Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2927: Fifty thousand points

Chapter 2927 Fifty Thousand Points

Chapter 2925 Fifty Thousand Points

"25000 points, how could it be so much?!"

When Ding Hao said to everyone, they were all dumbfounded.

According to Anye, Chaoheng would take 300,000 points, and Ding Hao alone took 25,000 points among the remaining 200,000 points, which is more than 1/10. This is too exaggerated!

"How many points did you get?" Ding Hao asked again.

"I only scored 8,000 points!" As the captain, Mao Ren was also the commander of this mission, only 8,000 points.

Xiao Qi said annoyed, "I was very happy to see that I scored 5000 points just now, and now I am compared with you, do I have to live?"

Everyone laughed, "In fact, it's not bad to be able to do this for a task, it's a joy for everyone!"

Ding Hao and his team worked harder in the battle and got a lot of credit, so the points were all quite high.

And some teams participated in such a dangerous mission, and some people even only scored a few hundred points. That was really annoying.

Ding Hao's 25,000 points were the highest among all the players present! Originally, Mao Ren said that the team would increase Ding Hao's share ratio. In that case, Mao Ren, they would give Ding Hao some more points!

However, Ding Hao had 25,000 points in his hand, and rejected the request of others to transfer points to him!

For Ding Hao, this mission was a huge profit, his points had already bottomed out, and even became negative! Now it is increased to 25,000 points, which really gives him the feeling of making a fortune!

"This is the most points I got. Everyone drinks, and today's wine counts as mine!"

Ding Hao called out loudly to let people serve wine.

But in the process of serving the wine, he encountered something that turned his appetite!

"Where is my female classmate? Why didn't I see her here today?"

When Ding Hao was in the lowest class, the female classmate who framed him worked as a waiter in the Monster Beast Pub, and later offended Di Ye because of Ding Hao!

The other waiters in the Monster Beast Tavern were afraid to say anything, and everyone smiled bitterly when Ding Hao asked.

Ding Hao was very happy to drink and drink. Seeing this, he immediately shouted, "Call your boss!"

Called the owner of the Monster Beast Tavern. This person is a family member of a senior person in Sifang College. He whispered to Ding Hao, "We are doing business here and don’t want to offend people! Your female classmate has offended some The strong, some strong do not want to see her again, so we have to fire your female classmate!"

"Damn it!" Ding Hao's face sank, and he put the wine bottle heavily on the table.

Obviously, when he was away, Di Ye sent someone to find the owner of the Monster Beast Tavern and asked him to expel his female classmate!

This female classmate was expelled from Sifang Academy. She originally wanted to work as a waiter in the Monster Beast Tavern while buying some practice books and practicing.

But now the Monster Beast Tavern also fired her, and she was embarrassed to go home. There was really nowhere to go, so life must be quite miserable!

"Student Ding Hao, there is nothing we can do in the tavern. People are very powerful in the Sifang Academy. I advise you not to fight him!"

Tonight, I was very happy, but because of this unappetizing thing, Ding Hao was quite upset.

"Di Ye, you really used a good method, even if this Liangzi is settled!"

Ding Hao hadn't had much resentment towards Di Ye, but he just felt that this person could not make friends with him, but now, Di Ye has become a target that must be killed in his heart!

After drinking in the evening, Ding Hao, Mao Ren and others left and returned to Sifang Academy.

On his way back this time, many people gave him pointers and talked secretly, mainly talking about the strongest immortal clan, Chaoheng!

Ding Hao ignored these people, and was thinking about it as he walked, "I don't know how big brother and second brother are?"

Although he was very worried in his heart, with his current strength, it was impossible to go out to find Fuxi and Ye Kong, so he could only practice hard.

"If I can also become the strongest of the fairy clan, it will be much easier to find the eldest brother and the second elder brother if necessary.

Ding Hao pondered this and returned to his quiet room for cultivation.

After entering the quiet room, sit down cross-legged, press the chakra between the eyebrows, "Receive a message from the strongest Chaoheng!"

"Chao Heng sent me a message?" Ding Hao was quite surprised.

Open the message and watch, Super Heng said, "Student Ding Hao, if it weren't for you to release the half-moon cut this time, let me have the opportunity to catch the rebellious immortal clan alive, otherwise the task completion will not reach perfection! To express my thanks, I will be rewarded 1/10 of this is given to you. I hope you will continue to practice Streaming Half Moon Slash! This combat skill will be very terrifying when you cultivate to the top rune, come on!"

Ding Hao looked at it again and found that his points really gained another 25,000 points. It seems that Chao Heng has been rewarded with 250,000 points this time!

"Unexpectedly, Chao Heng has given me so many points again!" Ding Hao faintly felt that Chao Heng was a good person.

"The character of Chao Heng is still good, but it is not something I can think of when it comes to making friends with him!"

Between friends, you also need to look at your strength level. You are too different from others, and others look down on you, and you can't play together!

"Thank you first! Be strong enough with me, maybe I will have the opportunity to become the strongest of the fairy clan!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao replied a message to express his gratitude, but Chao Heng didn't reply, so the matter ended here.

In this big task, Ding Hao successfully got 50,000 points, which is definitely an astronomical number, which Ding Hao had never thought of!

"Get so many points, just enough to buy the things I always wanted to buy!" What Ding Hao always wanted to buy was the top rune of Tongtian Zijian Jue!

He once saw it in the store in the host system that this top-level rune would sell for 30,000 points, but when Ding Hao had money now, he looked for it in the host system, but he couldn't find it.

"It's sold out, it seems I can only look for it on the black market!"

Ding Hao pressed his brow chakra again and sent a message to his friend Ling Xing, "Ling Xing, when will the black market open?"

Ling Xing soon came back with the news, "Just these two days! Ding Hao, you are famous. The academy has been talking about you for these two days! It is said that you have made friends with the strongest immortal clan. Haven't boarded a host-class flying palace, how do you feel?"

Ding Hao smiled, "Of course it feels good, the speed is so fast!"

Ling Xing said enviously, "Oh, let me board once, take me around, I am willing to die!"

"Look at you for this good point." Ding Hao smiled, "When I have the opportunity, maybe one day I will become the strongest of the immortal clan, I will take you around!"

Ling Xing also laughed loudly about Ding Hao’s statement. Although Ding Hao’s talents in the Sifang Academy were so good, Ding Hao said he wanted to become the strongest of the immortal clan...

Ling Xing replied, "In the history of our Sifang Academy, there has been only one immortal clan's strongest person!"

(End of this chapter)

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