Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2851: Three brothers reunited

Chapter 2851 Three Brothers Reunion

Chapter 2849 three brothers reunited

The vast Middle Ting Region, the area that human cultivators have conquered and explored in the past few epochs is less than half of the entire Middle Ting Region!

In other areas, all are covered with dense forests of Thunder Beasts!

The vast forest is endless, and there is no end in sight. The trees in it are extremely tall and stand upright, very amazing!

Each of the trees here has grown for hundreds of millions of years!

The average thousand-year-old tree is already as tall as a cover. Just imagine how old and tall a tree is hundreds of millions of years old?

And in this vast forest of Ting Beasts, all of them are these tall trees that have grown for hundreds of millions of years!

In some of these areas, even Ting Beasts rarely set foot in them, and they are simply no man's land that has not been reached for hundreds of millions of years!

In this no man's land, there are hidden secrets that are unknown to outsiders!

And in this vast expanse, there is a figure of a human cultivator who is constantly running fast!

"It has been decades since I came to Zhongting Region, and I haven't found a gathering area for human cultivators! It's really depressing!"

This human cultivator looks quite young, but after walking in the Ting Beast Forest for decades, he also looks very haggard!

"It's really unlucky! After Ting Sheng, God will throw the three of us in different areas in the middle Ting domain. I was actually thrown on a ruin where ghosts do not lay eggs! I don't have a map, so I can only look for it in a dazed way. Know how the eldest brother and third brother are now?"

The young man is vigorous, climbing up the huge tree like a mountain.

When he came to the top of the giant tree, he looked far away, and his eyes instantly revealed a strange light!

"Great, there seems to be the light and shadow of the city over there, I hope it won't be a mirage!"

On the way back, he had seen misty city lights and shadows in the sky many times, but only when he ran over with all his strength did he realize that it was just a mirage, illusory!

It is considered that his decades of running has finally come to an end. After several consecutive days of advancing, the light and shadow of the city in front of him has not disappeared, but has become more solid. If there is no mistake, it is really a gathering city for mankind!

"My God! I finally found a living area for the cultivator!"

This young cultivator came quickly outside the city, and he could see that the city’s walls were quite majestic, tall and heavy, and looked indestructible, but what made people puzzled was that such a tall and heavy city wall was intermittent. Many places have completely collapsed, as if experiencing a terrible battle!

Human cultivators are busy rebuilding their homes, but everyone’s face is filled with a trace of aftermath!

"Dare to ask what city is this?"

The young cultivator grabbed a passing elder and asked.

The elder passing by said, "Young man, did you escape from another county? I want to tell you, we are a desert county! Now that the war has been won, you can go back to your original county! Master Palm, has led us to victory! Go back to your original county, and help build your home!"

The young cultivator's eyes changed when he heard it, and he said in his heart: Could it be my eldest brother and third younger brother who have fought against the master palm? However, this battle seemed to be too tragic. The entire city was completely broken, and the strength of the eldest brother and the third brother had increased too quickly!

The young cultivator did not leave, but walked into this deserted county, and continued to inquire about the situation.

"Oh, the one who is attacking the city is an evil opponent called the ancient demon!" The cultivator was slightly relieved when he heard this situation, and thought in his heart: At the beginning, it was okay, whoever of the three of us had the strength first, we will go. Challenge palms! I have been completely abandoned in the past few decades. It is estimated that the eldest brother and the third brother are also accumulating strength...

The young cultivators soon found a school in the Wilderness County. This is a new institution dedicated to educating and cultivating the youngest cultivators in Zhongtingyu, because this time the human cultivators suffered heavy losses and the number of cultivators The sharp decline has reduced the number of powerful practitioners!

That's why Ding Hao encouraged the cultivators of the major counties to have more offspring and run more schools, so that the number of attritions during the battle could be quickly replenished!

The young cultivator came to Zhongtingyu just to enter the school, and wanted to learn the cultivation methods of Zhongtingyu.

He was very hungry about the cultivation knowledge of the Zhongting Region, and he threw himself on these classics intoxicated, reading the contents of these classics one by one, when he saw one of the history of the Zhongting Region, he quickly saw A familiar name!

"Master Ding Hao, and his eldest brother Fuxi, led all the cultivators in the Middle Ting Region, and finally defeated the cruel and innocent ancient demon in Central County..."

Seeing these words, the young cultivator burst into tears!

A young female cultivator next to him curiously asked, "Student Ye Kong, why would you cry while reading history books?"

The cultivator named Ye Kong smiled in tears and pointed to the name on the book and said, "This is my eldest brother and this is my third brother! I didn't expect to see them for decades, they will all become a new generation of Master Palm! Ha! Haha! Big brother and third brother, I finally found you! Hahaha!"

Seeing Ye Kong who was laughing loudly, the female cultivators next to them didn't believe it, and snorted coldly, "The cowhide is too big! Do you think you are bragging, we will look at you? Really kidding, big talker That's it, let's ignore him!"

After reading the history book in front of him, Ye Kong had a preliminary understanding of the decades he had not experienced.

However, he also sighed in his heart, "Big brother and third brother have really gone through the test of life and death if they can get to this point! That ancient demon is so powerful, and he is the former palm-sovereign, and he carries an army of thunder beasts like a tide. , It’s amazing! It’s just a pity that I’ve been walking for decades and I haven’t helped me at all!"

After Ye Kong sighed, he immediately went to the county town to find the local county king.

The prince was informed long ago that he was looking for a young man named Ye Kong, and now Ye Kong took the initiative to send it to the door. The prince was overjoyed, and he hurriedly passed the news to Suling County and sent the fastest leading wildebeest to **** him. Ye Kong rushed to Sulling County!

In Juling County, Ding Hao and Fuxi also got the news immediately.

"It's great to find your second brother!" Fuxi was also ecstatic after receiving the news, and immediately rushed out of the beast mausoleum county with Ding Hao to meet Ye Kong!

The three brothers finally met outside the city of Juling County, and they were all excited.

"Second brother, I finally found you! This time our three brothers are reunited, and Zhongtingyu belongs to our three earth brothers!"

While everyone was overjoyed, Ding Hao asked again, "According to the rules of God's will, you should be thrown in a human settlement, but how can you be thrown in the wilderness? This is a bit wrong!"

Ye Kong thought, "That place is a bit peculiar, with a lot of weird runes engraved, it looks very unpredictable!"

(End of this chapter)

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