Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3015: Who they are

Chapter 3015 They are the target


Sifang Academy, the top class assessment palace.

After rounds of assessments, this time the assessment task is finally completed, everyone has finished fighting, and everyone has their own new ranking.

Because Di Ye left Sifang Academy, Luo Hu and An Ye still ranked second and third on the black list, and the top three positions on the black list remained unchanged.

However, the positions of Luo Hu and An Ye on the gold list have undergone some changes.

After the last battle assessment, An Ye, who was ranked 95 on the gold list, stepped back one place, but after this time, An Ye’s gold ranking has advanced by two more. Now he is at 94 on the gold list, which is a slight advance!

Luo Hu, another genius of Sifang Academy, is quite capable and his position on the gold list is constantly improving.

Initially, his position was 73rd on the gold list, and after the last battle he was promoted to 72nd on the gold list. After this battle, he directly entered the top 70, ranking 69!

"Luo Hu, really has great stamina!" An Ye said in admiration.

Luo Hu looked at a certain position on the list and said with a smile, "Ding Hao really has the ability. This time, he didn't participate in a battle in this assessment, but he was promoted by one!"

An Ye looked up at the list and laughed.

Before this assessment, Ding Hao's gold ranking was 41st on the list, next to him were the two geniuses from the Gemini tribe; and in this assessment, which one ranked 40th on the list The genius of the Gemini tribes did not perform well and dropped three places at once, which made Ding Hao automatically rise one place and now ranks 40th on the gold list!

While the two of them were talking, they looked at a certain place on the golden list. This person is a person that Sifang Academy students are more concerned about.

This is the genius Emperor Ye who has just left Sifang Academy!

When Di Ye was in Sifang Academy, he ranked first on the black list and 49 on the gold list!

And when he entered the Sun Moon Academy, his ranking has improved significantly. Now he has suppressed the Gemini genius who was ranked behind Ding Hao, and now he is ranked 41st in the gold list following Ding Hao!

"The kid Di Ye has great potential!" Luo Hu shook his eyes. "In the entire Sifang Academy, I am afraid that even if I have the most chances to fight with Di Ye, I have the most chances to challenge him. I know his strength very well! It is the strength of the 49th on the Gold List, but now that he is promoted to eight places, it shows that he has really improved by leaps and bounds!"

"Not bad!" An Ye nodded, "Everyone came out of Sifang Academy, don't you know who's strength? Di Ye's ability to improve so much at once is definitely not a speculation, it should be a real strength improvement!"

"I guess he took a sigh of breath!" Luo Hu said, "Di Ye went to Sun Moon Academy this time just to press Ding Hao down! This time it is already behind Ding Hao. The next assessment is really hard to tell! "

Not only did they discuss before the gold list, other students also stood before the gold list to watch after the assessment.

Among the crowd, a girl with long black hair, who is not tall, looked particularly attractive. She looked up at the list proudly, listened to the discussion around her, and snorted, "In fact, this genius, That genius is far from my cousin!"

Hearing what she said, everyone present smiled bitterly, looking up at the top-most name of the golden tall list...

Luo Hu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How long has it been? Dongcheng Ling does not leave the college system, I am afraid that others will never want to surpass her!"

"Indeed!" An Ye also nodded with emotion. In front of his eyes, there seemed to be a tall and slender figure.

As a son of an aristocratic family, the descendants of a large tribe have had many opportunities to see Dongcheng Ling. Although they watched from a distance, the beautiful shadow is unforgettable for everyone!

But just as everyone was sighing, a female student who was present pressed her hand between her eyebrow chakras and suddenly exclaimed, "I wipe, Ding Hao! How is it possible!"

"What's the situation?" All the top geniuses who were talking about before the gold list all cast their eyes on this female student.

This female student has a nickname called Hua Xie Que, who talks all day long and likes to talk about gossip and gossip. Although the fighting strength is not high in the top class, everyone knows her.

"Flower Magpie" loosened her eyebrows and looked at everyone in front of her, and she could see that all her eyes were shocked and could not be believed.

Her eyes swept over everyone in front of her, and everyone's eyes gathered on her. Everyone had some doubts. What happened to this girl who likes to spread gossip and gossip, so shocked!

"What's the matter? What a fuss!" Luo Hu snorted irritably.

Hua Ximagie blurted out, "Ding Hao..."

Everyone noticed that she blurted out the words Ding Hao. As Ding Hao's friend, An Ye was most concerned about it, and quickly stepped forward and asked, "What happened to Ding Hao?"

Of course, An Ye cares about Ding Hao very much. Not only is Ding Hao's friend, but also Ding Hao has just been recommended to his family and tribe, so that his tribe can invest heavily in Ding Hao! If Ding Hao had something to do, it would be public or private, An Ye would be quite nervous!

But what everyone didn't expect was that, in the face of An Ye's interrogation, Hua Ximagie didn't even talk about Ding Hao, and blurted out, "Dongcheng Ling, my God, how is it possible!"

"What's the situation?" Everyone became even more confused now.

If only talking about Ding Hao, it is likely that Hua Xie Que has inquired about what happened to Ding Hao; but now Hua Xie Que mentioned Dongcheng Ling again! These two people couldn't fight together at all, why were they picked up by the flower magpie at the same time?

Of course, the one who cares about Dongcheng Ling the most is his cousin Dongchengqiu. This little girl with long black hair hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Hua magpie, if you have any words, just say it, hesitating! What anxious!

"No, the news is too shocking, I can't say it at all! I can't believe it!" For people like Huaxi Magpie, what gossip usually comes with open mouth, but today there is still news that can't be said?

"What can't you say? Say it!" Dong Chengqiu urged with a very gossip heart.

In fact, everyone is very gossip. I really want to know what gossip has been received by Huaxi Magpie?

Hua Ximagie had no choice but to say word by word, "I just received the latest news from my friend. It is said that Dongcheng Lingzheng of Supreme Academy and Ding Hao of Sifang Academy are two people!"

"How is it possible!" Everyone present was about to vomit blood.

The one who wanted to vomit blood most was Dong Chengqiu, she almost jumped and said, "Hua magpie, you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I slap you in the face?"

Hua Ximagie smiled bitterly, "I said that I can't believe it, you have to let me say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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