Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3028: Must be open

Chapter 3028 must be opened


"He is also number one on the gold list!" Upon hearing this news, all the tens of thousands of members of the Tianyu tribe present were dumbfounded.

Originally, the news everyone got was that Ding Hao came from an unknown tribe, the Banyue tribe!

Without background, the strength is also very poor, it can't be compared with Dongcheng Ling at all!

Therefore, everyone present looked down upon Ding Hao very much and did not take him seriously!

But now, when the sound of the host system came from the sky, everyone knew that when Dongcheng Ling left the list, Ding Hao turned out to be the number one in the gold list now!

"What? He is number one on the gold list!" Dongcheng Wei, who was still proud just now, was silly there.

According to the information he heard, Ding Hao is not a character at all, and he is full of contempt for Ding Hao; but now, Ding Hao is the number one on the gold list, and his future is boundless, and he cannot be compared!

At the same time, Dongcheng Ling was also stunned there!

Although she felt that Ding Hao would definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds with the power of the rune created this time, but she never expected that Ding Hao would rush to the first place in the gold list! Dongcheng Ling looked at Ding Hao's beautiful eyes, instantly softening a lot!

"He turned out to be the number one on the gold list!" The leader of the Tianyu tribe was also very surprised. He just heard Dongchengwei say that Ding Hao is just a little scum with no backstage and no strength, who knows that he will become the number one on the gold list in an instant!

But now that the host system has come out to speak, and dying protection is activated, how can he dare to fight the host system?

"The gate of the Senate Tower stops closing!"

The leader of the Tianyu tribe ordered the gate of the Senator Tower not only to stop closing, but to open it outward!

In this way, Ding Hao's body completely relaxed, and he walked directly out of the gate of the Senate Tower.

Ding Hao was quite proud of it. No matter what, he came to the Tianyu tribe and rescued Dongcheng Ling. Now Dongcheng Ling has promised not to enter the Senate Tower, then this matter can be resolved smoothly!

But what Ding Hao didn't expect was that when he just walked out of the crack, the leader of the Tianyu tribe sank, suddenly raised his hand and pressed it down, yelling, "Close the door!"

"What!" Ding Hao's face changed suddenly.

The expressions of all the people present also changed suddenly. No one thought that the leader of the Tianyu tribe would even let Dongcheng Ling enter the elder tower!

This time the door is closed much faster. When the tribe leader presses it down, the gap in front of him shrinks rapidly!

In just a moment, Ding Hao clearly saw Dongcheng Ling's peerless face, and was instantly shut in the gap. The expressions of the two of them didn't even react. They heard a bang, and the gate of the old tower was closed!

At this time, on the rear platform, the old man wearing a high crown said loudly, "The gate of the Senator Tower will never be opened once it is closed! Unless the practitioner reaches the realm of Senator, this tower will be closed forever!"

"What! You guys!"

Ding Hao suddenly became angry. He didn't expect that he had already persuaded Dongcheng Ling, and the leader of the Tianyu tribe would still imprison Dongcheng Ling into the Elder Tower!

The high-ranking leader of the Tianyu tribe, with gloomy eyes and a touch of triumph, looked at the angry Ding Hao for a few times before snorting coldly, "Tianyu tribe does not welcome outsiders, see off!"

Looking at the aloft leader of the Tianyu tribe, Ding Hao's eyes were filled with anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "I won't let Dongchengling stay inside for a long time! I will definitely open the Senate Tower in advance, you will wait and see!"

After saying this, Ding Hao stepped onto the golden flying palace, rose into the sky, and disappeared to the side of the sky in a blink of an eye!

When Ding Hao left, an old man from the Tianyu tribe asked, "Leader, since Ding Hao is the number one on the gold list, he must have good qualifications and strength! As the youngest generation of top talents in the sub-world, we have already won him over. Why offend him?"

The leader of the Tianyu tribe shook his head and said, "The Most Sacred Alliance has invested in him in advance, and the Luye Tribe has offended him again. We will not be able to win over! If Dongcheng Ling is not locked into the Senate Tower, I am afraid that Dongcheng Ling will also follow him. Then we really lost our wife and lost our troops! So it's better to be cruel and imprison Dongcheng Ling into the Senate Tower, instead of losing a little bit!"

"That's it, the leader's idea is to be far-sighted!" Everyone present laughed.


"Good good!" Ding Hao flew, gritted his teeth in his heart.

Originally, he had successfully persuaded Dongcheng Ling on this trip, but who knew that in the end there was such an ending, which was really unexpected!

However, he would never allow Dongcheng Ling to be kept in the Senate Tower for a long time. In the future, he will definitely look for opportunities to release it and repay the beauties for their kindness!

But he can't do it yet. Although the host system can save his life, it is absolutely impossible to help him prevent Dongcheng Ling from entering the Senate Tower!

"Anyway? Strength is the key, and I have one more reason to work hard!"

Ding Hao's gaze became extremely firm, and he flew towards the black ship, stepping on the golden flying palace.


Half Moon Tribe.

The recent Banyue Tribe has been sluggish in business. It was because the last time Lord Torre was messing up and asked the host system to requisition Banyue Tribe’s Banyue Stone.

In this way, the Banyue Tribe has no income for half a year, and now the Banyue Tribe expropriated half-moon stones are also provided. Finally, there are foreign merchants who come to the Banyue Tribe to buy the half-moon stones.

"Your Banyue tribe has a character!"

Now almost every batch of merchants who come to buy Banyue Stone will mention Ding Hao of Banyue Tribe.

Since Ding Hao’s last scandal with Dongcheng Ling, Banyue Tribe would often receive discussions from others; the leader of Banyue Tribe also asked Ding Hao about this matter. Ding Hao said there was no such thing, and it was purely a rumor outside.

So today another group of foreign merchants mentioned this when they were buying the half moon stone.

The wife of Banyue tribe chief smiled bitterly, "I don’t know where the rumors came from. My son has nothing to do with Dongcheng Ling! Who is that? They are the number one in the gold list and the most outstanding female genius in the sub-world. Descendants of the super-large tribe Tianyu tribe, how did my son climb such a high branch?"

However, those foreign merchants laughed loudly, "Don’t hide it! Now there is the latest development of things, don’t think we don’t know! Now Ding Hao is already the number one in the new generation of gold lists, and he even made it a short time ago. Entering the Tianyu tribe, in front of the tens of thousands of members of the Tianyu tribe, kissed Dongcheng Lingdang. I don't know how many people have seen it with their own eyes.

"What?" The leaders and members of the Banyue tribe were also shocked when they heard the news for the first time. "You mean my son has become the first in the new generation of gold charts? How is it possible! Are you true?"

"of course it's true!"

"Oh my God!"

(End of this chapter)

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