Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3023: Gold list first

Chapter 3023 Gold List No. 1

The 3021st chapter of gold list

"Create your own rune!"

"Reincarnation for a hundred times!"

After hearing these two words, the face of Dean Rong Ke, who was standing outside the assessment battle compartment, condensed, and a dazzling color flashed in his eyes!

Although the previous battle between Ding Hao and Luo Hu was truly earth-shattering and even temporarily upgraded the combat cabin, Rong Ke was not optimistic that Ding Hao could enter the top ten!

Because every genius who can enter the top ten of the gold list must have its own extraordinary genius!

If you only rely on powerful rune weapons and battle armor, you will never be able to enter the top ten of the gold list!

But when he heard the four words of his own rune, Dean Rong Ke's eyes finally shook, and his eyes were full of hope!

"Able to achieve the ability to create a rune, you will have the qualifications to hit the top ten of the gold list! Can you enter the top ten now, what is the power, and how many places will you rank in the top ten? It depends on the rune he created. Wen's strength!"

When Ding Hao had finished depicting the golden rune, he stood in front of everyone outside the assessment battle cabin, his vision became messy!

"What's the situation?" Everyone felt shocked.

Everyone thought that after the battle rune was issued, it would either burst or tear. In short, it was that kind of terrifying sight, or it was a cloud of white light so bright that people couldn't open their eyes!

But everyone's guess was wrong. After Ding Hao's rune was released, everyone's vision was messed up.

As if a kaleidoscope appeared in front of them, there were hundreds of millions of images in the kaleidoscope, and each image was a moment that appeared in their minds; there were also some that had nothing to do with them in this life, maybe past lives!

This mess of sight is not only the sight, but the mental power of the entire cultivator, which has been completely absorbed!

Even if the strength on the scene is as powerful as Dean Rong Ke, he cannot help being controlled by the power of a rune. There is a trance in his mind, all the space in front of him is disordered, and a large number of scenes he has experienced in his life appear. All over again, the moment is like a lifetime, especially the dangerous moments, which are even more shocking...


Dean Rong Ke recovered from this state the fastest. When he woke up instantly, his back was already full of sweat, and his heart was shocked and scared.

If an enemy shot at him just now, he would definitely die!

When he looked into the evaluation battle compartment again, Luo Hu, who was facing Ding Hao, still did not wake up, his eyes were very obsessed, but Ding Hao had a firm gaze, standing opposite Luo Hu, holding one hand. The tail of the spear, and the tip of his Xikong spear is against Luo Hu's forehead!

Luo Hu still didn't know it, still indulging in the reincarnation!

"My God, this trick creates its own rune..." Dean Rong Ke felt unimaginable.

What made him most frightened was that the release of Ding Hao's move not only caused a huge threat to Luo Hu, but also all spectators present were affected by this move. Dean Rong Ke was no exception!

The next time is that the geniuses of Sifang Academy are sober. These people are much weaker than Dean Rong Ke. When they wake up, they can't stand at all, their legs are weak, and they are sitting one by one. On the ground, my heart was shocked.

"The power of Ding Hao's trick is too terrifying! It was able to release his power from the assessment battle compartment, which had a huge psychological impact on the spectators outside of us! It is conceivable that Luo Hu standing in the assessment battle compartment , What a huge impact!"

Because Ding Hao's move was mainly aimed at Luo Hu, all the geniuses in the Sifang Academy were fully awakened and adjusted to a good state. It was only then that Luo Hu awakened from the state of addiction.

When he woke up, his whole body was sweating profusely, as if he had passed through a century of reincarnation, and he opened his eyes to see that a majestic and sharp spear was unceremoniously against his forehead!

Luo Hu barely supported his figure, sighed, and said, "Ding Hao, you are strong enough! Especially your last move to create a rune, I have never seen it, I have never heard of it! Your strength, let me be impressed! I have been and Di Ye has played many games, but I want to say today that no matter how hard Di Ye works, he will definitely be defeated by your move!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Hu laughed loudly, "I can lose under this trick, although the defeat is glorious, the host system, I surrender!"

In fact, under Ding Hao's move, the host system was down, and he was calculating at a fast speed, and even forgot to judge Luo Hu's failure.

When Luo Hu took the initiative to admit his defeat, the host system echoed, "Ding Hao won the assessment and Luo Hu failed! The assessment battle points of the two were recalculated..."

When it comes to this, everyone's ears are pricked up, want to hear how the host system judges the two people?

However, the host system was a little confused by Ding Hao's attack, and there was no way to calculate the combat scores for the first time. Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, a young genius ran in from the gate of the assessment palace and shouted, "Look at it, the gold ranking is updated first!"

"The ranking of the gold list has been updated!" Dean Rong Ke and the more than 90 Sifang Academy geniuses present, as well as Sifang Academy's tutors, almost all used the way of running to quickly come to the entrance of the assessment palace.

When they all stood under the gold list and looked up, everyone's eyes were shocked!

At the same time, the host system also reacted to the evaluation battle compartment.

The door of the assessment battle compartment slowly opened, and the voice of the host system said, "The assessment battle points of the two are recalculated. Sifang Academy Ding Hao ranked first on the gold list, and Sifang Academy Luohu ranked 16 on the gold list!"

"I wipe!"

"Oh my God!"

"How can it be!"

"Our Sifang Academy this time..."

Crazy, the entire Sifang Academy went crazy in an instant. At that moment, Dean Rong Ke's eyes were filled with tears. He immediately pressed his eyebrows and said, "In my name, inform the entire Sifang Academy! The genius of the college! Ding Hao, in this routine assessment, won the gold list first, as the first genius of our college in 4 million years! Starting today, the entire college will be off for three days, providing free drinks, welcome guests from all walks of life, and three days of carnival! "


When his order was announced, the entire Sifang Academy was full of joy, and wherever he went, it seemed like a sea of ​​excitement.

However, when Ding Hao and Luo Hu walked out of the battle cabin, the little Lori Dongchengqiu with long black hair squeezed out of the crowd and said loudly, "Ding Hao, my cousin is going to attack the Senator Tower! If you don’t break through, you can’t get out. Do you care?"

(End of this chapter)

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