Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2844: The last line of defense

Chapter 2844 The Last Line of Defense

Chapter 2842 the last line of defense

"The palm of Ding Hao, stay behind closed doors! Human cultivators, retreat steadily, if this continues, the entire Zhongting Region will fall completely!"

Among the prefectural palaces one after another, the prefects of the major counties complained one after another.

Amidst this complaint, one county after another has fallen, becoming the magic city of ancient demons!

However, the palm of Ding Hao never appeared, and the territory of human cultivators was constantly shrinking, and soon half of the country fell into the hands of the ancient demons!

"It's over! I didn't expect us to meet this wretched palm master!"

Complaints continued to sound, and a Zhongtingyu complaint to Ding Hao reached its climax.

And on this day, the ancient demons finally came to Central County!

Central County, this is a very special location.

This place is located in the center of the entire Zhongting Region, where the former Palm Sovereign's Palm Palace was once located!

After the former Zhang Zun disappeared, Ding Hao renamed this place as the Central County and became an independent county. All the special policies of the former Zhang Zun here were cancelled, and it became an ordinary county!

Although ordinary, the number of people and prosperity here have been accumulated over several epochs, and the degree of prosperity is even far greater than that of Ding Hao's Juling County!

"If the central county falls, it will represent the majority of the cultivators falling into the hands of the ancient demon, and the center of the cultivator's territory will fall into the hands of the ancient demon! For the ancient demon, the significance here is very significant! "

In Central County, the strong cultivators all have heavy faces.

Everyone is well aware that this powerful enemy Ancient Demon is likely to be the former Master Palm!

If the Central County is occupied by the Ancient Demon, it is equivalent to the Ancient Demon's return, which will greatly improve the morale of the Ancient Demon!

"We must not let the ancient demons return to the Central County again. Don't forget, we have hundreds of millions of people here. If they are occupied by them, these people will soon become demons, and the situation for our cultivators will be even greater. unfavorable!"


The cruel siege was conducted in Central County.

Behind, in the city of blood and fire, a huge figure with a tall stature looked far away at Central County.

"This is my Palm Palace, I'm back! I must take my Palm Palace back, and revisit the old place. This is my place! All the demons, now is the time for you to have fun. , Rush up and take back the home that your master once had!"

The battle in Central County is very important to both sides, and they fight with all their strength.

The human cultivators did not retreat. I don't know how many people were sacrificed, and finally blocked the attack of the Ting Beast and the demon army!

But everyone was too late to be happy, and there was a loud bang outside the county town.

A huge figure slowly walked over.

This huge figure is the ancient demon!

In the previous battles between humans and demons, ancient demons have appeared several times, and they were all used to attack the strongest opponents, invincible;

However, in the past, the ancient demons came out to fight, but this time they stood outside the county city, snorted, and said, "Central County, used to be my residence! Now you have become ordinary from the very center of the cultivator's territory. County, don’t you feel sad?"

"It's really the former palm master!"

In the county city, all the human cultivators fell silent.

Although everyone has always suspected that the ancient demon was the former palm-sovereign, this news has never been confirmed. Now the ancient demon himself admits that it was his residence, which is equivalent to admitting that he is the former palm-sovereign!

The ancient demon is extremely tall, his head has exceeded the position of the high city wall, he can see many people in the city.

With sharp eyes, he swept across these people and said, "I now give you a chance to open the city and join me! Especially my former disciples, I will give you a chance to join my subordinates! Even, I still I will give you a special treatment and do not require you to transform into a demons!"


Listening to what the ancient demon said, many people were moved in their thoughts.

There is a very important reason why everyone does not want to go to the ancient demons, that is, they don't want to become ugly and cruel demons!

If the ancient demons are really the former masters and don't force everyone to transform into demons, then it's not impossible to join the ancient demons!


In the midst of everyone’s doubts, a dozen or so uncultivated people walked up the city wall and said loudly, "Don’t listen to him! He is a selfish villain! At first he wanted to deal with Ding Hao, but was afraid I entered Tingsheng Valley and was punished by God's will! I bewitched us to enter it, and vowed it at that time! But not too many young people did not pay attention to us at all, regardless of our life and death, but also shut us all, not letting out! Fortunately! Later, Ding Hao became the master of hand, and amnesty us, we can only come out now!"

These dozens of people were the top disciples who entered Tingsheng Valley to deal with Ding Hao. Now when these people speak, there is an uproar in the entire city.

"The former palm master, turned out to be of this kind of character! Fortunately, we didn't believe him!"

"Yes, if we really take refuge in him, I believe that after this city is taken down, we will either become his cannon fodder, or we will become ugly demons!"

Standing outside the city, the ancient demon was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Traitors! You are all traitors! All of you in this central county are traitors! When I take the city, I will kill you all!"

After finishing speaking, the angry ancient demon swarmed with the tide of the Ting Beast and the demon race, a large swath of black and black, swept like a flood.

Outside the city, the number is huge, unimaginable.

The most terrifying thing is that the ancient demon himself stood in the front, and with every palm shot, the tall city wall in front of him would collapse!


The city wall kept toppling over, a large number of Zaghi, like an army of ants, rushed into the city densely!

Immediately behind it was the tall Ting Beast; and behind the terrifying Ting Beast were the ferocious and ugly demons. These demons became like dry corpses, dark, dry and ugly!


Although the human cultivators have gathered an astonishing amount of Tingli and constantly launching defenses, the colorful Tingli fog is still retreating!

Slowly, a series of tall buildings appeared in front of the ancient demon!

Seeing this piece of tall Dalian building, the blood-red eyes of the ancient demon finally flashed with excitement!

"There is the palm palace where I used to be! I'm back again!"

"Hahaha!" The ancient demon laughed wildly, and the laughter reverberated throughout the county. At this moment, the demons danced wildly, and the sky was slightly darkened!

"It's over!" The eyes of all the resistance cultivators also became desperate.

If this battle fails, the fighting spirit of the human cultivators will be lost!

"Is this the last line of defense?!" Many practitioners thought tragically!

(End of this chapter)

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