Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3031: Full investment

Chapter 3031 Fully invest


Tianyu tribe.

The white-haired leader of the Tianyu tribe was sitting in a quiet quiet room, and his descendant Dongchengwei was kneeling in front of him.

"That's the detailed information?" The head of the Tianyu tribe held a detailed situation.

Kneeling on the ground, Dongchengwei respectfully said, "According to my survey, these are the geniuses among the strongest in this batch of assessments! Especially the three at the forefront are all previous gold list strong There are also the well-known hunters in the sub-world, and their strength should not be underestimated! They are definitely incomparable existence between the Gemini tribe brothers!"

The leader of the Tianyu tribe held this report with a faint smile on his face, "Ding Hao probably didn't expect that I would stop him in the assessment of the strongest! Let him fail the assessment and become the strongest! This is the punishment of my Tianyu tribe!"

Dong Chengwei sighed, "The situation of my grandson's visit last time was wrong, and I thought that Ding Hao was a scumbag who had no abilities! Who knew that he turned out to be the number one in the new gold list! What a surprise!"

"It's okay." The leader of the Tianyu tribe sneered, "Although this son is a dark horse, it's just a pity that he rushed up for too short a time! The assessment of the strongest will soon be carried out. Those big forces and big tribes may react fundamentally However, there is no time to invest in him! We have to suppress him severely before he rises!"

Dongchengwei asked again, "It's just that Ding Hao's children and the building of the tribe are irresistible, I'm afraid there..."

"This trash of the Most Sacred Alliance, their internal relations have not been well done!" The white-haired old leader sneered, "If you want to invest heavily in Ding Hao, the seven of them will definitely have to wrestle internally. Who pays more, Who pays less money? Useless! For such thankless things, there will always be disunity within the Most Holy Alliance, and we don't need to worry!"

"The leader really has a foresight." Dongchengwei looked at his tribal leader feverishly.

The leader of the Tianyu tribe is very aware of the nature of the Most Holy Alliance. There is no internal unity and it is useless, and nothing can be done!

But this time is different!

In the top palace of a high mountain peak in the central city of the system, several powerful people gathered, all the most senior elders in the Senate, and the leaders of several tribes of the Most Holy Alliance. They are now gathering here for closed-door talks.

"Ding Hao really has the ability to get 8% of the shares of Tianyu tribe?"

The owner of the black ship is not qualified to sit down here. He stands aside respectfully and nods, "I don't think he is bragging."

The nine-handed veteran who built the tribe said, "Ding Hao is a dark horse, I have long been optimistic about him! Last time you decided not to protect him, I was very opposed! You can see now, he has become the number one in the gold list. He is the most outstanding genius among contemporary young people. I think it is necessary to invest. I can't believe what he said!"

The nine-handed veteran was almost a final word. The other veterans who were present all had excitement on their faces.

"If we get the 8% of the shares in the Most Holy Alliance at once, then we will raise the shares in our hands to 29%! We are likely to become the largest shareholder of the entire host system!

Having said that, all the people present were happy. If they can become the largest shareholder of the host system, their authority will increase too much, which is very attractive to them!

But the owner of the black ship said again, "Ding Hao wants one percent!"

"What? How does he personally hold shares?" All the veterans present were taken aback.

The owner of the black ship said, "The host system does not stipulate that individuals cannot hold shares."

"But..." The veterans present all turned gloomy. They are so powerful that none of them are qualified to hold shares. Now that Ding Hao wants to hold shares alone, it is really unprecedented.

Elder Tiemang, who is close to the Nine Hands Elder, glanced over everyone, and said word by word, "I think Ding Hao made such a request because we didn’t protect him! He couldn’t feel safe, so he wanted Get this one percent of the shares! I think that this one percent of the shares was given to him just as we couldn't stand him last time!"

Speaking of what happened last time, everyone was a little guilty.

Especially for the dark night tribe among the seven families, if it were not for Ding Hao to behead the youngest son of the dark night tribe leader in public at the last moment and capture it back alive, it would bring huge losses to the dark night tribe;

Therefore, the leader of the Dark Night Tribe stepped forward and said, "In short, I am in favor of this matter! Ding Hao, this person, is worth the investment!"

"I agree too!" Another one of the seven families said, "As long as he can get the shares of the Tianyu tribe, we will allocate 1% of it to him! Whether it is his personal holdings or he wants to give it to him Their Ban Yue tribe, this has nothing to do with us! We can get 7%!"


"Our tribe also seconded!"

The leader of the Tianyu tribe thought that he had seen through the Most Holy Alliance, and regarded it as useless and accomplish nothing.

But I didn't expect that although the Seven Sages of the Sacred Alliance were a piece of scattered sand, they could instantly condense into an iron plate under absolute interests!

These seven companies quickly reached an agreement to invest in Ding Hao with all their strength, with Ding Hao as the main force, and completely knock down the Tianyu tribe!

After the secret talks on the top of the mountain, the leader of the tribe closed a small pass, while the leaders of other tribes returned to the Senate with the Xikong gun owned by Ding Hao.

"Elder Tianfang, this is the rune weapon of my clan disciple. Please give you the strongest rune;"

"Veteran veteran, this is the rune weapon of my clan disciple, please give the strongest rune;"

"The **** veteran..."

The top veterans of the Sacred Alliance, in the Senate, are all highly qualified. These people come forward to help Ding Hao ask for runes, and even these top veterans personally help Ding Hao put the runes into the Xikong gun!

After just 3 days, a stream of light quickly pierced through the clouds over the sea!

When the streamer broke the light curtain of the main engine system, it ran towards the black ship.

Soon after, the streamer stopped directly on the top of the black boat. A middle-aged man with black hair and black beard looking majestic, but a little shrewd in his eyes, walked into the black boat with joy on his face.

When he entered the luxurious hall on the top of the black ship, he immediately said, "Where is Ding Hao? Let him come over!"

After three days of purchases, Ding Hao is summing up his gains in his room at the moment. Not only has he bought a large number of cultivation items, but also has a lot of precious runes, which he has always wanted before, but he has not had the money to buy them. !

At this moment, the good-looking woman walked in, "Genius Ding Hao, the owner of the black ship invites you to meet!"

(End of this chapter)

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