Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2841: Accumulate strength

Chapter 2841, accumulate strength

Chapter 2839: Saving Power

"Ancient Ting Forbidden Land, in the deepest part of the Ting Beast Forest! The area with the most dense Ting Beasts, there is very dangerous, there are many powerful and incomparable Ting Beasts, it is completely inaccessible to cultivators!"

Hearing what Cangkong said, Ding Hao frowned again and asked, "Then the former Master Palmer, how can he enter?"

"He got Gu Ting's permission!" Cang Kong said this, annoyed, "I just hate that white ugly, when he said this, he accidentally killed him! No details were asked. Case!"

In the process of interrogating Bai Chou Chou, Cang Kong must have used some powerful means, otherwise Bai Chou Chou could not speak! Under this method, although Bai Chouchou said something, he committed suicide in the end. He did not ask many details!

"Young patriarch, in short, we have to plan ahead! If the former Master Palmer really becomes an unprecedented weird life, then it will be a catastrophe in the Central Tingyu, and it is also very possible for our colorless family. Suffered from the disaster!"

Ding Hao thought for a while and said, "The Ting Beast Forest occupies more than half of the area in the Middle Ting Domain. I don't know where this ancient Ting Forbidden Land is! If I alone enter the Ting Beast Forest to look for it, I am afraid I will find it for tens of thousands of years. It’s also hard to find! It’s a complete waste of time! I have this time, so I might as well practice seriously and improve my strength! I can also deal with the impact of the former Master Palmer in the future!"

"Okay." Cangkong nodded and said, "You can make your own decision, Young Patriarch, I'll get some more news!"

"You wait a minute to leave." Ding Hao said again, "our colorless clan, are some of them studying the history of the celestial clan for a long time!"

Cang Kong said, "Young patriarch, you are right! Our colorless tribe, when the colorless system ruled the world, they were responsible for studying the history of the immortal clan! After hiding in an independent space , Our branch is even more painstaking research, deciphering many runes of the Gaishixian clan!"

"Very good." Ding Hao said, "The former Master Palmer begged Gu Ting for nothing more than wanting to get the exercises and runes left by the ancestors! We can't beg Gu Ting, but we can find a way to study and decipher it. I think my next cultivation direction is this aspect!"

From the perspective of Ding Hao’s strength, it has been improved to a peak; cannibalism is unsustainable, and the Zhongting Region in front of him is peaceful and happy. Ding Hao cannot kill people madly; and more importantly, the cultivation of all the practitioners in the Middle Ting Region. The level is not so good. Ding Hao swallowed the Tingli breath of millions of people in one breath, and his strength improvement was limited. Now I am afraid that he will swallow tens of millions of people in one breath. That is simply the great demon of Zhongting Domain!

He was unwilling to do this kind of thing, so he also adjusted his practice direction to runes.

In every world he passed through, he had learned very peculiar runes, the power of words was beyond imagination! If he can decipher the runes left by the Gaishi Immortal Clan, then his strength will also be greatly improved!

"Then I will go now and find the most proficient researcher among our people!" Cangkong immediately went to search for it.

The current colorless people in Beastling County have a gathering place of their own. Living here, they can see the outside world, and they can also get along with other races, which is much better than they used to live in a small space!

Soon after, Cang Kong returned with the tribesmen he had found. There were exactly one hundred of these tribesmen, all of whom were the most proficient researchers in the runes of the Gaze Clan.

"Very well, you follow me!" Ding Hao brought the hundred people to the classic warehouse in Suling County.

The current classics warehouse has undergone a huge change from the previous one. Previously, only the rune classics of Juling County were stored here, but now, Ding Hao collected the rune classics from thousands of counties in the Central Tingyu Region. !

Among these runes, in addition to the ancient runes left by the major color groups, there are also quite a few runes from the Fairy Clan.

The runes of the Gaishixian clan are very old and peculiar, and are far from today's runes. Therefore, in these few epochs, many strong and wise men wanted to decipher the secrets, but it was very difficult!

Therefore, so far, the number of deciphered runes of the Gaishixian is limited.

But Cangkong's colorless people are different. These people have been studying since several epochs! The research of generations of people, this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and only these people left behind by the colorless family can have this background!

"Studying the runes of the Celestial Clan is really a very boring thing! The cultivators of all races living in the Middle Tingyu region, ordinary people simply can't bear such a boring life! Only us, hiding in the small There is nowhere to go in the space, only in a few epochs, some results have been researched!" Cang Kong said with emotion.

"Not bad." Ding Hao nodded, "Now we must bring these results into benefit! Your efforts will not be spent in vain, and your sweat will be rewarded! Here, I promise you, as long as you crack the merits of the immortal clan After I learn the law and combat skills, I will also teach you!"

"Wow!" All the colorless clansmen present suddenly became excited as if a pot of water was boiling.

Each of the exercises and combat skills left by the Gaishixian clan is amazing. If they can learn a little bit, they can increase their strength a lot. Who doesn't want it?

"Okay, everyone will start deciphering now! What you have to do is not to decipher the entire rune of the Gai Shixian clan, but the characters one by one! I will gather the characters one by one, so as to be the fastest success!"

Ding Hao uses a pipeline-like method. His subordinates don’t even understand the meaning of the whole rune. They only need to explain the meaning of one rune after another, and then summarize it by Ding Hao. This is fast and good. !

Just as Ding Hao cracked the runes and wanted to learn the techniques left by the Immortal Clan, in the deepest part of the Ting Beast Forest, at the bottom of the abyss, there was a roar of heart-piercing beasts!

Ho Ho Ho!

In this violent roar, there were some vicious curses faintly!

"Ding Hao, you rebellious! All of the counties in the Middle Ting Region are rebellious! You are all damned! When I come back, you will wash the entire Middle Ting Region's ground with your blood! Wait! !"

Ho Ho Ho!

The roar sounded, and there was continuous roar everywhere in the middle Tingyu Ting Beast forest, and the Ting Beasts also began to become irritable!

Waiting to see "New Agent Student", Mantou rarely recommends books, only recommended when they are really good-looking!

(End of this chapter)

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