Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3033: Much-anticipated

Chapter 3033 is much-anticipated

Chapter 3031-Eye-catching

"The Tianyu tribe has made great efforts to invest in the top players in this strongest assessment. The purpose is to stop Ding Hao and prevent Ding Hao from becoming the strongest! Revenge for Ding Hao's intrusion into the Tianyu tribe ceremony!"

After receiving the news, Yuan Qi, the strongest leader of the immortal clan, his face sank.

He introduced Ding Hao to enter the assessment of the strongest. Although Yuan Qi did not necessarily have to make Ding Hao successful, the Tianyu tribe did so and deliberately suppressed Ding Hao, which made Yuan Qi feel unhappy!

"The assessment of the strongest immortal clan has always been carried out independently! If the major tribes do this, they will interfere with the assessment results of the strongest! This is absolutely unacceptable to me!" Yuan Qi's face was gloomy.

Standing opposite Yuan Qi is the strongest Super Constant.

Chao Heng said, "Leader, should we issue a warning to remind those top players? Let them not accept investment randomly!"

"No!" Yuan Qi said with a big hand, "Accepting the investment of the big tribe is originally an unwritten rule! The strongest born in the big tribe is fortunate to say that if it is the strongest ordinary person, there is no big The investment of the tribe! Don't even think about defeating the enemy and becoming the strongest!"

"Then what shall we do?" Chao Heng was a little confused.

Yuan Qi sneered, "Some things are hard to say in person, then show them in action! Don't these top players want to stop Ding Hao? We also have the authority to divide them into a group and let them kill each other. ! Let's fight each other first, hurt yourself by 800, and then talk!"

Chao Heng suddenly realized, "Leader, your trick is really high."

But after Chao Heng finished speaking, he asked again, "But in this way, in the end, a few top players will meet Ding Hao!"

"It depends on Ding Hao's own destiny!" Yuan Qi said lightly, "The reason I did this was to oppose the Tianyu tribe's interference in the assessment of the strongest, not to deliberately let Ding Hao win! Whether Ding Hao succeeds depends on it. His own strength!"

"Okay." Chao Heng secretly said, even so, the competition Ding Hao will face this time is probably quite huge!

Yuan Qi asked again, "Has the construction of the assessment palace for the strongest assessment been completed?"

"It has been completely completed, just waiting for the day of assessment!" Chao Heng reported.

"That's good! This time the strongest assessment is quite large, and the number of followers is also very large. I believe it is the most grand in history!"


In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

In this month, the hundreds of billions of immortal survivors in the entire sub-world paid the most attention to this assessment of the strongest.

The host system prohibits gambling, but the black market system does not prohibit it at all. Recently, people come and go in the black ship every day, and a large number of people place bets.

With a cold smile on the face of the owner of the Black Ship, he deliberately lowered Ding Hao’s odds, as if the Black Ship did not favor Ding Hao at all, so those betting investors were not optimistic about Ding Hao, and Ding Hao’s betting rate seemed even lower !

"Haha! Ding Hao, I hope you can make a fortune this time!"

What the outside world is optimistic about is mainly the strong players who originally ranked above the gold list, and the first place in the previous gold list, as well as the world-renowned hunters!

But among them, there are also a few young juniors who are eager to try.

Although the Emperor Ye of the Luye Tribe had a huge improvement in the last assessment, he was completely obscured by Ding Hao's light and became an unknown person; but this did not affect the efforts of Emperor Ye and the power of the Luye Tribe. investment!

It is said that this time the Emperor Ye has not only increased his strength, but also the elders of the Luye Tribe have borrowed extraordinary powerful rune weapons and rune armor, wanting to be ashamed in this battle; as for the two members of the Twin Tribe Gemini genius, this time is also aggressive, and it is said that it has also improved a lot!

All in all, this assessment of the strongest person is eye-catching!


One day after more than a month, a golden streamer flew from outside the sky, cut through the sea of ​​clouds, and entered near the uppermost class of Sifang Academy.

A young man with a black giant sword on his back walked down from the flying palace and stepped into Sifang Academy.

"The strongest is here again!"

The Sifang Academy suddenly became noisy again, and everyone recognized that the strongest person who came this time was the handsome young guy who had come to pick Ding Hao several times before.

"This is the strongest, super-constant, strong, and has completed the most tasks for the strongest!"

"Senior Chaoheng, I am your little junior..."

"Senior Chaoheng, sign me!"

The scene was in chaos, but Chaohengli ignored him and hurried to the training place of the uppermost class.

But just as Chao Heng was about to come outside the door of Ding Hao’s quiet room, a loud bang suddenly came from Ding Hao’s quiet room, including the formation in the quiet room, which was instantly distorted, as if there was a force inside. Crazily spread this formation, and then shake it repeatedly!

"What's the situation?" Chao Heng's expression changed, and he quickly raised his hand to cast a will into the quiet room, "Ding Hao, I'm here."

He waited for a while outside the quiet room, and saw that a young man with a huge spear on his back came out of the quiet room with the light curtain moving in front of him.

"Ding Hao, Ding Hao!"

The students from Sifang Academy who followed immediately chanted Ding Hao's name when they saw Ding Hao appearing.

Although the strongest being super-constant has always been their focus, now Ding Hao is the only genius in Sifang Academy to participate in the assessment of the strongest this time! Therefore, all the attention of everyone is focused on Ding Hao. Ding Hao is their representative. They hope that Ding Hao will be able to speak out in this assessment, so that Sifang Academy can take a breath!

"Super Heng, I didn't expect you to bring me today." Ding Hao clasped his fist and said, thank you.

"It's okay, this is arranged by the leader of Yuan Qi!" Chao Heng looked at the quiet room where Ding Hao walked out, and asked, "There was a loud noise just now, and you can see that the formation is quite distorted. You are inside. What are you doing?"

Ding Hao smiled, without hiding his friends, and said, "Before I was going to leave the customs, I wanted to try my own means and make a full blow! I didn't expect that the strongest battle pod presented by the host system was broken!"

"What? You broke this!" Chao Heng was dumbfounded.

There are countless things that the battle compartment has been broken, but it is generally a medium battle compartment or a low-level battle compartment, which is broken by a practitioner; like a high-level battle compartment, it is generally impossible to be broken by a practitioner; and the strongest gifted by the host system fights The cabin is the most sophisticated combat cabin with the thickest formation!

Ding Hao's ability to break this kind of battle compartment is already quite amazing.

Chao Heng nodded slowly and said, "I originally wanted to remind you of something, but now it doesn't seem necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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