Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2852: Immortal ruins

Chapter 2852 Immortal Clan Ruins

Chapter 2850 Immortal Ruins

According to the rules of God's will, practitioners rising from the Lower Tingyu Region will be thrown near the human settlement!

Just like Ding Hao and Fuxi, they appeared in the Ting Beast forest very close to the human settlement, and even if they were lost, they could quickly find the human settlement.

But Ye Kong's situation is a bit special!

He was actually thrown into the very remote Ting Beast forest, so that after decades of walking, he finally found a human settlement!

This is simply an abnormal phenomenon!

Hearing Ding Hao's question, Ye Kong thought about it, and then said, "There are some peculiar runes engraved with many peculiar runes in that place, which looks unpredictable. It may be the location of the human settlement in very ancient times!"

Fuxi shook his head and said, "God's will is actually very smart. If there are no people inhabited areas for many years, it will definitely not throw you over!"

Ye Kong shook his head and said, "That place doesn't seem to be inhabited now! But it seems to me that I saw some pillars of light soaring! It's just that I can't enter it! Anyway, it's very strange, I have never seen that kind of sight!"

"A beam of light that soars into the sky? The passage left by the Gaishixian clan?"

Ding Hao's expression was shaken. He had entered an independent space in such a beam of light before and found Cangkong and others!

If the beams of light that Ye Kong saw were the same transmission channel, maybe someone really lived there!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao asked again, "Second brother, write me the runes you saw! Maybe, in the beam of light, there will be my colorless people!"

When the Seven Colors chased and killed the Colorless System everywhere, the Colorless System hid in the Ting Beast Forest, and some found an independent space, and would escape into it!

If the beam of light that Ye Kong had seen was in the same situation as Cangkong and others, then Ding Hao would find more colorless people!

"The rune I saw at the beginning seems to be like this, I will write it to you!"

Speaking of Ye Kong, he scribbled on the ground with his hands, and wrote them one by one.

When he wrote these runes, Ding Hao was stunned and blurted out, "How is it possible!"

It turned out that these runes written by Ye Kong on the ground were not colorless runes at all, nor were they seven-color runes, but the runes of the immortal clan!

Fuxi's face suddenly changed when he saw these runes, "How could it be possible! These are runes of the immortal clan! Second brother, where did you fall? You fell into the treasure land of Feng Shui! This is probably the place where the world was born. The place where the fairy clan lived!"

Ding Hao was also ecstatic in his heart, "In the past few years, I have learned a lot of runes from the Celestial Clan, but after spending so many years, I only came up with a Violet Sword Art! If you really found the Celestial Celestial Clan once lived Where, I will look for it, maybe I can find more detailed exercises!"

Fuxi also said, "This is a great thing! The cultivation method I created has reached a bottleneck! I desperately want to find some answers from the cultivation methods of the immortal clan! If it is truly extraordinary Where the fairy clan has lived, then I want to go too!"

Ye Kong smiled bitterly, "It is located in a very far-reaching place in the Ting Beast Forest. Not only is it extremely dangerous, but the road is very far away! Are you sure you want to go?"

Ding Hao said, "You have to go! Don't you know, I have already forged a big enemy! That is the former palm-sovereign, he is now incarnate as the ancient demon, and he has become a foe with Gu Ting! I suspect that the ancient demon will go back this time. , When he makes a comeback, more fierce battles will be waiting for us! I must improve myself quickly, otherwise the next step will be a dead end!"

"Yes! We all need to improve ourselves, and now the promotion has come to an end, the exercises left by the Gaishixian clan is our only solution!"

Ye Kong had originally returned to the human settlements, and wanted to practice quickly by himself so that he could improve his strength and catch up with his elder brother and third brother!

But now that Ding Hao and Fuxi are going to that area, he had to smile bitterly, "Then I will take you there!"

"It's not necessarily." Ding Hao said, "I have spent a lot of time in the Ting Beast Forest these years, and I am quite experienced! You only need to draw a map and let me find it myself! Lingjun practice with peace of mind!"

Fuxi also said, "Second brother, your current strength is much lower than ours, so you should cultivate here first!"

Ye Kong shook his head and said, "Since you said how good the techniques of these immortal races are, then I might as well ascend to the sky one step at a time and go directly to find the cultivation techniques of the immortal races! If I stay here to study, then I will always follow I'm not on you anymore!"

Among cultivators, it was originally you who chased me.

If Ye Kong still followed Ding Hao's old path, he would always be a step slower than Ding Hao and Fuxi! This was something that Ye Kong didn't want, so he decided to set off again, return again, and learn those weird and immortal techniques!

"That's okay!" Ding Hao said, "We will take a long time to go to the relics of the Gaishi Immortal Clan. We are on the road and teach the exercises to the second brother! When we arrive at the site, we can just be together. Practice the exercises of the immortal clan!"

"It's so good!"

After the three agreed, Ding Hao immediately began to arrange his own palm affairs.

What Ding Hao worried most was whether the ancient demons would come back after he left?

However, considering that the ancient demon was seriously injured this time, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover in hundreds of years. Ding Hao and others are relieved to embark on the road to find the relics of the Geshixian clan.

It took Ye Kong several decades to get out of there, but Ding Hao and the others would not need so much time to return this time!

Now Ding Hao is the palm-sovereign master of the entire Zhongting Region, helping Fuxi and Ye Kong each find a "Half-Sky Cloud" dragon-head wildebeest, running very fast, and Ding Hao himself is the one of the black dragon Tingyu. Ling, rushed to the Ting Beast forest.

Ye Kong said, "I walked out from there for decades. It would be really hard to find if I don't leave any signposts! But fortunately, I am still quite clever. I have made a lot of marks along the way. Come with me. !"

Suddenly, the two leading wildebeests of half-sky clouds rushed into the forest, going further and further.

Ding Hao stepped on a black dragon and followed in the sky!

At the same time, in another part of Ting Beast Forest.

Loud rumbling noise, keep coming!

It was a huge black abyss with no bottom. At the bottom of the abyss, the ancient demons were attacking frantically, a piece of rune!

Although Gu Ting has been thinking about how to get out of trouble for several epochs, it is still very difficult to break the restrictions left by the King of Tingyu. There are many runes in it, and it takes time to attack!

The ancient demon was determined and wanted to release Gu Ting, so under the command of Gu Ting, he started a frenzied attack!

"Ding Hao! Fuxi! You are waiting!"

(End of this chapter)

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