Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2868: Was found

Chapter 2868 was discovered

Chapter 2866

"It's really terrifying here!"

The more Ding Hao walked into the cave, the more he felt the terrifying atmosphere in the cave, which was constantly increasing.

After a while, the number of white bones and the corpses of wild beasts in front of them were more numerous, and the blood on the ground was flowing like a river.

Ding Hao resisted the stench coming from his nose and continued to move forward. Not long after that, there was a creepy beast eating things.

"The behemoth that the young leader keeps here is probably just ahead!"

He turned a corner in the cave, and the front was pitch black, but after his mental power was released, he could sense that there was a huge cave in front of him!


There was a low roar, Ding Hao quickly stood still; what did the giant beast in the dark probably feel?

The roar became louder, but after discovering that Ding Hao still hadn't moved, the behemoth gradually relaxed its vigilance and began to swallow it again!

Ding Hao then moved on, when he approached the huge cave in front of him!

Suddenly heard a terrifying roar, "Aw!"

Amidst the roar, a pair of blood-colored eyes opened. These blood-colored eyes were able to emit a certain amount of light in the darkness, which was enough to illuminate the face of the giant beast!

Ding Hao's first impression of this behemoth was mighty.

No wonder the leader spent a lot of time and energy here, feeding this terrifying behemoth, and saw its head looked like a mighty lion king, covered with golden hairs. These golden hairs are extremely hard and look mighty and fierce!

But Ding Hao was even more surprised, "My God!"

Ding Hao was surprised to find that this behemoth was not only engraved with layers of runes, but the most unimaginable thing was that there was a black tower-shaped mark on the brow of this lion-shaped behemoth!

"How can it be!"

According to Ding Hao's experience after he came to the sub-world, even he didn't even want to refine the brow chakra on his forehead, but the giant beast in front of him did something he couldn't do!

"The young leader must have mastered some extraordinary technique, so I can refine the brow chakra on the forehead of the behemoth of rune! If I can learn this technique, then I can also successfully refine it. Get the real brow chakra and even contact the host system!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao was surprised in his heart and rushed into the huge cave in front of him.

Seeing Ding Hao coming in, this behemoth suddenly became furious and rushed frantically! The behemoth has lived in the cave for a long time, thinking that the cave is its sphere of influence, and any stranger coming in is an invasion!

Boom boom boom!

The giant beast slapped back and forth in the cave, but fortunately, the young leader was not relieved that the giant beast was alone in the cave, so he used a chain to trap the giant beast's neck and legs tightly!

Therefore, the giant beast only has two fore palms to use. Although it wants to shoot Ding Hao to death, Ding Hao is small in size and has agile movements.

Soon Ding Hao dodges the attack of the giant beast, sticks to the edge of the huge cave, and comes to a corner of the deepest cave. There is a small independent room here. It is the place where the young leader usually studies some theories!

"It's here!" Ding Hao's eyes were happy, and he quickly began to look through the classics in front of him.

The classics of the immortal survivors are thin pamphlets, and there are not many words recorded in them, but each word has a very rich meaning! It is not so easy to read all the contents of this booklet!

"How do I have time to watch these things now?" Ding Hao didn't bother to watch them, and included dozens of pamphlets in his bag.

Looking around, he found some talking fruits, Ding Hao put all these fruits in his bag!

"Hey! Young leader, I have been a breeder for you for more than a year here, so I can't leave without getting a salary!"

Ding Hao looked for it again, and there was nothing worth taking away in this simple quiet room, so he walked out of the hut, hugely attached to the edge of the huge cave, returned the same way, ready to leave!

However, as he walked back, he felt puzzled. He was still beating his rune behemoth frantically just now, and it was so quiet at this moment!

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, when he walked halfway against the edge of the cave, the whole cave suddenly became bright!

At the intersection where he came in, the young leader and the four strong men of the Black Tower tribe stood there, looking at him with gloomy eyes!

"It's over!" Ding Haoxin said it's over.

Sure enough, the young leader snorted coldly, "You kid, I knew you weren't authentic! But you're good enough, and it took more than a year to enter! But you idiot, you don't even know this one of mine. The Rune Roar already has the brow chakra! In other words, it can contact me at any time! The first moment it senses you, I already know it!"

Ding Hao almost fainted, and then he knew why after the young leader left, he didn't set any restrictions outside the cave.

It turns out that this roar beast is basically the same as a human cultivator, and can send messages to the young leader through the eyebrow chakra at any time! The first moment Ding Hao entered the cave, the Roar Beast had passed the news, and the young leader who had left immediately controlled the flying palace to return!

"So that's the case." Ding Hao was dead this time. He could only smile wryly. At this time, any rebuttal was powerless, and there was only one way to fight from here!

The young leader did not put Ding Hao in his eyes at the beginning, he raised his hand and waved, letting a member of the Heita tribe come to capture Ding Hao!

This Heita tribe was tall and mighty. He usually shouted at Ding Hao and was not polite. Today, he didn’t care. He walked over with a grin and cursed, "Small, how dare you betray Young Chief , Look at how I tortured you later?!"

Ding Hao shot a look of horror in his eyes, stepping back, making this black tower tribe's defensive wariness drop to the lowest level!

Just when he came to Ding Hao, Ding Hao suddenly violent, and the Heavenly Purple Sword Art that had been prepared for a long time was cut out!


A huge purple sword light ran across the entire space. This Heita tribe was already very weak in the origin forest, and he underestimated the enemy, so he did not escape at all, in his panic and unbelievable gaze. , His tall body was split in half by this sword!

"What?" The young leader and the remaining three Heita tribesmen under his men all had their faces shocked. They didn't expect Ding Hao to issue such an attack!

But it was this sword that made the young leader understand Ding Hao's strength, and he snorted coldly, "You want to escape, you can't do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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