Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2843: Heavenly Purple Sword Jue

Chapter 2843 Heavenly Purple Sword Art

Chapter 2841 Heavenly Purple Sword Art

"Attack the next target!"

"Rush into the county city and kill all the cultivators!"

"These traitors! They deserve to die, this is the price they should pay!"

"I am an ancient demon, all cultivators deserve to die, but after you die, you can become a new generation of races like me, demon!"

The flames of war quickly ignited in the Middle Ting Region, and the ancient demon was no longer satisfied with harassing the county city, but with his army of Ting Beasts, constantly conquering the city and squeezing the living space of the cultivators.

And this ancient demon has extraordinary means in his hands, and it can make many practitioners who have just been killed combine with the Ting Beast to become a new half-human and half-beast creature, named by the ancient demon as the demon!

In this way, there will be three races on the vast continent of the Middle Ting Region, the Cultivator, Ting Beast and Demon Race!

The number of Ting Beasts is astonishing, flooding like a tide; the demons under the command of the ancient demons are increasing in number and growing every day.

The situation is very unfavorable for the cultivators. The counties and counties are occupied one by one, a large number of human cultivators are killed, and they are refined into demons. The front of the cultivators keeps retreating, and the catastrophe of the Central Ting Region has finally arrived!

"Catastrophe! This is a catastrophe! It's your price for betraying the former palm-sovereign!" In the flames, blood was dripping, and some ghostly ghost figures throbbed in excitement.

Beast Ling County, Zhangzun Mansion.

In the outer hall of Ding Hao's new Zhangzun Mansion, many county and county kings gathered here.

"Why doesn't the palm master come out yet? The situation in Zhong Tingyu is so bad now, it's time for him to come out and say something!"

Some of the princes of these counties have lost their counties, and some are about to face the attack of the ancient demons, so everyone is extremely anxious.

"Some people say that the ancient demon was changed by the former palm master. Are you saying that this is true or false?" a county king asked in a low voice.

"I think it's true!" The prince of the lost county gritted his teeth, "This ancient demon is not only extraordinary in strength, but also extremely cunning. Most importantly, it is very cruel to cultivators! Only the former palm master can treat everyone Such hatred! I think it should be him!"

"This is the end!" The county kings present had a lot of fear for the former Palm Sovereign. Now they heard that the ancient demon was the former Palm Sovereign, they were even more frightened.

"If this ancient demon is really the former palm-sovereign, then we are all done! Our strength can't even beat the palm-sovereign back then, and now he has become an ancient demon, much stronger!"

"Not bad! Now Ding Hao is the only one who can block the ancient demon!"

"But Ding Hao Zhangzun has not yet left the customs!"

"Hey! I don't know if Palm Sovereign Ding Hao is scared!"

Just as the county kings in the outer hall started to guess, suddenly a sword light was released from the back mountain of the palm palace mansion!

"What's the matter? Go out and have a look!"

When these county kings rushed out of the palace, they saw the back mountain, and there was a huge sword light in the direction of Ding Hao's retreat, soaring into the sky!

The whole body of this sword light is composed of purple runes, each rune is very weird, and so many runes are condensed into sword light! The power emanating from it shocked everyone below!

"Is this the sword light sent by the palm of Ding Hao?" The people in the audience were surprised at first, and then they all smiled. "If Senior Ding Hao can really release an attack of this level! Then kill the ancient demon, you It is also possible!"

Just now everyone was still worried about the strength of the ancient demon, and now seeing the power released by Ding Hao, everyone was relieved.

But at the moment in the back mountain, Ding Hao frowned while looking at the huge sword light in front of him.

This huge sword light was indeed made by him.

Over the past ten years, he has been accumulating his rune vocabulary for the Geshixian tribe, and finally researched out the combat skills of the Geshixian tribe!

"Tongtian Purple Sword Art! This is just a simple technique left by the Gai Shixian Clan back then! But I didn't expect that the condensed purple sword would be so powerful! It's just a pity that this huge sword light , It doesn't listen to me at all!"

Although Ding Hao released his sword light, he couldn't move it.

Had to disperse all the fairy runes in the sword light after half a day, the sword light dissipated.

"Cangkong, come in."

Ding Hao opened the back mountain, Cang Kong walked in, and immediately knelt down to Ding Hao, and said excitedly, "Young patriarch, you are too powerful! With this sword light, you can defeat the ancient demon! The county prince was shocked, but this is also a good thing, and it boosted everyone's confidence!"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "Things are not that simple. Although I released this sword light, it is far from being able to retract and release freely. When it is used, I don't listen to my orders at all!"

"Then I believe that one day, the young patriarch can manipulate at will." Cang Kong said again.

"I believe this." Ding Hao said, "but time is too late! Where has the ancient demon attacked?"

Although he is in retreat, in fact, he has been paying attention to the situation outside, knowing that the ancient demon is conquering the city!

In fact, he now also wants to understand the strategy of the ancient demons, why not rush to challenge him, but slaughter the cultivators first?

The ancient demon is very cunning. He knows that Ding Hao can eat the Tingli breath of living people for cultivation; what the ancient demon is worried about is that if Ding Hao loses in a hurry, he will massacre, and then use these people's Tingli breath to increase!

Therefore, the ancient demon killed all the cultivators first, and then came to challenge Ding Hao. Ding Hao wanted to eat people for cultivation, and there was no one to eat!

"This guy is cunning, I think it's good! It's me, Ding Hao, even if I fail, I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately! He thought a lot!"

Ding Hao let out a cold snort, and a map appeared in front of him. Many counties and counties on the map have been marked with ancient demon blood and fire. These counties and counties faintly occupy one third of the area of ​​human cultivators!

"He actually occupied such a big place!" Ding Hao frowned, "We can't let him continue like this, we must hurry up! The ancient demon is indeed very powerful, but the battle line is so long, and there is only one person in the ancient demon! Ours! People must stand up and buy me some time!"

Ding Hao has now been able to release "Tong Tian Zi Jian Jue", as long as time, he can manipulate this ancient technique to fight; even Ding Hao is able to understand and learn more techniques of the immortal clan, and he has a greater chance of winning. !

And now all he needs is time!

"Then I will launch a publicity campaign now and let the major counties desperately block it!"

"It can only do this now." Ding Hao frowned, and began to look down at the rune technique of the Gaishixian clan in his hand, "Now time is life, I must hurry!"

(End of this chapter)

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