Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2928: Points black market

Chapter 2928 Points Black Market

Chapter 2926 the point black market

Ling Xing's meaning is very obvious, since how many epochs in the entire Sifang Academy, there has been only one immortal strongest person! You Ding Hao wants to become the strongest of the immortal clan, I am afraid it is impossible, the starting point is too low!

In fact, this is indeed the case. Basically, the strongest immortals selected by the host system are all from Supreme Academy, the top college in the sub-world!

In Supreme Academy, the top geniuses gathered among the survivors of the immortal clan, and then these geniuses went through countless rounds of selection, and the genius among the geniuses that appeared finally, and then passed the examination of the host system, can finally become the strongest immortal clan. !

Ding Hao is just a genius student of the Sifang Academy. Even if he reaches the top of the Sifang Academy, he is far from the standard of the strongest immortal clan!

It's almost impossible!

Ding Hao didn't say much about this, he worked hard towards this, but he was not sure that he would be able to do it!

Ling Xing inquired again, and quickly sent the news to Ding Hao, "Tomorrow evening, I will take you to participate in the black market transaction."


The next day, Ding Hao left his quiet room for practice and went to participate in the genius class.

At the upper level of Sifang College, the students can’t talk about friendship with each other. Basically, they just leave after class. Everyone is genius. They all want to enter the top level of Sifang College. They also have a strong competitive relationship with each other. It is impossible to have any friendship!

Even the instructor of the genius class was very busy. After the lecture, he called Ding Hao aside and said, "In another two months, it will be your first assessment in the genius class! Dean Rong Ke is very concerned about you. , You also work hard, don't let the dean down!"

The instructor of the genius class has always been relaxed and left after class. Today, I can ask Ding Hao to say this, obviously because of the care of Dean Rong Ke.

Ding Hao is still very grateful to Dean Rong Ke!

He asked, "What are the main aspects of the first assessment?"

The instructor of the genius class said, "The genius class cultivates actual combat geniuses. You must not only have a strong combat effectiveness, but also have sufficient evasion ability! Therefore, this assessment mainly assesses the runes of defense and avoidance. In this regard, you pay attention!"

"That's it!" Ding Hao's face changed slightly.

Before, he mainly practiced the Sky-Sky Purple Sword Art, which was a battle rune; then he also practiced his tribe's Streaming Half Moon Slash, which was also a battle rune!

To say that he doesn't have a deep understanding of the runes for defense and avoidance. When performing tasks, it is still the help of Xiaoqigang to put defensive runes on his body.

"Thank you, instructor for reminding." Ding Haoxin said, thanks to asking today, otherwise he would be embarrassed in his first assessment of the genius class!

Although an assessment may not necessarily degrade him, it is definitely a matter of deterring Dean Rong Ke!

"Practice well." The instructor of the genius class exhorted again, "Defense and avoidance, choose one of the two, I suggest you choose avoidance first, defense second! This way you have the advantage of scoring!"

To say that thanks to Dean Rong Ke's care, the tutor of the genius class, otherwise I would not tell him this!

Even if your defense is strong, you still have to deduct points if you are hit by an opponent during the assessment; but if you avoid a strong one, you will have a great advantage. It is very likely that no point will be deducted and you will get very high points!

And in actual combat, you can put on some precious rune armor for defense, while avoidance is completely dependent on your own strength!

The instructor finished talking with Ding Hao and left in a hurry. Ding Hao also muttered to himself, this time looking for some runes for evasion and defense to learn.

Go back to your own practice quiet room, simply analyze and digest the content taught by your tutor, and integrate it into yourself.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed, and in the evening of the next day, Ling Xing and Han Meijie came to Ding Hao's practice place.

"Ding Hao, are you ready?"

Ding Hao smiled and walked out, "You go in and out, when will you become a pair?"

Yan Meijie's face blushed and she turned her head to pretend not to hear.

Ling Xing smiled and said, "We are just beginning to associate now, so we decided to wait for the two of us to enter the upper echelon of the academy, and then we will actually begin to associate!"

Now both of them are just middle-level geniuses in the academy. They have never thought of entering the genius class, they just want to become upper-level geniuses, stand firm, and then fall in love.

Ding Hao smiled slightly, "Not bad, not bad, I am happy to see it happen!"

"We have to wait until we all enter the upper level of the academy together." Ling Xing smiled awkwardly, and said again, "Ding Hao, you are now a member of the genius class among the upper geniuses, and you have the opportunity to enter the highest level of Sifang Academy at any time! I think the academy Those female students here, I’m afraid I really want to fall in love with you! Have you fancy it? Meijie and I will help you match up!"

"I, forget it." Ding Hao showed a bright smile on his face.

In his life, his experience was quite rich, he had talked about love several times, and he was not a real young man like Ling Xing.

"It seems that your requirements are still very high, probably because you want to become the highest level of the academy and talk about it later!" Ling Xing and the others were misunderstood.

Ding Hao didn't say much, and asked, "Where is the black market for points?"

"Then go."

The black market for points will definitely not appear in the host system security zone. The host system manages the security zone very strictly. Young people who fight and fight will be punished by the host system! What's more, what about illegal things like the points black market?

Therefore, the black market for points is outside the safe zone!

However, the points black market is for your own safety, and will not be too far from the safe zone!

Otherwise, if the rebellious fairy clan knows the location, the rebellious fairy clan will most likely gather and besiege a large number of powerful rune beasts!

At that time, the points will be black market, and there will be heavy losses. This kind of thing has not happened before!

Therefore, the black market for points is often located in a certain place just out of the security zone of the host system.

Ding Hao boarded Ling Xing's flying palace, and Han Meijie also went to the flying palace. The ship-shaped flying palace flew out of the mist of the Sifang Academy and ran towards the black market of points.

While walking in the flying palace, Ling Xing and Han Meijie stood on the side of the ship and talked to each other.

Ding Hao saw this scene, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were looking far away!

Just now Ling Xing asked him if he wanted to fall in love, Ding Hao said no, in fact, at that moment, he thought of his lovers who had been separated for a long time!

"Xiaoyu, Ye Wen, Anliu, I don't know how you are? It's been too long!"

Ding Hao has separated from his beloved woman many times in this life, but they are separated and combined, and there will always be a day of reunion; but this time is different. Entering Tingyu this time is equivalent to exploring the ultimate top of the world. Secret, when can I go back? Can you go back?

It's all unknown!

(End of this chapter)

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