge white light and shadow, almost traversing the sky, and with such a terrifying blow, all the power hit Master Palm!

"The power of this blow..." The generals and warriors brought by Master Zhang Zun, as well as his descendants of all levels, are suffering at this moment.

Ding Hao's ability to issue such a terrifying blow made them feel scared when looking down, and they were also worried for the Lord Palmer. They were afraid, if the god-like Lord Palmer they believed in, if they could not take this What a shame that should be!

However, it is clear that Master Palm masters the several epochs in Tingyu that are not in vain, even if Ding Hao makes such a terrible full blow, Master Palm still has his own ability to resist this attack!

When the angry dragon cut down again, Master Palm suddenly raised his hand and took out a Tingli crystal the size of a child's head.

If we only talk about the size, this Tingli tax is not the largest in the Tingli region!

But this Tingli crystal has seven colors. This is a very precious seven-color Tingli crystal!

Generally, there are not many Tingli crystals with multiple colors, but the number of Tingli crystals with seven colors is even smaller recently, and they are extremely rare! And this crystal is even more unique in that the crystal is extremely transparent, which means that the Tingli contained in it is extremely pure and can communicate with all Tingli in the Middle Ting Region!

When I saw this seven-color Tingli crystal taken out, everyone in the two camps felt shocked at the bottom of the battlefield!

All the cultivators in the Middle Ting Region not only worship the strong, but also worship the Tingli crystal; larger and more refined crystals mean greater power! So Ding Hao took the evil crystal and entered the space where the colorless system was hiding. Cang Kong and the others didn't need to verify anything at all, and decided that Ding Hao was their young patriarch!

This is the worship power of crystal!

Why do you admire the Tingli crystal so much? It is because this crystal, the hand of a real strong man, can exert a very terrifying power!

As I said before, all the cultivators in the Tingyu region have very limited Tingli in their physical qualities, and they all use the original Tingli in this world; therefore, when these cultivators cannot use nearby Tingli In the future, they will become weak!

However, if they have a Tingli crystal in their hands, it is different. The Tingli crystal is like a power storage. As long as they have a large and powerful Tingli crystal, it is equivalent to having enough Tingli power in their body!

In this way, the Tingli in the body, combined with the Tingli called from the space, will merge and resonate. This explosive power is extraordinary!

And in this entire middle Ting domain, the most precious Tingli crystal also has its own name, called Colorful Eternal!

When Lord Palmer took out the colorful eternity, everyone, no matter which camp, all fell to their knees and surrendered under this crystal. Who can get this crystal is the real destiny. He is the real Destiny Lord of Zhongting Region!

Of course, the power of this crystal is also amazing!

In the midair, a huge semicircular mask suddenly appeared, and this mask enveloped Master Palm and his army!

Ding Hao's angry dragon slashed from the sky. Although its power was extremely powerful, it was useless when hitting the colorful mask!


Tingli exploded like crazy, making a deafening noise in the sky!

However, no matter how frantically Ding Hao attacks, this semicircular mask is completely unscathed!

"The colorful eternal crystals are all taken out, how many times can you resist me?!" Ding Hao stood on the back of the dragon, his eyes were firm, unwavering, and would never change!

Holding the Angry Dragon Slash in his hand, he said word by word, "There is nothing in the world that can't be solved with one cut! If there is really, then the second cut! The third cut! The endless cut! "

Seeing Ding Hao's face firm, his frenzied attacks on the semicircular mask, even the palm-sovereign adult who stood safe and sound underneath could not help but feel regret! I knew that Ding Hao was so firm and worked so tirelessly. Why should I offend him in the first place?

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say anything.

Master Palm snorted coldly, "Ding Hao, under the eternal protection of Colorful! You don't want to hurt one of my hairs! Don't even want to hurt one of my children! Today, the safety of my army is the first, in order to protect me. Clan son, I don’t care about you today! Let’s go!"

Master Palm finished speaking, relying on the colorful eternally constructed mask in his palm, and with his subordinates retreating continuously, the army went farther and farther!

Although Ding Hao has been following behind and attacking with all his might, because of this layer of mask, the protection is really amazing!

No matter how he attacked, this layer of mask did not even want to break. After chasing hundreds of miles away, Ding Hao also attacked hundreds of times, and found that he really couldn't help this layer of mask! Ding Hao then gave up and said coldly, "Master Palm, wait for death in Palm Master's Mansion! I will go soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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