Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2876: The tutor also dislikes

Chapter 2876 The tutor also dislikes


These so-called classmates, in this way, welcome Ding Hao.

According to Ding Hao's character, of course, he wanted to beat up these people, one by one, to get fatter on the spot.

But Ding Hao thought about what Rong Ke, the dean of the academy said to him on the way to Sifang College, made him tolerate and told him that fighting in the academy would be expelled!

These people in front of them all spoke viciously and shut their mouths for Ding Hao's life, but none of them really dared to act!

Obviously these people also knew the rules of the academy. They just wanted to anger Ding Hao with words, let Ding Hao take the initiative, then Ding Hao would be expelled from the academy, and these people's goals were achieved.

"Every one of you is very scheming! But don't worry, I won't beat people first. If you do something to me, I will immediately communicate with the host system and complain to you! At that time, none of you will escape the academy. Sanctions!"

Ding Hao snorted coldly, ignoring the hostility of these people, and walked into the palace where the class was.

"The kid really isn't that simple!" The students who blocked the door, saw that Ding Hao was not fooled, all of them looked angry.

Some of these people follow others, while others play a major role.

Especially the savage young man with a sturdy figure and rich hair is the leader among these people. He followed Ding Hao and said, "Don't stay stubbornly! I tell you that is useless! Although we can't be right. You do it, but your glorious deeds, we will help you spread it to the entire academy! You are in the academy, wherever you go? Others will laugh at you and make it difficult for you to move. Besides, if your qualifications are not just cheating, you can come in? give up!"

Whether these people ridiculed or insulted behind him, Ding Hao turned a deaf ear to them!

He knew that he would be ridiculed and excluded by these people when he first came here. If he wanted to retaliate against these people, he would use his own ability to respond!

Seeing that Ding Hao ignored them at all, the students in these classes gradually lost interest. They gathered together and said in a low voice, "In another month, it will be the fourth assessment! By that time, there will be dozens of students in our class. , Will be fired! This kid must be in the dozens!"

"At the time of the assessment..." The savage youth showed a triumphant smile on his face. Everyone knew what they meant, and that was to target Ding Hao together and squeeze him to the bottom dozens!

Ding Hao didn't care about this at all. He walked into this training palace and just pressed the chakra between his brows, he could find his own place according to the guidance.

Walking into the residence, this is just a simple practice quiet room, in the practice quiet room, there are already some classics.

These classics are all the most elementary runes of the immortal clan, they are used to lay the foundation for the students who have just entered the college!

"These are good things!" Ding Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he was constantly learning before, there was no systematic learning. One hammer from the east to the west, one rune today and one rune tomorrow. There is no connection between each other; but the complete textbook in front of him, this It's not the same, he flipped through it, and he had a deeper development in the evolution of the rune of the Gai Shi Xian Clan!

"That's how it is!" Ding Hao was eager to watch these classics in front of him.

After he came to the class, he basically hadn't gone out, so he looked through the classics there. Those students who wanted to see him lively didn't go out at all. After a few days, he gradually lost interest.

But Ding Hao has gained a lot of insights during his self-study these days!

"It turns out that the development of runes is like this!"

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and took out the brow chakra marked by a purple sword. This brow chakra was owned by the old man Bone Bai of the Purple Sword tribe! Gubai was killed by the people of the Heita tribe, and Ding Hao was beside him, so he cut off the brow chakra and never used it.

Now Ding Hao took out this brow chakra.

The deceased's brow chakra can no longer communicate with the host system; if he is not dead, he can still grab points.

However, Gubai has been dead for a long time, and the machine system has identified this brow chakra as the deceased. Therefore, the only function of this brow chakra is to store things. Some of the items that Gu Bai had installed in it can still be taken out!

Ding Hao took out all the things on one side. As an unskilled survivor of the immortal clan, Gu Bai had limited treasures, but what Ding Hao was looking for was an ancient book!

"That's it!" Ding Hao quickly found a thin pamphlet, which recorded a lot of strange runes.

"It is the rune used by the Heavenly Purple Sword Art!"

If Ding Hao rushed to learn these runes before, it would be too time-consuming and difficult to learn!

After several days of rehearsing the content of runes, Ding Hao had a deeper understanding of the evolution of runes.

"It turns out that there are not one or two runes used by the Heavenly Purple Sword Jue! The Heavenly Purple Sword Jue is also divided into levels, and different levels use different powers! And the so-called level certificate is distinguished by the runes used!"

"The runes I used before can only release the first-level Azure Purple Sword Art! And the runes used by Gubai can release mid-level Azure Purple Sword Art! In this booklet, there are also high-level ones. If I read those runes, I will use the power of the sky-reaching Zijian Jue to be more than a hundred times stronger than before!"

When Ding Hao saw this, there was a lot of splendor in his eyes, and he quickly buried his head and began to study quietly.

But at this moment, outside of his quiet room, there was a roar, "New student, have you been here for a few days, don't you know the rules at all?! You dare to escape from my class?"

It turns out that every class in the college has a tutor. The tutor does not start classes every day, sometimes three or five days, sometimes ten days and eight days, and someone will be specially notified at that time!

And the person who notified this was the savage young man.

The savage youth is the strongest in their class and can be regarded as a squad leader. The instructor will let the savage youth notify him of everything!

The Savage Youth didn't notify Ding Hao at all, so Ding Hao didn't know that the tutor was starting the class today. When the tutor found that there were few people, he was furious and went straight to teach Ding Hao!

Ding Hao heard the roar outside and quickly walked out of the quiet room.

I saw that this instructor was a tall and obese old man with a rather unkind expression. He mocked and said, "Why? Have the courage to cheat and enter the academy, are you not courageous to participate in my tutor's class?"

Ding Hao quickly explained, "I didn't receive the notification at all."

"Then you are going to blame others?" The instructor snorted coldly, "You just came to the academy, don't you know how to have a good relationship with others? What do you think you are, a scumbag who entered the academy by cheating, why do you In my class? If you don’t come to my class today, you will never come again!"

(End of this chapter)

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