Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2840: Guting Forbidden Land

Chapter 2840 Gu Ting Forbidden Land

Chapter 2838 Gu Ting Forbidden Land

"Congratulations, brother!"

After Ding Hao ascended the throne and became the new head-sovereign, elder brother Fuxi was also happy from the bottom of his heart. He is now most concerned about two things, "One thing is our second brother Ye Kong, why has there been no news until now? In other words, the news that you became Lord Palm Sovereign has already informed all counties and counties in Zhongting Region. He should have received the news. Why hasn't he come yet? The second thing is the whereabouts of the former Lord Palm Sovereign, this guy. If you don't find it, it will always be a problem for you and me!"

Ding Hao nodded. The two points that Fuxi paid attention to were also what Ding Hao thought of.

Ding Hao said, "Brother, don't be too anxious. Now that I am the new headmaster, many things are easier to do! Now I have ordered the major counties to find the news of Ye Kong's second brother, and I also ordered special People to check the whereabouts of Master Palm!"

"It's so good!" Fuxi reminded again, "Master Palm has been in power in the Central Ting Domain for a while, for several epochs! You have to be careful. Although some people surrender to you on the surface, they have not forgotten the former Palm Zun in their hearts. These people are likely to perfuse you! I always have a feeling that when the former palm master returns, I am afraid we will face another **** storm!"

"Brother, don't worry." Ding Hao said again, "The Cang Kong I sent this time to find out. Cang Kong is definitely ours. Loyalty is absolutely assured! As for the former palm-sovereign, if one day he really wants to come back for evil , That day is his death date!"

Fuxi said again, "Our brothers came to Zhongting Region, although their status is prominent, but the foundation is still unstable! What they rely on is nothing but your current strength! If there is a person with a higher strength than you and me now, then The prosperity in front of us is nothing more than spectacles."

Ding Hao said, "So the key is our strength. We can't relax our practice anyway! At present, I have ordered the major counties and counties to send all the ancient rune-type books in their ancient book warehouses here for me to watch and learn! Brother Fuxi, what kind of classics and exercises do you want to learn, I will help you find them."

Fuxi said, "I have read a lot of the classics and exercises of Zhongtingyu, but they are not in my way! When I was in Xingyu, I was obsessed with creating a mutually integrated exercise! After I arrived in Zhongting Region, I had a new idea for improvement! Next, I want to set a long pass to re-improve this exercise! I believe this exercise is useful in Xia Ting Region. The domain is still useful!"

"That's great, I will send someone to prepare a place for you to practice now!"


A few days later, an old man drove a half-sky cloud and quickly rushed into the Shouling County.

"Young patriarch, I've heard some news!" It was Ding Hao who sent back in a hurry to investigate the colorless old man Cangkong from his predecessor.

"What news?" Ding Hao raised his brow.

"According to the former master's counselor Bai Chouchou's account, the master of the palm is likely to go to the forbidden area of ​​Gu Ting!"

Hearing this, Ding Hao frowned and asked, "The Lower Ting Region also has the Gu Ting area, and why does the Middle Ting Region also have the Gu Ting area?"

"It's not the ancient Ting region, it's the ancient Ting forbidden area!" Cang Kong explained, "The ancient Ting region in the Lower Ting Region was where the ancient Ting Region was located; while the ancient Ting Region in the Middle Ting Region was completely different. What's the point!"

"Then tell me."

Cang Kong said, "Although the current Central Ting Region is very vast, the area controlled by human cultivators is less than half! The rest of the area is all controlled by Ting Beast! Some people say that Ting Beast is only It is the true master of the Middle Ting Region. Human cultivators have changed from one crop to another, but the Ting Beast has never changed!"

Ding Hao did not speak after listening, waiting for Cang Kong to continue speaking.

Cang Kong said again, "In a very distant age, a super powerful monster demon appeared among the Ting Beasts of the Middle Ting Region! This monster demon has lived for a long time, and it is said that it was controlled by the Gai Shi Xian Clan. In the ages, this monster monster already exists, so this monster monster calls himself Gu Ting!"

"It turns out that this is Gu Ting from Zhongting Domain!" Ding Hao suddenly realized, and nodded slightly.

Cang Kong said again, "Gu Ting's strength is very terrifying. He acted recklessly in the Middle Ting Region. The human cultivators were bad luck! Under the attack of the Ting Beast army led by him, all counties and counties were destroyed, causing countless deaths and injuries. Under the rule of our colorless system, the cultivators formed a huge team and resisted desperately, but they could barely block Gu Ting’s attack! But then our colorless rule was ended, and Gu Ting just took advantage of the chaos. Ting Yu was suddenly in chaos!"

Ding Hao did not speak, and continued to wait.

Cang Kong also continued, "Later, the Middle Ting Region was really ten chambers and nine voids, and human cultivators were almost completely unable to survive! Only then did the upper Ting Region's powerhouse take it seriously, so the King of the Upper Ting Region personally came to the Lower Realm. , Came to Zhongting Region to take action against this giant beast! But even if the King of the Ting Region arrived, he could not kill this giant beast, but could only seal it forever, so this The location is called Guting Forbidden Land!"

"That's the case." Ding Hao finally understood the origin of this place, and he asked in confusion, "Then the former Master Palmer failed to fight with me, why did he go to that place? Does he want revenge? , Will the sealed Gu Ting be released again? That would be detrimental to him at all!"

"He is not that stupid, nor has the ability to open the seal!" Cang Kong said again, "According to Bai Chouchou's account, the former Master Zhang wanted to get Gu Ting's help! Because Gu Ting has lived too long. He even knows a lot about the cultivation techniques of the Immortal Clan! If Gu Ting is willing to help the former palm master, as long as he provides some cultivation techniques and combat skills of the Immortal Clan, his strength will be improved!"

"So..." Ding Hao frowned.

It seems that Fuxi's worry is not wrong. If Master Palm returns, it will definitely be another **** storm!

Ding Hao's strength, to be honest, is not much stronger than Master Palm, mainly because it takes a bit of the advantage of Angry Dragon Slash! If Master Palm learned from Gu Ting the combat skills and techniques of the Gaishixian clan, he might turn defeat into victory in the future!

What shocked Ding Hao even more was that Cang Kong said again, "Bai Chou Chou also confessed that the former Zhang Zun originally only wanted to practice some of the techniques and combat skills of the immortal clan, but he was rejected by Gu Ting! Gu Ting asked his predecessor. Palm Sovereign, cultivate a certain special exercise technique. After this practice, the former Palm Sovereign will merge with certain characteristics of Ting Beast, and finally become a strange life unprecedented in Zhong Ting Domain, very terrifying!"

"It seems that this matter is a bit troublesome!" Ding Hao frowned and asked, "Where is this Gu Ting forbidden place?"

(End of this chapter)

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