Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2869: Torture of Runes

Chapter 2869 Torture of Runes

Chapter 2867 Rune Torture

After understanding Ding Hao's strength, the young leader was no longer polite, opened his hand and wrote several runes in succession.

These runes quickly turned into light and shadow and dissipated in the air, and then, on top of Ding Hao's head, a huge black tower continued to fall.

At the same time, the young leader's figure turned into an illusion and rushed forward!

Bang bang bang!

The space Ding Hao is now in is quite narrow, there is no way to hide, he can only continuously release huge purple swords to fight the black tower that fell down!

"Boy, although your strength is good, you are unlucky when you meet me!"

If only the four members of the Black Tower tribe, in this environment, Ding Hao has the ability to kill them all by his own strength;

But now it is the young leader!

The young leader is not only quite strong, but in the forest of origin, he will not be affected by the weakening effect!

Most importantly, the young leader is quite sinister!

When Ding Hao kept resisting the attacks from the sky, he had to be careful of the sneak attacks launched by the young leader!

"Damn it! Kill me!"

After Ding Hao issued another huge purple lightsaber straight into the sky, the black tower that fell from the sky was completely cut by him!

However, at this time, he realized that a circle of huge black towers had surrounded his body!

In this circle, surrounded by the huge black tower, he could not escape!

"Haha!" The young leader laughed coldly, "You only know that the huge tower to deal with my fall, but you don't know, I have set up a tower of siege for you!"

As he spoke, a huge light film floated on the huge black tower surrounding Ding Hao's body, wrapping Ding Hao in it!

"not good!"

Ding Hao lifted his finger, and the talisman culture turned into a purple long sword, and it crashed down!

However, this sword light cut on the light film, this time it has no effect!

Encircling Ding Hao in the huge black tower, the young leader waved his hand again and put the rune roar he was feeding into the encirclement of the huge black tower.

"Since you want to fight, let you and my roar beast have a good fight!"


The lion roar roared!

Immediately, he rushed towards Ding Hao frantically. The size of this behemoth was very huge. The golden retriever covering the whole body was erected like a hedgehog. Everywhere it went, everything was smashed to pieces!


Ding Hao was not the opponent of this behemoth at all, he was hit and flew out!

After falling to the ground, Ding Hao was not reconciled to fail. He raised his hand and ate a talking fruit. After replenishing some strength, he once again took out his angry dragon cut and lion roar to fight melee!

But obviously, he is still not the opponent of Lion's Roar.

The lion's roar was covered with thick runes, and Ding Hao's attack could not even break the surface of the runes!

"Stupid!" Standing outside the black tower formation, the young leader said mockingly, "Your attack is not the attack method of our immortal survivors at all. It is a very low and inferior attack! We are eliminated from the immortal clan, and don’t know where you learned it from?"

When the young leader was speaking, Ding Hao was shot flying again by the Lion's Roar.

After falling to the ground this time, a half-moon-shaped mark fell from the center of Ding Hao's eyebrows.

The young leader looked at this mark, first for a moment, and then pointed at Ding Hao dumbfounded, "You! You are not our immortal survivor?"

The young leader who Zhizhu had always been holding was also stunned. He never thought that Ding Hao was not a member of the sub-world, not a survivor of the fairy clan!

After understanding this, the young leader said with a gloomy face, "No wonder your kid always has a strange aura! It turns out that it is not a survivor of our fairy clan! You can honestly explain, where did you sneak into our sub-world?"

Ding Hao raised his hand and picked up the chakra on the ground, and snorted coldly, "I am a citizen of a foreign land, so what can I do? Aren't you also a rebellion among the immortal remnants? You are secretly keeping this rune here Beast, and even refining the brow chakra on the head of the monster! You have committed a heinous crime, I want to say, if the host system knows that you did such a thing?! Even if your Heita tribe has host system Shares, the host system will never allow you to live!"

"Hmph, just don't let the host system know about it!" The young leader snorted coldly, and said again, "I know that you are a citizen of Outland, I don't want to kill you anymore! I want to study your body structure and look at you. Are the lower beings from Tingyu exactly the same as our noble immortal remnants?"

After saying this, the young leader waved his hand, and suddenly the huge black towers from all directions began to tighten and squeeze, and the space became smaller and smaller.

The Lion's Roar suddenly jumped up, jumping out of the black giant tower formation.

Soon after, the area between the black giant towers became smaller and smaller, and Ding Hao was completely trapped, and there was no space around his body being struck by the black giant towers.

The young leader just walked up. Ding Hao was completely trapped at this moment, unable to move his hands or feet!

"Sure enough, he is a citizen of a foreign land!" The young leader reached out and touched Ding Hao's eyebrows, and found that there really isn't any interbrow chakra here.

"Let me take a look at the situation of Ting Yu first!" The young leader pressed one of his fingers on Ding Hao's eyebrows.

Suddenly the memories in Ding Hao's mind rolled out...

In front of the young leader, what emerged was a vast world, covered with lush forest, with countless counties and cities in the center!

"It's all low-level beings!" The young leader disdain to watch these people, and continued to watch Ding Hao's previous memories.

"Your kid still has a lot of memories, it seems that you are not young anymore!"

Just when the young leader wanted to continue watching, the torrent of memories from Ding Hao suddenly broke, and Ding Hao used his mental power to forcibly block his memories completely!

"Don't let me see, kid, you're looking for death!" The young leader suddenly furious.

Ding Hao gritted his teeth, and the memories farther away came from outside Tingyu, from the earth, from the ancient Hong world, from the sacred world... These places are his homeland, and he still has many relatives living in them. over there.

If a powerful person like the young leader knows, maybe he will let a monster pass by one day, it will cause a disastrous life.

So Ding Hao would rather die than let the young leader see those!

"You're looking for death!" The young leader suddenly pressed his finger, and only heard the sound of Ka Ka. The bones of Ding Hao's eyebrows were deeply broken by his fingers!

Blood and brains poured out.

But even so, Ding Hao still stared at him, not letting the young leader continue watching, but said, "Young leader! You killed me, and I won't let you read my memory! Also, I want to tell you , If you treat me like this today, I will repay it ten times in the future!"

"Looking for death!" The young leader was furious, handed down a few weird runes, and patted them on Ding Hao's face, "Then let you enjoy the torture of runes!"

(End of this chapter)

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