Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3284: Neidong settlement

Chapter 3284 Neidong Settlement

Chapter 3282-Inner Cave Settlement

Ding Hao could only accept the sky-high price offered by the goalkeeper.

The white-bearded elders behind are about to catch up, and they must enter a safe place as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Ding Hao had a lot of money. After paying 300,000 Fuyu, the three of them took Ding Xiaohei and immediately approached the monk's settlement.

The location of this monk’s settlement is very good, the entrance is small, the cave is wide, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the interior construction is very luxurious.

When they walked in, the lights were bright in all directions, and there were feasting and feasting everywhere. These Fenghou-level powerhouses and even Fengwang-level powerhouses lived here, and some even regarded it as their own home!

"This is the monk settlement in the inner cave! This is a hundred times better than the monk settlement in the outer cave!" Gongsun Bo looked at the scene in shock.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Gaishi immortals pay attention to luxury, and this place is suitable for the gaishi immortals to live! The monks settlements in the outer cave are very simple, indicating that they are only temporary residences for monks! Real long-term residence, they will definitely build ,very perfect!"

Hoshino said with a smile, "But so, this is the character of our celestial family!"

Although the living expenses of 100,000 Fuyu per day are extremely expensive, it is not unreasonable.

The administrator of the monk’s settlement will provide Ding Hao and the three of them with a set of luxurious cave houses. Most of the cost of this 100,000 talisman is the rent of the luxurious cave houses!

After Ding Hao and the others entered, they were ready to fly to their cave.

But as soon as they flew out, the old white beard and the other three people hurried up.

"Three little brats, stop for me!" The white-bearded old man flew up and shouted angrily, "You honestly explain, what happened to my goddaughter? She is with Feixuehou, and Feixuehou’s protection The arm is in your hand again! What is going on in this, you tell me honestly! Otherwise, I will never die with you!"

Ding Hao and the others didn't want to pay attention to these three people at all, and rushed to their cave.

But the white-bearded old man was still chasing after him, and continued to yell at him, "Little beast! Little bastard! Don't go, or I will do it!"

Ding Hao's face turned cold, and he turned around, "We are not paying the daily fee of 100,000 Fuyu for nothing. If you dare to do it, you can try it! I heard that it is forbidden to fight. You are here to tell us Do it, that means breaking the rules and someone will punish you!"

"You!" The old man with white beard was aggressive.

But the tall and short man and woman came up and whispered, "It's better not to do it here! If you violate the regulations, we can't keep you!"

The old man with white beard also knows that the rules here are very important and must not be violated. He gritted his teeth and said, "The three of you are waiting! I don't believe you don't go out! If you have money to stay here, then stay here forever! I think you have. How much does it cost and how long can you live?!"

After that, the white-bearded old man directly led the two men and women, one tall and one short, to the cliff cave entrance, ready to be prepared for long-term guarding. As long as Ding Hao and the others go out, the white-bearded old man can take revenge!

"How to do?"

Ding Hao and the three of them walked into one of the cave houses. Although the cave houses were built in magnificent and luxurious style, they suddenly had no thought of rest when thinking of the old man with white beard guarding the cave entrance.

Ding Hao thought, "Let’s not worry for now! We have the corpse of a giant beast in our hands. Even if it is sold, it can be sold for a lot of money. I should still be able to live here for a while! And I still have it on my body. Some Fuyus can be used first, so you can stay at ease!"

Hearing this, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino felt a little relieved.

Although the two of them are both upstarts in Neitianya, they don’t have much wealth in their hands. At present, the only rich person is Ding Hao. Ding Hao killed the most opponents and got the most spoils during the selection of Neitianya, and saved one. A lot of money.

"Then let's go to our own cave and take a day off!"

The three of them immediately returned to their caves separately, and they had gone through a lot of risks when they came out this time, and several battles.

They need to simply retreat for a while, digest and absorb the insights from these battles, and at the same time take some pills and heavenly materials to restore their mental power and physical body to their best state!

The next day, when they met again in Ding Hao's cave, the three met and felt that each other had improved a lot.

"Noble Ding Hao, you have played the most role in these battles, and I believe you have the most insights!" Hoshino said with a smile, "Among the three of us, I believe you will become a nobleman and even A powerful man at the Fenghou level, and even a powerful man at the Fengwang level!"

Ding Haoqi said, "Isn't it said that after 20 years, you will automatically become a nobleman from Inner End's new nobility? Is it possible to become a nobleman in advance?"

"It can be advanced." Gongsun Bo smiled, "Inner End of the World nobles, if they meet the aristocratic standards ahead of time, they can become Inner End of the World aristocrats ahead of time and enjoy the treatment of Inner End of the World aristocrats after the approval of Tianya Palace!"

"That's the case." Ding Hao nodded, "If this is the case, when our trial is over, I will go to Tianya Palace to ask!"

Inner Tianya nobles must be treated much better than Inner Tianya upstarts, and if Ding Hao can really advance in advance, this matter must not be delayed.

"With your relationship with the Chosen, it should be fine." Hoshino said again.

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "My God Chosen and I are not as complicated as you think! He won't show any kindness to me outside the law, just ask for business affairs!"

"So that's the case."

While they were chatting, a few men in standard armor walked in from the outside. The leader was the strongman who received Fuyu from them yesterday. He walked in and said, "Today It's time to pay again! 300,000 talisman jade, quickly hand in, so we can get it back for business!"

"You!" Gongsun Bo furiously said, "We don't say that we don't pay, why should we do this? And why can you walk into our cave mansion at will, but our cave mansion formation can't be prevented at all?"

The leading man snorted coldly, "Of course it can't be guarded! If the formation can deter us, you can live in the cave for a long time as long as you pay one day's money! We can't come in, wouldn't it let you take advantage of the loophole?"

"Good, good." Ding Hao's expression darkened.

This leading man was obviously more hateful and arrogant than yesterday, and 80% of them took advantage of the white-bearded old man, and only then deliberately wanted to drive Ding Hao and the others out of the monk settlement!

However, Ding Hao and the others must not leave. At the moment, he took out 900,000 Talismans and threw them out, "We will all live here recently and will not leave temporarily! Also, even if you are free, you can enter and exit the formation, but I want you to pay attention. The courtesy of a strong man!"

(End of this chapter)

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