Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2837: The failed palm

Chapter 2837 The Failed Palm Sovereign

Chapter 2835 Failed Palm Sovereign

Master Palm was defeated and fled back with an army of millions.

Even though this battle, Ding Hao was not able to kill any of the opponents, nor was he able to harm Master Palm!

But the impact and the significance of the representative are extraordinary!

The failure of Lord Palmer means the rise of a true new god!

Ding Hao is now the hottest new **** in Zhong Ting Yu!

The new **** is coming! The whole Juling County was cheered, full of enthusiasm, and there was crazy applause everywhere. After these two years of depression, the Juling County had a complete explosion this time, and everyone took to the streets to celebrate their victory!

After Ding Hao became the strongest in the Central Ting Region, the greatest benefit he brought to the entire Sulling County was safety. Originally, everyone in this county thought they would be attacked by all the counties and counties in the Central Ting Region, but now they won’t. !

Ding Hao became the strongest, and all counties and counties occupied by humans on the Central Ting Region continent had to consider the issue of standing in line.

In the future, there should be many counties and counties leaning to one side. Ding Hao will only get stronger and stronger in the future. It should only be a matter of time before it becomes a new generation of palm masters, and by that time, Juling County will be the center of the world!

No matter from which point of view, the soldiers and civilians of Juling County have no reason to be unhappy!

Ding Hao! Ding Hao! Ding Hao! Ding Hao!

The entire city has turned into a sea of ​​joy. Ding Hao’s name was screamed crazily here, and many people even had tears in their eyes. They have experienced too much these years, and this victory has come too difficult!

At the same time, Ding Hao defeated Lord Palm Sovereign, defeated Lord Palm Sovereign and returned, and the news was also transmitted quickly throughout Zhongting Domain!

In the surrounding counties and counties, many people and horses were sent to help when the great-great-grandson went on an expedition.

And now, almost all the people sent out were slaughtered, Ding Hao defeated Master Zhang Zun again, and the news came that the kings of these counties couldn't sit still!

Now it is going to fall to Ding Hao, or continue to support Master Zhang Zun and fight Ding Hao. This is a difficult choice. Many people choose to wait and see, but it is difficult for the counties close to Juling County to remain silent. The first step for the county is to conquer Tailing County, and then the next few counties and counties. There is not much time for them to decide!

At the same time, a low morale army is marching. This army is the crusade army led by Master Palm. With the defeat of Master Palm, the morale of this army has dropped to its lowest point.

Although it is hard to talk about losing their helmets and armor, they are all downcast, head down and rushing back. If it weren't for Master Palm to use "Colorful Eternity" to protect them from escaping, they must all die outside of Shouling County!

"Order to camp!"

The sudden storm made this solemn army a little more tragic. In the rain and snow, the armor was cold, the sergeants stopped on the spot, built accounts and settled.

And in the largest tent in the military camp, Master Palm, his counsellors, and a group of generals gathered here, and everyone's faces were not good.

"Everyone has seen this battle today! The reason why Ding Hao's rebelliousness was able to reach the Central Ting Region, his strength increased so quickly, is entirely because of the idiot Heavenly Great-Grandson!" Master Palm's face was pale, he concentrated all his resentment on To my own offspring who was once very doted.

"If it weren't for the great-great-great-great-grandson, the ignorant organization of the army would instead give Ding Hao two million Tingli auras, how could Ding Hao's strength increase so fast?"

When Master Palm finished saying this sentence, the great-great-great-great-grandson turned pale in fright, and quickly knelt down in front of Master Palm-sovereign, and said, "Palm-sovereign ancestor, I also have good intentions, I want to solve this matter before you return! I don’t know that Ding Hao was too insidious, and his cultivation methods were too weird! The lives of our soldiers in the army happened to be cultivated for him. I didn’t even know that the devil had cultivated like this..."

Master Palm shook his hand, "Now it's useless to say anything. This is your sin, so you will bear it! The last blessing I give you is to give you a happy one! You solve it by yourself, or I will do it. Solve it, you figure it out!"

"What?" Great-great-great-great-grand-sun was so scared that he sat down on the ground, his face pale as paper. He didn't expect that the ancestor who had always petted him would really want to kill him!

He named himself the Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of the heavens. But he didn't expect that one day God would fall, and he would be the first to die, this great grandson!

"It seems that you don't even have the courage to solve it by yourself! The evil you caused to me, one death is not enough, I will help you solve it!"

Master Palm's face was blue and unrelenting, he slapped it out, and Tingli squeezed it crazily. He directly suppressed the great-great-great-grandson vomiting blood and died on the spot. After falling to the ground, he died in front of everyone, making everyone panicked!

Especially the palm-sovereign disciples who had supported Heavenly Great Sun's crusade against Ding Hao before, they all stared at each other in fright.

Looking at these disciples and subordinates, Master Palm waved his hand in an annoyed manner, "Get out of everything that hasn't succeeded or failed."

All these people left, leaving only the Master Palm and his first counsellor in the big account.

The counselor whispered, "Master Palm, in fact, after you take out Colorful Eternal, you can still fight him! There is no need to lose so badly!"

"If I fight him desperately, I'm afraid I will lose even worse by then!" Master Palm snorted, and a crystal of colorful stone was taken out. This is the colorful eternity he used to fight Ding Hao before.

But when he took it out this time, the counselor took a closer look, and his face paled in shock.

"How could it be possible! Qi Cai Eternal was broken by him!"

It turns out that there are some faint cracks on the surface of the most precious Tingli crystal in the Ting Domain. It is conceivable that if Master Palm continues to fight Ding Hao with this thing, the result will be this A piece of colorful eternity was also broken on the spot!

If that were the case, it would be really fun for Master Palm! Then it's really over!

"How can this kid's weapon be so strong?" The counselor was dumbfounded.

Master Palm put away the crystal, and snorted coldly, "Angry Dragon Slash is one of the most powerful weapons in Tingyu in the legend! What's more, Ding Hao is no less powerful than mine, and he is also unique. Cultivation techniques, and the powerful combat skills left by the colorless element! His attacking power is very strong, and the colorful eternal can't stop it!"

"What can I do then?" The counselor was stunned for a moment, with a cold expression on his face, "Master Palm, you went to that place before and saw that guy! I only hate that guy's request is too high, but now it seems, Maybe you can only agree to it! Now only it can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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