Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3021: Ding Hao appeared

Chapter 3021 Ding Hao appears

Chapter 3019 Ding Hao Appears

"At the end of the assessment, Luo Hu won, and An Ye failed. The assessment points are recalculated."

"Luo Hu is currently ranked second on the black list and 59th on the gold list; Anye is currently ranked third on the black list and 91st on the gold list."

When these two people walked out of the combat assessment cabin, there was a commotion outside. What everyone did not expect was that Luo Hu, who had always been relatively stable, had improved so much!

He was 69th on the gold list, but because of Dongchengling's drop from the list, he was promoted to 68! But now it's just a battle, and it has been promoted to 59, and it is promoted to nine again!

This is definitely a huge improvement for Luo Hu, and it also shows that Luo Hu's recent practice is crazy!

Although An Ye failed in the battle, during the assessment, he made a full shot and the assessment score was also increased; therefore, although he failed, his gold ranking still increased by two!

"It seems that during these three months of cultivation, everyone worked hard!"

Dean Rong Ke looked at the strength of his disciples, and he couldn't express his joy. Which teacher would not want to see a hardworking disciple?

"Luo Hu, it seems you have worked quite hard during this time!" Rong Ke approvingly patted Luo Hu's shoulder.

Luo Hu said with a smile, "Dean, in fact, this is not my highest strength!"


When Luo Hu said these words, the geniuses of Sifang Academy were in an uproar.

Everyone is a student of the same academy, and they have been together for a few years. It can be said that the strength of each other is clear!

Luo Hu has risen to nine places this time, and he has already advanced by leaps and bounds. Now he still says that he has not come up with the highest strength. Is this true or bragging?

Dean Rong Ke also looked surprised, and asked, "Then when you dealt with An Ye just now, did you still have any strength?"

"I still have a lot of strength!" Luo Hu's face suddenly became proud, his eyes looked at the entrance of the examination palace, and he said word by word, "How else would you challenge him?"

When everyone heard this sentence, they all turned their heads and looked back at the entrance of the examination palace.

I saw the figure of a young man, carrying a spear behind him, walking along, his complexion was extremely calm, but every step was extremely firm!

"Ding Hao is here!"

I didn't know who it was, I yelled first, and then there was chaos on the scene, and all the students from Sifang Academy rushed up.

At this moment, the academy's assessment is almost over, everyone has finished the assessment, and there is only one left, that is Ding Hao!

Everyone rushed forward, all talking.

Someone is saying, "Ding Hao, have you seen the gold list? Di Ye has become the number one in the Riyue Academy, 15th in the gold list!"

Others are saying, "Ding Hao, why have you only left the customs until now, have you forgotten the assessment?"

Someone said, "Ding Hao, even Luo Hu has improved now, how is your strength?"

In the midst of noisy questions, Xiao Lori Dongchengqiu was squeezed in the end, although she shouted, "Ding Hao, my sister..."

But her voice was quickly suppressed by other noisy voices and was not noticed by Ding Hao.

When Ding Hao walked over, the first ones to walk over were Dean Rong Ke and Luo Hu!

"Ding Hao, how come to participate in the assessment until now?" Dean Rong Ke asked.

"I was practicing in retreat, just when I was breaking through, so I'm late, don't blame the dean!" Ding Hao charged a crime.

"It's okay." Dean Rong Ke felt relieved when he heard this, and pointed to Luo Hu and said, "This time Luo Hu fired a cannon and raised nine places at once! The last round of the assessment, He wants to challenge, do you want to challenge?"

Ding Hao's eyes were like electricity, looking at Luo Hu.

In Luo Hu's eyes, there was no timidity at all, and he solemnly said, "Ding Hao, I know your strength is very strong! Until now, I have been far from you on the gold list and the black list! But as a person The strong is to continue to challenge upward, so I decided to challenge you!"

Although Ding Hao’s eyes were sharp, there was no bad reaction. Instead, he nodded approvingly, “Luo Hu, I agree with you and I am willing to accept your challenge! I hope we can all improve in the battle. To be honest, I left the customs at the last minute, and I really hope that someone can play with me!"

This time he left the customs, it was obvious that he had felt something. If he found that there was still no one to challenge after leaving the customs, he would have a feeling that there is nowhere for his power.

And now Luo Hu's challenge to him happened to his heart, so he immediately decided to accept the challenge.

"In the final round of this routine assessment, Luohu, the second on the black list, challenged Ding Hao, the first on the black list!"

The two walked into the battle compartment and stood at the starting point of the battle, with the battle compartment door closed.

"The assessment begins!"

When the sound of the host system sounded in the sky, Ding Hao did not move. He still looked at Luo Hu and said, "Luo Hu, I just heard that you have been promoted to 59th place! But your ranking can beat My confidence is still lacking! But I look at you as if you are full of confidence. It seems that you have prepared a secret weapon for me!"

A smile appeared on Luo Hu's honest face, "Ding Hao student, it seems that you not only rank first in combat ability, but also rank first in your observation and judgment of things! Yes, I did prepare some secret weapons for you. , Otherwise, how can I have the guts to challenge you?!"

Ding Hao got it right, nodded slightly, and said again, "Then let's stop playing imaginary things, just make some real things! It just so happened that I also made a big improvement this time!"

"That's good!"

In ordinary battles, some relatively ordinary attacks must be released first for temptation, also called trial moves!

But at the moment these two powerhouses are both the pinnacles of Sifang Academy, and everyone is friends. There is no need to come up with those methods, but it is not true to show the ultimate strength and make a good fight!

"Come on then!" Luo Hu let out a loud shout, and the tiger's body shook suddenly.

Hearing a bang, a black robe worn outside his body was suddenly shattered into strands; and in this black robe, you can see a golden armor with the same golden light inside!

"You also have rune armor!" Ding Hao's expression changed.

"Not only that!" Luohu's expression was proud, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it back. Everyone noticed that behind the sword rune armor, there were actually two short mace sticks with only arms hanging!

"Rune weapons!"

Outside of the assessment battle cabin, all the academy geniuses jumped up in shock.

No one thought that Luo Hu, who was never rich, could wear rune armor and hold rune weapons. This is really surprising!

However, some insiders snorted secretly, Luo Hu's tribe did not have the ability to buy these for him, he must have taken refuge in some big power that controls the host system!

(End of this chapter)

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