Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3022: Reincarnation

Chapter 3022 Reincarnation

Chapter 3020 Reincarnation

"Unexpectedly, you also have rune armor and rune weapons!" Ding Hao's eyes condensed and nodded slightly.

Luo Hu said, "Let’s tell you the truth. This set of rune armor and weapons is not owned by me, but I borrowed it from some powerful people! I just want to see how strong I am after getting these equipment. How much can it improve!"

"It turned out to be borrowed!" Ding Hao nodded, "The rune armor and rune weapons are extremely precious. It is already a great honor to be able to lend you!"

Luo Hu chuckled again, "This is an old man who doesn't need it for the time being, so he lends it to me! If it is done well, maybe it will be given to me in the future!"

"Then I congratulate you first!"

The two exchanged simple greetings, and the battle began.

Boom boom boom!

Unlike other people's battles, in the battle between the two people, the first contact is full action, the battle scene is quite shocking!


When the series of serial attacks reached the end, there was a loud noise, and Ding Hao and Luo Hu were seen suddenly separated and back to the starting point.

There was no need to rest at all, the two figures moved again and rushed toward each other again!

The rune spear in Ding Hao's hand pulled out the huge light and shadow across the sky; Luo Hu was not to be outdone, holding the pair of small hammers in his hand, with a thunder, a muffled thunder exploded, and the space in all directions was violently shaken!

"The strength of these two people has been greatly improved!" Standing outside the assessment battle cabin, the geniuses of Sifang Academy flashed their eyes.

Although they are all geniuses at the highest level, after all, because the overall level of the Sifang Academy is relatively weak, it is the first time they have seen a battle of this level.

"Very strong! Luo Hu is really strong!" At the moment, An Ye couldn't help but applaud again and again, and he said again, "Luo Hu obviously retained his strength when he fought with me! If he did his best in that game, then I will lose facelessly!"

"Yes! Luo Hu is a good boy!" Dean Rong Ke also nodded continuously.

A deputy dean next to him asked in a low voice, "Dean, the strength of these two people is quite extraordinary! After this game, the gold ranking of both will probably improve a lot! The problem is now, Can the two of them surpass Di Ye in the ranking!"

"This..." Upon hearing this question, Dean Rong Ke's expression also became deep.

After all, everyone hadn't seen Di Ye's current strength, but Di Ye was able to enter the 15th place on the gold list, with absolutely extraordinary strength.

As they spoke, the battle in the battlefield reached a new peak.

I saw six white apertures around the rune spear in Ding Hao's hand, one after another, surrounding the rune spear, which looked domineering and mighty; at the same time, the pair of small hammers in Luo Hu's hands, you too Wrapped by layers of runes, it is obvious that the two of them have driven their rune weapons to the extreme!

"The rune spear in Ding Hao's hand is a combination of six runes. Although the number is small, all the six runes are extremely powerful and have a crazy tearing effect; and the small hammer in Luohu's hand is not inferior in power, you Note that the runes fused on the two hammers are not the same. They add up to far more than six. If you look at the number of runes, the runes of Luohu's hammer are slightly better!"

As everyone commented, the two weapons collided in mid-air, and the starry sky was torn apart with a bang!

At the same time, the sound of the host system came from outside the assessment combat compartment, "The assessment combat compartment is damaged, and the defense capability of the assessment combat compartment is improved!"

The evaluation battle compartment is automatically controlled by the host system. When the battle in the battle compartment is raised to a level, the defense level of the battle compartment is also increased, so that there will be no two people fighting and destroying the battle compartment. !

"My God, the battle between these two people already needs to be upgraded to the battle cabin!" The people watching outside were shocked again.

"Hahaha!" Rong Ke couldn't help laughing and said, "Just now you asked if the battle between these two people can reach the level of Di Ye's 15th place! I tell you now, it can definitely be achieved! The assessment battle cabin needs to be upgraded. In the history of this situation, Sifang Academy has not appeared many times! And every time it appears, a super strong will be born! One of them must surpass Di Ye!"

When Rong Ke said these words, all the talented members of Sifang Academy let out a cheer.

Only a few of the former Ivy League team Di Ye's subordinates dismissed it and whispered, "Di Ye is in the top 15! Ding Hao is only 41! Luo Hu is only 59! The difference is too big! The two of them thought It is absolutely impossible to surpass Di Ye!"


There was another loud noise, and the two people in the battle compartment separated again after the collision. Obviously their fighting strength had reached a peak!

Another deputy dean asked again, "Dean, if one of these two people will surpass Di Ye, it is only the top 15! Can you go higher?"

Rong Ke slowly shook his head, "Impossible! The strength to enter the top ten of the gold list will be very scary! With these rune weapons and rune armor, no matter how strong they are, they are not the strength of their deity! Therefore, they It’s absolutely impossible for him to enter the top ten of the gold list!"

"That's it." Everyone nodded secretly.

"It seems that even if Ding Hao wins in the end, the ranking should be between the top ten and the top 15 of this list!"

"It seems that the genius of our Sifang Academy is still a little bit short of Supreme Academy!"

While everyone was talking about it, Ding Hao and Luo Hu in the battle compartment suddenly stopped fighting.

After Luo Hu and Ding Hao fought for a few rounds, more and more self-confidence was supported on his face. His eyes were sharp and he said, "Ding Hao, if we speak of strength alone, we are really not too far apart! It is impossible to defeat you; you have to work hard to defeat me!"

"Really?" Ding Hao said with a smile on his face, he said word by word, "If we only rely on rune armor and rune weapons, maybe we will fight for a very long time! To you, my rune armor and Rune weapons can also cause great damage, so I decided to end this battle early!"

"End early?" Luo Hu asked for a moment, "Are you ready to give up?"

"No! I defeated you!"

When Ding Hao said these words word by word, he immediately placed the rune weapon Xikong gun in the void in his hand, and then he slowly painted the rune in the void in front of him with his fingers. Bright runes composed of golden lines slowly take shape...

"Luo Hu, please be the first one to taste the rune of reincarnation that I created!"

(End of this chapter)

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