Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3014: Reported

Chapter 3014 was reported


Outside the vast sea of ​​clouds, there is a thick light curtain. Outside the light curtain is the forest of origin, where killing is innocent; and inside the light curtain is the host system security zone, where fighting and killing are prohibited!

A golden light drew across the sky and plunged into the safe zone of the host system.

When Ding Hao stepped onto the flying palace and entered the safety zone, one huge flying palace after another also rushed in behind him.

On the flying palace at the rear, there are dozens of fairy hunters from different tribes standing. Every one of these people is filled with outrage at the moment. Originally, everyone wanted to capture the void and earn points and runes; but who knows Ding Hao directly beheaded Nothingness, causing everyone to get nothing!

For the students from the major colleges in these hunter squads, there is more envy than anger!

"This **** kid not only soaked our goddess away, but also took away our mission! Damn it! What a damn!"

Amid the scolding of everyone's teeth, a dozen flying palaces surrounded Ding Hao's flying palace.

But even so, everyone can't help it, because they have entered the host system security zone and fighting is forbidden here. What if they can't take Ding Hao? !

Ding Hao knew this too, so he didn't care about them at all. He just stood on his flying palace, pressed his forehead with his hand, connected to the host system, and handed over the task. "Host system, I have completed the task! The immortal rebellious emptiness was killed. , His brow chakra is with me! Now I hand in the task, hoping to get the task reward!"

The host system quickly made a judgment, "Ding Hao, a student of Sifang Academy, this task is to capture the rebellious emptiness of the immortal clan alive, but you killed him! So the task completion rate is only 20 points! You can't get the task reward!"

Ding Hao received the news with a smile on his face.

He didn't want to get the task reward from the host system, because at this moment, he has received an anonymous message, "The recipient of the black ship mission, you have completed the black market mission issued by the black ship! You have already received three A veteran-level rune, please go to the black ship to collect it yourself!"

"Three veteran runes!"

Ding Hao’s heart secretly rejoiced that he already had two veteran runes on his rune weapons, and then he was going to put on the rune he had just realized, and then he would go to receive three veteran runes. In this way, his Xikong gun is inlaid with six runes, and all of them are the most powerful runes, which greatly improves his combat effectiveness!

"Very good! I sit here, take care of the weapons and armor, and then go to the black ship to collect the runes!"

Because it was the host system safe area, no one dared to do anything to him, so Ding Hao sat down cross-legged and began to maintain his rune weapons and armor.

"This bastard! He still has the mind to maintain his weapons and armor here, we were hurt by him!"

"If it weren't for the safe zone of the host system, I would have to kill him today!"

"It looks like I'm about to get a veteran rune, it's a good thing to be broken by him!"

The dozens of hunters present, gritted their teeth with anger, surrounded the golden flying palace, talking a lot, tearing Ding Hao's mind on the spot.

For everyone, I really can't figure out why Ding Hao would do such a bad thing that harms others and himself!

However, there were dozens of people present, and there were also some discerning people. One of the captains pondered for a while and said, "Ding Hao, he did this kind of thing deliberately! I have heard about it, catching the void. It was the decision made by the big tribes of the Tianyu tribe and the Luye tribe! This kid deliberately wanted to destroy these big tribes. He deliberately violated the tasks issued by the host system. He is guilty!"

For the tasks issued by the host system, the recipient of the task may not complete or fail to complete the task. At most, the task is completed low and generally will not be punished. However, if it is proven that the task recipient did not complete the task deliberately, the task was deliberately Do bad, even against the host system, then this is a crime!

When the captain finished speaking, the eyes of many people at the scene lit up, "In that case, let's report him together! Ask the host system to send an investigation!"

"Yes, this is a good idea!"


System Central City, on the top of the hill on the side of the Senate.

An old man with a feather on his eyebrow was drinking and playing chess with an old man with a green leaf mark on his eyebrow. The two had a very happy conversation.

"As long as the emptiness is captured this time, we just take this opportunity to drag the Dark Night Tribe into the water! This tribe has always been the weakest tribe in the Holy Alliance. If we suppress it, our power will be gained. Further improvement! At the same time we can get more host system shares..."

Just when the two old men were in a good mood, suddenly a young man walked over and whispered to them, "Two elders, the mission of Voidness has failed! Please check the host system!"

Suddenly, the two elders pressed their eyebrows with their hands. When they watched the report on the completion of this task, their faces were all blue.

"Bastard! This one is called Ding Hao, it's just a bastard! The mission is obviously to capture the target alive, why did he kill the target?!"

The expressions of the two elders suddenly became gloomy. Their original plan had now failed. It was precisely because the key figure of Voidness was beheaded!

At this time, the old man of Luye Tribe gritted his teeth and said, "This Ding Hao must be done deliberately! I have seen many task recipients who are complaining and reporting him, saying that he is deliberately fighting the host system and deliberately doing the task badly! We! For this black sheep, punishment must be given!"

The old man with feathers on his eyebrows also nodded, "Absolutely to be punished, otherwise everyone is the host system issued a task as nothing, this is the authority to provoke the host system and must be severely punished!"

But just as he said this sentence, his eyebrows moved, and he pressed his eyebrows with his hands again and found that he had received a message.

When the news came, his old face suddenly moved, "What? Dongcheng Ling of my tribe is also on the spot, and this Ding Hao? Asshole!"

The old man was so angry that his face was extremely ugly, and the old man from the Luye Tribe next to him asked, "What's the situation? What happened to the child Dongcheng Ling?"

The face of the old man with feathers on his eyebrows changed, and it took a while before he said, "I don't have to punish Ding Hao in a hurry for this matter. I need to investigate some of the following things clearly before I can deal with them appropriately!"

After he said this, he immediately stood up and clasped his fists, "Elder Dilin, I still have something to deal with. Let's get together later! As for Ding Hao's matter, we will make a decision later!"

(End of this chapter)

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