Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2871: Baby's task

Chapter 2871 Baby's Task

Chapter 2869 the baby's task

"Little Master! Little Master!"

In Ding Hao's dimness, he heard someone yelling for the young master, and then he was picked up. He didn't know what happened next.

Having experienced so much torture in the cave, it made him miserable, and the half-month mark was successfully refined, all of which made him fall into a coma.

He was in a coma for three months, and when he woke up, he was already lying on a half-moon-shaped stone bed in the half-moon tribe.

This stone bed is very strange, and it feels very warm and moist when lying on it. If you put a few runes on it, it will be even more comfortable!

This kind of stone is called half moon stone, which is the origin of the half moon tribe!

I have to ask why Ding Hao knows this because he has truly integrated the interbrow chakra, a lot of basic common sense, he can automatically know it without learning at all!

"Young master, you finally woke up!" It was not the beautiful maidservant who was standing by his bed, but the servants on the palace where he was flying before.

When these people saw him wake up, they immediately surrounded him with excitement.

"Yeah." After Ding Hao woke up, he sat up and felt the inside of his body. He felt that after three months of coma, his body has recovered as before.

The only difference from before is that he now has an extra brow chakra on his forehead. He desperately wants to sense the effect of this chakra.

But before that, he was more concerned about another question, "Who saved me?"

One of his men said, "It's Nangong in the tribe. She reported the news to the tribe leader when she came back from the outside! The tribe leader quietly went to you several times, but they didn't find it. Later, they met the Heita tribe. Fortunately, the news that Nangong reported to the host system was replied, and a mission with a very high reward was released! This led to the formation of a brigade to destroy the rebellion, and just to save you by the way!"

Ding Hao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said in his heart that if I had the courage to save me, Sister Nangong had to repay this kindness if I had a chance in the future!

He asked again, "Where are my parents and sister Nangong?"

"They all went to the host system to verify! Now everyone accuses the Black Tower Tribe of secretly refining monsters!"

Ding Hao frowned. He originally wanted to say that the young leader of the Black Tower tribe secretly refined the rune monsters, and also refined the brow chakra to the monsters!

However, he hesitated for a while and didn't say any more, because he himself had just refined the chakra, don't be clever but be mistaken by cleverness, throw yourself in again!

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and said, "You all go out."

At the moment, all his subordinates went out, and he was sitting cross-legged, pressing his eyebrows with his fingers, and suddenly a powerful mental force enveloped him, as if a transparent light film appeared in front of him. A lot of text and images appeared again!

"It turns out that this is the host system!" Ding Hao's heart was suddenly ecstatic!

He successfully refined the interbrow chakra, and this interbrow chakra can also successfully communicate with the host system, which shows that the host system has recognized him as a true survivor of the fairy clan!

"I don't know why it succeeded?"

Ding Hao was puzzled again. Although he had the classics left by the young leader in his hand, he didn't read it at all!

"I didn't read the classics, why did it succeed after a random integration?"

In Ding Hao's doubts, a sentence sent from the host system allowed him to grasp some content.

"Hello, young survivor of the fairy clan. This is the first time you log in to the host system? Starting today, you will become a true descendant of the fairy clan. You are the member number 95,413,387,672..."

"This is the first time I have logged into the host system today, which means that the host system treats me as a newcomer, not the original young master!"

Ding Hao faintly had some speculations, "It should be that I was tortured by the rune of the young leader, and I am in a dying state! That state is vaguely similar to a little life just born! So at that moment, The rune fusion is successful!"

When he was dying, he had completely lost his will, his thoughts were blank, and in some ways had the characteristics of a newborn baby.

Therefore, the brow chakra that just happened to be put on at this time mistaken Ding Hao for a newborn baby, and thus gave Ding Hao the identity of a new birth!

"That's good! I'm the newborn of a deceased of the fairy clan! All points are cleared! But fortunately, there is no blood connection in the host system, otherwise it will be discovered by my parents!"

Ding Hao understood this, so he relaxed and began to study the host system.

This host system is somewhat similar to the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance he used to use. It has the function of item trading, the function of receiving and publishing tasks, the function of training and learning, the function of storing items, the function of communication...

All in all very complete.

One of the most characteristic is the task function here, the task here is mainly the task issued by the host system!

No one is allowed to publish tasks privately. Even if the immortal survivors want to publish tasks, they must report to the host system. After the host system judges it, the host system will publish it in the name of the host system!

The tasks here include not only daily tasks, but also many imperative tasks. You must complete various tasks as soon as possible before you can get points for practicing and buying the items you want!

After so many years of multiplication, the number of the remnants of the Geshixian tribe is amazing. At this moment, there are 95.4 billion people living in the sub-world!

There is also a point ranking in the host system. Everyone is ranked according to the points they have. Ding Hao's points are zero and the ranking is also the last.

"This host system is kind of interesting."

Ding Hao watched it, and the task system released him today's daily tasks, which turned out to be to go to the outside world to breathe, and to see the scenery, he could get 1 point.

"Really treat me like a baby."

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, and immediately got up from the half-moon bed and walked out of the room he was staying in. The vision was very spectacular.

I saw a straight cylindrical peak standing in the misty clouds, and above this peak, there was a continuous palace covered with yellow walls and red tiles. The entire peak was all the fairy clan of the Banyue tribe. Residents live, after so many years, all kinds of buildings have been built!

"It's really spectacular."

Thinking of this, Ding Hao pressed the brow chakra with his hand again, and the host system immediately sent a message, "Young newcomer, you have completed your first daily task and got one point, and your ranking has increased to 8,400!

Ding Hao laughed, "It seems that there are still a lot of newborn babies."

(End of this chapter)

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