Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2873: Faceless first place

Chapter 2873, the faceless first place

Chapter 2871 the faceless first place

Just after Ding Hao took the assessment, he walked out of his room, looked at the scenery outside, and waited for news.

Suddenly he saw his eldest brother in Banyue tribe beckoning to him.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

His elder brother smiled triumphantly, "Your little nephew, participate in the assessment of the one-year-old prodigy system today! If you are identified as a prodigy, it will be a very honorable thing for our Banyue Tribe! If you and I participated in this kind of assessment when I was young, both Failure! My son must be fine!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly in his heart, saying that he was a bit too ridiculous to compete with these one-year-old children!

His eldest brother said again, "I think my son has entered the top 1,000 this time, and it should be no problem to get the title of child prodigy! The key is, can he enter the top 100! If you enter the top 100 host system, we will send a message to our tribe. Congratulations to the vision! At that time, the most famous training school in the sub-world will come to recruit disciples!"

"There will be visions of heaven and earth!" Ding Hao was surprised to hear this, hoping that he would never enter the top 100.

Just as they were talking, Ding Hao’s parents here also came over and asked concerned, “How about? Have they been identified as a child prodigy? Our Banyue tribe has been there for many years, and there has been no offspring of the title of child prodigy. !"

"It should be possible!" Big Brother said vowedly.

Soon, in everyone's expectations.

Ding Hao's sister-in-law here came out and said excitedly, "Successful, enter the top 1,000!"


Everyone present became excited. It has been too long since Banyue tribe had a genius child prodigy. The eldest brother’s child became a child prodigy, which not only added luster to the tribe leader’s family! It also made Banyue tribe grow a face!

Taking advantage of everyone's excitement, Ding Hao also quietly put his hand on his forehead to communicate with the host system.

A message was sent immediately, "The prodigy assessment results are announced, and you have entered the top 1,000!"

Ding Hao’s heart is also loose. After he entered the first thousand and was identified as a child prodigy, the host system will increase the authority of his brow chakra, which is exactly what he needs; but what he is worried about is, never Enter the top 100!

The ranking of the top 100 is still being calculated. Ding Hao doesn't know. The ranking of the top 100 depends not only on the assessment results this time, but also on the initiative to complete the task this year!

Among some prodigies, the situation of completing the task is calculated comprehensively!

"It would be great if it could be in the top 100!" The tribe leader and others were excited, and they had more expectations in their hearts.

The survivors of the fairy clan grew up very early. Although the eldest brother and sister-in-law’s son is only one year old, he is almost the same as a five or six-year-old child on earth. This child is also waiting quietly, and the result will appear!

After waiting for another half an hour, the eldest brother and sister-in-law’s son pressed his brow chakra, and immediately started crying, "No success!"

When everyone heard this, their faces were disappointed, but they all opened their mouths to comfort, “There are close to hundreds of billions of people in the sub-world, and the number of one-year-old children is also staggering. It’s not easy to get into the top 100. , That's too difficult! If you can't get in, forget it!"

Ding Hao quickly turned his head, quietly pressed his finger to the center of his eyebrows, communicated with the host system, and then a message came over, "You have entered the top 100! Please wait a moment, the top ten list is being counted! "

"What!" Ding Hao almost fainted when he heard this sentence.

He was afraid to enter the top 100. As it stands now, he not only entered the top 100, but also entered the top ten!

While he was waiting, above the sky where the Banyue Tribe was located, there was already a vision of heaven and earth sent by the host system. Large expanses of fireworks were lit up in the sky. The cylindrical peak where the whole Banyue Tribe was located was wrapped in a huge beam of light, and the light burst into the sky. The scene is magnificent.

"What's going on?" Everyone in Banyue tribe walked out of their homes, looking at the scene in shock.

The tribe chiefs and their couple also walked out of their homes and said dumbfounded, “This is a clear sight. The children of a tribe’s family have successfully entered the top 100! Even the top ten! Who is it? Go check it out and see which one is out. A prodigy genius!"

Ding Hao looked embarrassed and said, "Father and mother, don't look for it!"

"How can you not find it? This is a major event in the tribe, you don't understand! You have been very stubborn since you were a child, and the prodigy genius has no chance with you! You don't understand these things!"

Just as the tribe leader was speaking, there was another huge light and shadow in the sky. Above the light and shadow, there appeared four big characters of runes of the immortal clan.

"Topped the list!"

"How is it possible!" The entire Banyue tribe was completely boiled, and there was a genius in the tribe who became the first in this prodigy assessment. This is nothing happened in Banyue tribe's history!

The tribe chiefs and his wife were even more tearful, "Our Banyue tribe is about to rise from now on! This is the God Bless Tribe, God Bless our tribe!"

Ding Hao was also dumbfounded at this moment. He didn't even know the final selection of real names was completely based on his usual task completion!

Normally, he received the task as soon as possible, so he got the highest score!

He quickly pressed his finger to the center of his forehead to communicate with the host system.

Suddenly a message came, "Congratulations, you have won the first place in the prodigy assessment!"

Seeing this sentence, Ding Hao almost fainted. He had deliberately done some questions wrong, but who knew he still won the first place!

At this moment, on the cylindrical mountain peak, thousands of palaces are all excited, everyone is whispering, who is the first child prodigy in this tribe?

At this moment, the fireworks in the sky began to change, and a face slowly appeared!

This face is not a child at all, but a teenager with a round face and big eyes, looking very naughty!

"How could it be him?" Everyone almost fainted at the moment.

When the tribe chiefs and his wife saw Ding Hao’s face appear, they almost fell to the ground with a faint somersault, then turned their heads and angrily said, "What's the matter? What are you doing?"

Ding Hao was already smiling bitterly at the moment. He wanted to get the name of a child prodigy that could turn on some functions of the brow chakra; but who knows that it caused such a big consequence, which is known to all, it is really a headache!

Reluctantly, he could only explain, "Father and mother, the young leader of the Heita tribe tortured me in various ways last time, and I almost died! After that time, the host system recognized my brow chakra as a newborn baby. ! That's why I can participate in this child prodigy assessment, and I didn't expect to get the first place..."

"Naughty, you are really too naughty! Why didn't you tell us something like this? You also participated in the prodigy assessment! You are an adult teenager who took the first place in the assessment of infants. Do you think you have a face?" The smiles on the faces of the tribe chiefs and couples disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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