Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2870: Accidental fusion

Chapter 2870 Unexpected Fusion

Chapter 2868-Unexpected Fusion

"It hurts! It hurts!"

In the deep cave, there were constant painful roars.

After passing through the dark and damp, deep caves full of giant beast bones, when you come to the deepest part of the cave, you can see Ding Hao trapped in the black giant tower, twisting in pain!

The few fairy runes that the young leader threw on his face are exactly the runes used to torture and torture opponents. Entering anyone's body will cause severe pain and make people feel unhappy!

Generally, the remnants of the fairy clan used these runes to torture their opponents and torture enemies!

Using one rune has already made people very painful and unbearable; and this time, under the anger of the young leader, he dropped six torture runes directly on Ding Hao!

Ding Hao's life was very sad, painful, and desperate for life, but he would not die!

Every day and night, one must endure such painful torture!

That feeling, as if my body was torn apart piece by piece, it was impossible to express it in words!

But even so, Ding Hao still guarded the trace of clarity in his mind, and would never let his memory leak out any more!

At this moment, he would rather die by himself than you would expose his family and clansmen. In front of a strong man like a young leader, if you let him know this information, it is really very dangerous!

The young leader, such a deviant person, may really be able to go to the ancient Hong world, so that Ding Hao's family, descendants and clansmen will all be in bad luck!

"Boy, it's been so many days? You don't even let me see your memory! Well, I don't want to see it! I want you to die!"

While speaking, the young leader threw four more runes, so that a total of ten torment runes fell on Ding Hao's body, and the pain reached the extreme!

"According to your physique, you can survive at most seven days and seven nights with ten torture runes! After seven days, you will undoubtedly die!"

The young leader snorted coldly, "Die!"

The pain that the ten torture runes brought to Ding Hao really cannot be expressed in words. Every second is very painful and difficult. Ding Hao can't wait to die quickly!

However, for these seven days and nights of torture, one day cannot be less!

"Do not!"

"It hurts!"

In the painful roar of Ding Hao, the rune roar beast next to him temporarily closed his mouth.

The young leader is very cold, and he hasn't left at all in the past few days, just enjoy Ding Hao being tortured to death!

"Hahaha! This is the price against me!"

Day by day, Ding Hao is still screaming in pain. His life has been a long time, and he has experienced many worlds and dangers! But like this time, he was really desperate!

It was too painful, it was a pain he couldn't bear. On the seventh day, he only hoped that he would die quickly!

"Young leader, you let me die!"

In Ding Hao's painful cry, the young leader looked very interesting.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a loud rumbling outside the cave, and a powerful Dark Tower tribe under the young leader rushed in and shouted, "Young leader, hurry up! This time the host system actually released a million points. The mission! To smooth out all the rune beasts in our area, there are so many people who come to attack us, we will be discovered!"

While he was talking, the ground trembled rumblingly, and in the caves deep in the bottom of the mountain, huge holes appeared one after another, and the outside voice came clearly, "Where is the rebellion hiding the dirt? Come out and surrender quickly, otherwise I will kill you when I die!"

"No, I was really found! It must be the woman who ran away last time!" The young leader's face was panicked.

Although the Heita tribe owns shares in the host system, he cannot do whatever he wants. After all, the Heita tribe has limited shares!

"Immediately release all the rune beasts under your hand, and withstand the attack! Others, bring this rune roar beast to me, and we will run away!"

In a hurry, the young leader did not even have time to take away his favorite scaly behemoth!

Someone from the Heita tribe asked, "Where is this kid from outside the region?"

"After a while, he will die too, leave him alone!"

In a blink of an eye, the young leader took his men and fled with the rune roar beast, and in the huge cave, only Ding Hao was left.

The giant black tower that trapped him also disappeared without a trace. Ding Hao writhed in pain in the middle of the cave alone.

Although he was in great pain at the moment, his desire to survive was still very strong.

"Now that people from outside are attacking in, I finally have a chance to live! But if these people find out, I will still be dead!"

Ding Hao quickly took out two talking fruits and swallowed them, added a little energy, and then endured the pain of torturing him, and went straight into the crack in the cave!

The cracks in this cave are very deep and long, and they are passages prepared by the young leader in order to escape by himself.

The young leader is very cunning. Among the countless passages, only a few can reach the end, while the other passages are all dead ends and dead ends!

Ding Hao didn't know the situation, and walked forward along a passage.

He didn't know how long he walked, he finally reached the end of the passage, only to realize that this was a dead end!

Can't go out at all!

"It's over!" Ding Hao's heart despair rose again!

At this moment, in the cave outside, Sister Nangong and a group of strong men from various tribes killed in.

Sister Nangong frowned and said, "This must be the place where the young leader of the Black Tower tribe adopted the monster, and there is an evil aura everywhere!"

Although she said this, the strong man next to him shook his head and said, "Nangong, you must speak with truthful evidence, otherwise the Heita tribe will condemn it, and I won't be able to afford it!

Sister Nangong said, "He must have escaped from one of these passages in front of him. We only need to catch people. If you don't believe the Black Tower tribe will not fall!"

At this moment, outside the cave, a pair of heroic men and women rushed in.

Both men and women have a half-moon mark on their foreheads. They rushed in and asked, "Nangong, where is my son? Did you find it?"

Sister Nangong shook her head and said, "Little Master, I don't know if he is still alive! Let's find it separately!"

At the moment, all the strong men split into the cracks around the cave, and searched.

In one of the cracks, Ding Hao's pain has reached its limit, and at this moment, two strong men are also walking along this crack!

"It's over, it's over! It's going to die horizontally, and it's going to die vertical!" Ding Hao suddenly remembered that he still had rune books left by the young leader.

He picked up a book about the method of refining the brow chakra by monsters.

"How can I watch these now?"

The fairy runes were very difficult to understand. Ding Hao had no choice but to slam the half-moon mark in his hand on his forehead, but at this moment, his eyebrows suddenly lit up...

(End of this chapter)

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