Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3029: Goodbye black ship owner

Chapter 3029 Goodbye Black Ship Master

3027-Black Ship Master

Above the clouds, a golden streamer waved up and down.

Above this golden streamer, a young man's complexion was firm, his eyes looked forward and looked profound.

This young man is Ding Hao who left from the Tianyu tribe. After he left, he did not rush back to Sifang Academy, but ran directly to the black ship outside the host system!

During the flight, his eyebrows moved, it was the inquiry message from Banyue Tribe.

When the leaders and people of the Banyue tribe heard Ding Hao's news, everyone was surprised and delighted.

The good news is that there is another genius who stands tall in the clan, the first on the gold list, which is enough for Banyue tribe to rise from then on; but everyone is also worried that Ding Hao has now clearly offended the powerful Tianyu tribe, and the clan must ask the situation clearly. , Otherwise it is targeted by the Tianyu tribe, and the Banyue tribe is likely to be over!

Upon receiving the news, Ding Hao replied, "You don't need to worry about waiting! The legends are true, but the Tianyu tribe dare not target the Banyue tribe, because I will definitely get the position of the strongest in the near future! Although the Tianyu tribe controls The host system has a lot of shares, but as the defender of the host system, the strongest cannot be offended by them!"

"The strongest!" The leaders of the Banyue tribe had long known that Ding Hao had participated in the assessment of the strongest, but they did not expect that Ding Hao had so much confidence. The leader of the Banyue tribe asked, "Are you really so confident? Can you definitely get this position?"

"Don't worry, you can definitely get it! I still have something to do, I'll talk about it later!"

Ding Hao and the leader of the Banyue tribe ended their contact and continued to fly to the black ship.

Although he won the first place in the gold list this time, his qualifications for the strongest cannot be said to be steady and steady; therefore, he is only now coming to the black ship and requesting further investment!

In the past, although building a tribe gave him his investment, Ding Hao felt that it was not enough!

Ding Hao is now the number one on the gold list. He has enough capital to ask for a price. After the last time, he also sees that the Sacred Alliance is not interested in his investment, so he wants a real strong to return. Identity, to ask for more investment!

Leaving the safe zone of the host system, he stepped on the flying palace and soon came outside the black ship.

This time, there was no waitress waiting for him, but he already knew the route and walked directly to the top of the black ship.

When he came outside the hall on the highest floor, he found the woman he saw last time standing there.

Seeing him coming, the woman quickly said, "You can't go in!"

Ding Hao said coldly, "I'm here to cooperate today, please come out, the master of the black ship, I have important things to discuss with him!"

"Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for the master of the black ship not to summon you to see you!" There are many people who come here every day to see the master of the black ship. Although Ding Hao has seen it once, he wants to see it again. , Also very difficult.

Ding Hao said unceremoniously, "If you don't let me in, then I will fight in!"

"Dare you!" The cultivation and strength of the woman who was guarding the door was also quite amazing.

However, just when the two men were at war, from the gate behind, there was a voice that I had heard before, "Ding Hao has now been promoted to the top of the gold list, the first person of the young generation in the entire sub-world! I believe that many forces are I want to invest in him, he is now actively looking for me, how can I not see him? Quickly and affectionately!"

Hearing the news from the back door, the woman guarding the door looked at Ding Hao in shock, and then said, "It turns out that you have become the number one in the new gold list. Then you have this qualification, you can enter!"

The door opened with a bang, and Ding Hao walked in with his head high.

When he entered, he knew that he had made the right bet this time and became the number one in the gold list. He had definitely received an identity recognition in the entire sub-world!

The shares of the host system are divided into many shares. The Holy Alliance, the Luye Tribe, and the Tianyu Tribe all have only a part of the shares, and there are other big forces that have a larger share! Now that Ding Hao has become famous, I believe there are other forces willing to invest in Ding Hao!

Even with strength like Luo Hu, someone is willing to invest and lend him rune armor and weapons!

There are definitely many people who are willing to invest in him with qualifications like Ding Hao, so Ding Hao has the capital to come here today to ask for a price!

"Sure enough, you will toss." The owner of the black ship walked out.

Perhaps because Ding Hao had such qualifications, the owner of the black ship did not hide his figure. He was a middle-aged man with black hair and beard. He looked very noble and should be a senior senator in the Senate!

However, among the nobility of this person, there is a trace of vanity. This person is also a businessman, and Ding Hao is willing to negotiate prices with the businessman.

"It's not that I can toss, but I can't let myself owe too much affection to others! Dongcheng Ling entered the Senate Tower for me, and I must rescue her if I am a man!" Ding Hao said bluntly.

"Human temperament." The owner of the black ship raised his hand, and there was an extra table in the huge hall. He asked Ding Hao to sit down, poured a glass of wine, and said, "Then what do you want to say today? It's impossible to help you reach the Senate Tower to save people!"

"No, no, no!" Ding Hao sat down and picked up the wine glass and said, "I have to do this by myself, without your help."

"Okay." The owner of the black ship smiled bitterly. He really didn't see what Ding Hao was capable of alone, capable of pulling Dongcheng Ling out of the veteran tower. He asked again, "Then what is your purpose here?"

"Request your investment!" Ding Hao said, "I now have a big plan. The first step of this plan is to make me the strongest! Although I am now the first in the gold list, can I become the strongest? , I have no bottom! Because there are so many people participating in the assessment this time, and the Luye Tribe and Tianyu Tribe will definitely invest in my opponents with all their strength. I will face tremendous pressure at that time! Without your heavy investment, I will It is very likely to be overwhelmed by the upset!"

If in the past, Ding Hao would definitely become the strongest.

But this time is different. He has torn his face from the Tianyu tribe. By then, the Tianyu tribe will definitely invest in his opponents. His opponents will be unimaginably powerful, so he must get more investment. , So that their combat effectiveness has been further improved!

"Increase the investment in you, this is okay." The owner of the black ship thought for a moment, and then said, "It's just that you want to get, what level of investment?"

Ding Hao finished speaking, and said, "I want a lot! You will gradually know in the future, and I even want one percent of the host system!"

"How can it be!"

(End of this chapter)

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