Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3032: Very satisfied

Chapter 3032 is very satisfied

Chapter 3030

"The black ship owner invited me to meet!"

Ding Hao's face condensed, and following the woman, he returned to the wide hall on the top of the black ship.

The decision that the owner of the black ship brought back this time concerns Ding Hao's next important direction; but this does not mean that Ding Hao must be nailed to the pillar of the Most Holy Alliance. If the Most Holy Alliance rejects Ding Hao, Ding Hao also has another plan of his own. Anyway, there are many tribes among the immortal remnants, so he doesn't believe that he can't find a partner!


When Ding Hao entered the hall, the owner of the black ship immediately invited Ding Hao to sit down, with a more polite manner than before, many times.

Just looking at this, Ding Hao knew in his heart that this matter was 80% done!

Therefore, for him, a genius who is likely to own shares in his own name, the owner of the black ship must also give enough respect!

Seeing her master being so polite, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes for the good-looking woman, but then she went out by herself and closed the door.

At this time, Ding Hao asked, "How is it?"

"Fortunately not insulting my life!" The owner of the black ship suddenly smiled and said, "This time the Seven Sacred Alliances agreed to invest in you! Not only will you fully support you during the assessment of the strongest! And what you need to do next, as long as you don't violate the fundamental laws of the host system, you can do it, and the Seven Sacred Alliances are willing to stand together for you!"

"Very good!" Although Ding Hao had expected such a result long ago, he was very satisfied when he heard it in person.

The owner of the black ship said again, "It's really the interests of the present, and the seven companies that have always been unable to unify their calibers in the past, this time they are all the same as chicken blood!"

"Haha!" Ding Hao smiled.

In fact, this was already in his expectation. If it weren't for the shares of the Tianyu tribe, these seven families would still want you to compete for it; but now that there is such a huge interest, of course everyone must hold together!

The black ship owner said again, "In short, this time, all parties are very powerful! The leader of the tribe will help you refining the rune armor!"

"Build the leader of the tribe, help me refine it yourself?" Ding Hao's face was startled.

Last time his Xikong gun was refined by the nine-handed veteran who built the tribe, it is already highly regarded; and now the leader who built the tribe helps him refining the rune armor, this is definitely an honor, ordinary people I can't enjoy it at all!


The owner of the black ship waved his hand, and a square box appeared on the table in front of him.

This box is different from the box where Ding Hao placed the Rune Armor before. It should look much more delicate, shining brightly, and new and shiny; when Ding Hao raised his hand and opened the box, his eyes flashed strangely!

Although the general shape of the rune armor placed in it has not changed, but when you look closely, it seems to be a completely new armor. Not only has the rune added a lot, but more importantly, the leader of the tribe made it himself. Modifications, to smooth out some of the weaknesses of this rune armor itself, it is simply a perfect armor!

"Great!" Ding Hao stretched out his hand and stroked this armor back and forth. He couldn't put it down at all.

The black ship owner laughed again, "The rune armor has been greatly improved, which can ensure that you are invincible in the assessment of the strong! At the same time, a lot of runes have been added to your rune spear! It is a veteran-level rune. The seven leaders of the Sacred Alliance personally brought your rune spear. In the Senate, please let the veterans give runes!"

"So grand!"

Hearing this, Ding Hao was also quite shocked. The leaders of the seven tribes took his spears and asked the elders to bestow runes in turn in the Senate. Few people in the entire sub-world can enjoy this honor. !

"Let me see!"

Soon after, when Ding Hao picked up the Xikong gun again, his eyes lit up completely.

On this rune weapon, as many as hundreds of runes are now integrated, and almost all runes are from the hands of the veteran!

Seeing Ding Hao’s shocked expression, the owner of the black ship was also quite satisfied. He smiled and said, “To evaluate the number of runes integrated with rune weapons in history, your spear can definitely be on the list! There are hundreds of runes, all of them It is the best attack rune of the well-known veteran in his life, and it is infinitely powerful! If you spur hundreds of runes and hit with all your strength, this shot will be shocking!"

When Ding Hao merged four runes on this gun, the power was already quite shocking; and now this gun has hundreds of runes merged, the power is indeed quite shocking, it is impossible to imagine!

"good, very good!"

Ding Hao did not store the special equipment of rune weapons, so he immediately put on the rune armor, put the spear on his back, and put away the storage wooden box, which was very solemn and said, "Master of the black ship, thank you very holy The Alliance invests fully! What Ding Hao wants to answer to you is, I promised you, I will definitely do it! Not only must I become the strongest, but also knock the Tianyu tribe to the ground, 8% of the shares must be obtained! "

"Very good!" The owner of the black ship waited for this sentence, immediately took out the wine glass and poured two glasses of wine, "Then I wish a happy cooperation!"

"Okay!" Ding Hao picked up the wine glass, drank it, then turned around and out of the hall, out of the black boat, and rushed to Sifang Academy.

There is still a month to go before the assessment of the strongest. Ding Hao will return to the Sifang Academy to integrate the various runes and treasures he has obtained from the black ship into his body to make himself stronger; at the same time, he also wants to, Get familiar with your rune weapons and rune armor!

There are hundreds of runes on the Xikong gun out of thin air, so when fighting and urging, there are also some things that need to be paid attention to. He must run in quickly!


The golden streamer cut through the sky, undulating over the white clouds.

When Ding Hao stopped at the highest level of Sifang Academy, the entire Sifang Academy was a sensation. All the students walked out one after another, looking at him in shock.

Ding Hao not only became the number one on the gold list this time, but he also made a big noise in the Tianyu tribe, and kissed Dongcheng Ling affectionately in front of tens of thousands of people. This incident was enough to shock the entire Sifang Academy.

Therefore, when he came back, all the upper, middle and lower levels of Sifang Academy were shaken. Not only the students but also the instructors all walked out of their residences and cheered for Ding Hao.

Ding Hao walked into the crowd, clasped his fists to thank.

But he didn't stay for long. After holding his fists all the way, he walked into his quiet room and started practicing behind closed doors.

At the same time, the Tianyu tribe also sent people to find some of the top players in the assessment of the strongest, and expressed their willingness to invest heavily. The only requirement is that these people must make all-out efforts to destroy Ding Hao after encountering Ding Hao!

(End of this chapter)

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