Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2874: Xianzu Academy

Chapter 2874 Xian Clan Academy

Chapter 2872 Immortal Academy

The descendants of the Banyue tribe got the first place in the prodigy assessment. This was originally a great thing that the whole tribe was excited about!

However, soon news came that the first place in the prodigy assessment turned out to be the most stubborn young son of the tribe leader!

In this way, the nature of this matter has changed!

You, an adult young person, go to the assessment of one-year-old children and get the first place!

This is shameless!

"Oh!" The tribe leader and his wife attributed all this to their little son, too stubborn!

All angrily, they went back to their residence to rest, and the people in the entire Banyue tribe looked ugly.

"I thought that our tribe had a genius child prodigy, and will lead the tribe to rise from now on! I didn't expect that it was because someone played a rogue to get the first place! After going out, people from other tribes asked, we were all embarrassed to say!"

The original excitement of the people in the tribe disappeared suddenly, and they also lost interest in the changing world outside.

For Ding Hao himself, it was also extremely embarrassing.

He didn't want to win this first place. He just wanted to have more authority to open the brow chakra. That's it. Who knew it would happen like this?

The number of the remains of the immortal tribe is very large. Only among the babies of each year can this one be selected as the first one. Therefore, we pay much attention to the phenomena of heaven and earth around the cylindrical mountain where the Banyue tribe is located. In the evening.

When the dusk fell in the evening, the vision of heaven and earth in the sky began to fade away.

However, just as the vision of heaven and earth faded, three very huge ship-shaped flying palaces rushed from the distant sea of ​​clouds through the waves and the waves!

These three flying palaces are different from the flying palaces that Ding Hao has ever seen. The whole body is golden and huge, and the surface is covered with countless strange runes, which looks extraordinary!

The three flying palaces came quickly and stopped quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they stopped in front of the highest peak of the tribe.

"Haha! The outside world vision hasn't faded yet, so we came here as soon as possible!"

Each of these three ship-shaped flying palaces has a tall flag erected on top of them, and three different academies are written separately!

These three academies are the most noble academies among the immortal remnants, and the immortal remnants who come out from inside are each a resounding character.

"The leader of the tribe, it's not good! The people from the three major academies are here! I am afraid I am going to be the first child prodigy this time!"

The tribe leader was so embarrassed to hear the news, he had to take his wife to greet him.

I saw a lot of people walking down from the three flying palaces, and the leaders of these three groups are all with majestic looks, strength and status in the Asian world!

"The deans of the three major academies came here personally!" Seeing this scene, the tribe leader cried with embarrassment.

"The deans of the three major colleges, welcome!"

The deans of the three major academies came over and laughed, "This time your Banyue Tribe has talented people, and the prodigy is ranked first in the assessment by the host system! Now our three major academies have come together. As for which college to enter? It's up to you prodigy to decide for yourself!"

The tribe leader was extremely embarrassed and smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid there are some misunderstandings in this matter!"

"Don't say any misunderstandings, first lead this child prodigy to let us see!" Another dean of the academy said.

"This..." The tribe leader was even more embarrassed.

Seeing that his face was wrong, the deans of the three major academies wondered, "What? Your tribe is ranked first as a child prodigy, it seems you are not happy!"

The tribe chief had to say, "This first person is my youngest son. He has always been relatively stubborn! This time he pretended to be a child and participated in the assessment. He actually committed the crime of deceiving the host system! But I hope that the three deans have a reason. For your sake, be tolerant!"

"What?" The deans of the three major colleges all looked blankly, and said, "Then let your little son come out and have a look!"

After a while, Ding Hao was called, and the deans of the three major academies did not expect that the first place was so big, they were dumbfounded.

"How is it possible! He is so old, how can the host system let him participate in the competition?" A dean of a college could not believe it.

Ding Hao only opened his mouth and said, "Three seniors! A year ago, I was tortured and almost killed! I was rescued when I was dying, and I managed to escape! But since then, the host system has actually failed. I think I’m a newcomer, and all my previous points are cleared so that I can complete the child’s task! This time I didn’t want to be the first child prodigy. I just wanted to have more permissions, so I participated in the prodigy assessment..."

"Naughty!" The dean of the three major colleges led the person, his face sinking, and he waved away.

The second-ranked deans of the three major academies hesitated and shook their heads after thinking about it, "Although it is a host system error, such a talent would shame our academy! We will truthfully report it when we go back, and ask the host system to give it. Punishment for this wicked child!"

The man left after speaking.

The tribe chiefs and his wife were pale. If the deans of the three major academies went back to report to the host system, the host system would definitely give Ding Hao the crime of deceiving. The punishment is not a little bit, it is likely to go to the identity and distribute to a safe area. Besides, do coolies!

"Master Dean, please help! Although this kid is stubborn, he has done a good job in exposing the rebellion of the young leader of the Black Tower tribe! And he was tortured there too, and almost died there! Otherwise, he would not This happened!"

Under the begging of the tribal leader, the dean of the third-largest academy finally moved with compassion.

He opened his mouth and said, "If I accept this kid into our academy, then I can save him from deceiving! However, after entering our academy, with his age and qualifications, he can only enter the previous class! And if he is allowed to enter In the genius class of previous students, he will definitely be dragged down! So he can only be admitted to the inferior class that has been eliminated three times! If eliminated for the fourth time, he will be expelled!"

"We agreed."

After thinking about it, the tribe leader and his wife agreed. Even if Ding Hao enters the worst class and is eliminated for the fourth time, it is better than being punished by the host system!

Speaking of this, the dean of this academy said, "Naughty boy of the Banyue tribe, just follow me! Our academy is called Sifang Academy, although it is not as good as the No. 1 and No. 2 Supreme Academy and Sun. Yue Academy, but we are also ranked third in the sub-world! Although you enter the worst class, as long as you keep practicing, you still have the opportunity to stay in the Academy! If you are still stubborn, then you can't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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