Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2838: Meet brothers

Chapter 2838 Brothers Meet


Listening to what the counsellor said, Master Palm once again hesitated!

Before, Master Palm had already been to that mysterious place and saw the mysterious guy, but because the mysterious guy was too demanding, he finally didn't negotiate, and Master Palm had returned without success.

And now, Master Palm is defeated by Ding Hao, and he has no suitable weapons to fight Ding Hao!

Therefore, the discussion about that guy is on the table again!

"But if I really agree to it, then I will appear in the Ting Realm with another face, and then it will attract anger and resentment! Even after I go to the Ting Realm to get news, I will send a strong lower realm to destroy me!"

"I'll talk about that later!" The counselor reminded, "Master Palm, if you don't act decisively, I'm afraid you will be in danger now!"

"I will consider again..."

While Master Palm was still thinking about it, another person came outside of his barracks, who came to inform him.

"Master Palm! A guy named Fuxi entered the Mansion of Palm Supreme! He said that he would challenge you! This person is very powerful and powerful, and hundreds of Palm Supreme disciples joined forces and were directly defeated by him! Now This person is sitting in the Palm Sovereign Mansion, just waiting for Palm Sovereign to return..."


When Palm Sovereign heard the news, he immediately sat on the big chair, and finally showed a look of panic on his face, "Ding Hao and this Fuxi are both people along the way. Ding Hao is strong, and the strength of this Fuxi is not weak. Go to my residence to challenge me, I am afraid that the strength is no less than Ding Hao!"

Master Zhang Zun was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he had just been defeated by Ding Hao, and now it is very likely that he would be defeated by Fuxi again!

"If that's the case, how can I keep my face? During the period of several epochs in the rule of Tingyu, was it just like this, failed in succession?"

The counselor stepped forward again, "Master Palm, you must not return to the Mansion of Palm Sovereign now! You only have one place to go right now, make decisive!"

Thinking of this, Master Zhang Zun finally had his eyes firmly fixed, and he said, "All of you now set off and return to the Zun Zun Mansion! Hold Fuxi! At that time, no matter how arrogant they are, you don’t care! Wait until I come back. Come back...huh!"

The face of Master Palm is full of madness!

"Then we will set off!" The counselor immediately set off with his army and returned to the palm palace.

In the wind and rain, Master Palm stood alone in the empty world, his complexion kept changing, and he said word by word, "Even if I become a beast or a demon, I will defeat and kill all three of you Ding Hao! As soon as I come back, I will make a **** storm! Wait for it!"


"Master Palm, after being defeated by Ding Hao, he evaded Fu Xi's challenge. Now he has escaped, and there is no trace!"

In the days that followed, such a rumor was circulating in all counties, counties, and towns in Zhongting Region!

All the county and county kings who got the rumors were stunned!

If Master Zhang Zun was defeated by Ding Hao because there was no weapon to take advantage of it, it was just an accident; then Master Zhang Zun escaped Fu Xi's challenge, what does this show?

The only reason is that Master Palm's strength is not as good as Ding Hao and Fuxi. He has been afraid of being beaten, so he didn't dare to fight and flee!

"Unexpected Master Palm, it turned out to be such a fool!" There was a sigh in the entire Zhongting Region, and everyone's contempt for Palm Supreme had reached the extreme!

Especially those young cultivators who crazily worshipped Master Palm!

How much these people worshipped at the beginning, how much they hate now, they open their mouths and shut their mouths, scolding Master Palm as a dog!

At the same time, Ding Hao’s name was spreading wildly in this world. The counties that originally wanted to adopt a watch attitude have now immediately changed their attitudes. All envoys, even the kings of the counties themselves, have been sent. Came to Juling County to congratulate Ding Hao!

On the side of the Palm Sovereign Mansion, the door was even more indifferent. The disciples who had once held the Sovereign Mansion left one after another, rushing to the Sulling County, hoping to be favored by Ding Hao and be defeated by Ding Hao!

Under this situation, Fu Xi also got the news and came to Suling County in the first place.

"Third brother, this time I'm a step slower!" Fuxi is tall and generous, like a mountain, with a pigtail on the back of his head, and a very personal look. When she came to Suling County, it attracted thousands of people. Countless people came out to watch!

Ding Hao walked out of the training palace and greeted him with a smile, "Big Brother, I am not as fast as you! I have not yet reached the Palm Sovereign Mansion, but you have walked to the Palm Sovereign Mansion first!"

Fuxi shook his head and said, "The third brother is wrong! I said at the beginning, whoever is strong first will challenge the palm! Since you have defeated the palm first, then you are the winner of this agreement! Among the three of us , You win!"

"Haha!" Ding Hao was not hypocritical in front of the bold Fuxi, and immediately led Fuxi into his training palace.

After the two entered, Fuxi said, "This time I come to Suling County, the first one is to congratulate you! The second one is to help you ascend the throne! Become a new generation of masters of the palm! The country is impossible, there is no ruler for one day! Master Palm has been defeated by you, you are the new Master Palm! Moreover, Ye Kong, this kid doesn’t know where he fell, or if he heard from us! But if you become Master Palm, this will It is a major event that the whole world knows, and Ye Kong has no reason not to know! At that time, our earth trio will be able to reunite!"

In fact, during this period of time, Ding Hao has also heard many people say that he wants him to ascend the throne and become a new generation of palm-sovereign!

However, Ding Hao hesitated, "According to Zhong Tingyu’s tradition, to become a master of palm, one must have a Tingli crystal that others don’t! Now, none of the crystals in my hand can take on this great responsibility! Ascended to the throne, a bit of a bad name!"

Fuxi laughed and said, "I knew you had this kind of trouble. Therefore, before I came out of the palm house this time, I turned the warehouse of the master palm upside down! At the bottom of his warehouse, I found One such thing!"

While speaking, Fu Xi took out a very large Tingli crystal!

If we only talk about the size of the crystal, this one is not the largest in the Middle Ting Domain, but it is a colorless evil crystal!

Seeing this crystal, Ding Hao's ears immediately rang out with the exclamation of the star fish, "This colorless Tingli crystal was the largest colorless city in the Ting Domain back then. The Tingli crystal enshrined in it. , The name is Flawless Crystal! Great, this is the treasure of my colorless system back then, and it can also be called one of the top crystals in Zhongting Domain. If you use this to ascend the throne, other crystals in Zhongting Domain cannot be compared, and It can also set off the recognition of my colorless family from other races!"

Ding Hao thought about it well, and said to Fuxi, "Thank you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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