Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2875: Ding Hao Targeted

Ding Hao targeted in Chapter 2875

2873-Ding Hao

On the same day, Rong Ke, the dean of Sifang Academy, rejected the hospitality of Banyue tribe chiefs and his wife. He directly took Ding Hao, the first person in the prodigy assessment, boarded the ship-shaped flying palace of Sifang Academy and returned to the Academy!

The Sifang Academy is indeed one of the top three powerful academies in the sub-world. The ship-shaped flying palace used is also called a treasure. The flying speed is very terrifying, a speed that Ding Hao has never experienced.

Standing on the deck, he looked at the flying palace he was riding in like a golden streamer, flowing fast on the white clouds, the scene was magnificent, and his mood was ups and downs.

"I entered the sub-world this time. Although I have experienced countless dangers, I don’t regret it at all! The Gaishi Xian Clan is definitely the most powerful group of people I have experienced in so many worlds. The runes they use are high-level. , The effect is extraordinary, if I can learn, I will go higher! Although I don’t want to enter the Sifang Academy this time, it is also an opportunity for me!"

His previous studies were all self-study, learning the runes of the celestial clan, relying on his own comprehension.

After entering Sifang Academy this time, he will be able to stand on the starting line with all the geniuses in the sub-world and systematically learn the runes of the immortal clan. This is definitely a golden opportunity for him!

Rong Ke, the dean of Sifang College, walked up from behind and said, "Although your child is a bit stubborn, but I just watched your previous tasks completed! The host system gave you the first place, not without The reason! Every time the host system task is released, you complete it immediately! I don’t know if you are a genius, but I know you are very hardworking and have expectations and interest in every new task!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I will follow the instructions of the dean. After entering the academy, I will definitely study hard and make progress every day!"

"Study hard to make progress every day?" Dean Rong Ke couldn't help laughing when he heard this word for the first time. "Speaking and doing things are really different, showing a sense of stubbornness!"

Ding Hao almost fainted, and said to himself, learning hard to make progress every day, turned out to be stubborn?

But fortunately, Rong Ke continued, "You are rebellious at your age. It should be understandable! After you arrive at the academy, I hope you can study hard every day as you said! Also, after entering the academy, I think There are some rumors about you, you have to take care of yourself! Don't have unnecessary conflicts with others, tolerate as much as possible, after all, I called you back to the academy. I don't want you to fight in the academy and shame me!"

Ding Hao nodded and said solemnly, "Don't worry, Dean, I will not shame you! Those who humiliate me, I will answer them with strength!"

"That's fine."

Rong Ke nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the flying speed of the flying palace was very fast. In the middle of the night, the golden streamer formed by the ship-shaped flying palace stopped in front of a columnar strange peak!

This columnar strange peak is surrounded by thick clouds. If you don’t know it, if you pass by the cloud, you don’t know that there is a strange peak inside!

Above this Qifeng, the palaces covered by layers, from bottom to top, are like yellow clouds, layer after layer wrapped around Qifeng.

Soon, the flying palace stopped at the height of this strange peak. Ding Hao followed the dean and others down the flying palace. At this time, many immortal experts came up, and these people were all powerful in the academy. tutor!

Obviously, before Rong Ke came back, these instructors had all known the situation.

"It's this kid who lied to the host system. He is 18 years old and he participated in the assessment of one-year-old children! It's really funny. How did the dean bring such people back?"

"Anyway, I definitely won't accept this kind of people! They are all one-year-old children. He and the children study together, which is too funny!"

"I heard that the dean was kind, if he doesn't accept him, the host system will punish him!"

"Forget it! Just take it as a good deed and let him go to the lowest palace to practice and study! Wait until the next assessment, he will definitely fail! Then he will be sent back directly, but it is a pity that this time the first place!"

Hearing these mentors' discussions, Rong Ke said, "Take him to go through the registration procedures."

After the order was over, Rong Ke took all powerful mentors to the highest palace.

Only a woman with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek led Ding Hao to the registration area, and came to the registration office. There were also several young tutors here. Obviously they knew Ding Hao's situation, and they all sneered secretly.

Ding Hao also pretended not to hear, and asked his name when he signed up.

He didn't say the name of the Banyue tribe, and said directly, "My name is Ding Hao."

"Okay, the enrollment of students has been completed through the host system! Ding Hao, you are now a member of our Sifang Academy. Here are some rules and regulations, and practice methods that must be learned! You take it first, and someone will take you there soon , Your training class!"

After Ding Hao integrated the brow chakra, he connected to the host system and never gave himself a name. Now he directly named Ding Hao without any conflict.

After the college completed enrollment, he connected to the host system, and the four words Sifang Academy were added before his name, showing his origin.

After waiting for a long time at the beginning of the registration, there was a young man who looked like a savage, tall and sturdy, with a black sword mark on his forehead, came up and asked, "Are you the latest Ding Hao to join our class?"

Ding Hao nodded, "Exactly."

"Then you follow me." The young man with a black sword mark on his forehead took Ding Hao and kept walking down, lower and lower!

After passing through countless layers of palaces, I finally came to the ruined palace on the lowest level, but even so, there are already a lot of young men and women standing in front of the palace! These people come from different tribes and look different. The only thing is that their faces are full of badness!

The young man who walked down with Ding Hao said, "Ding Hao, we have all heard that you came in by cheating! Although we are all students who have been eliminated three times, we don’t want to be with you. !"

Ding Hao's face sank and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course I let you go!" A young boy who was biting on the grass and looking very impatient came over and said cursingly, "You rubbish, who let you join our class? Go away!"

"That's right! I'm 18 years old, and I'm still participating in the assessment of one-year-old children! Although we are not good, we were admitted in the first place!" said another female student with a cold face.

The savage youth who walked down with Ding Hao pointed his finger at a path leading to the dark abyss in the distance, "Where did you go down! It is equivalent to automatically giving up this admission, and we will spare your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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