Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3285: Neidong and Yin Ruins

Chapter 3285: Neidong and Yin Ruins

Chapter 3283 Inner Cave And Yin Ruins

Ding Hao threw another 900,000 talisman jade, and continued to live here for three days.

However, the leading man probably took the benefits of the white-bearded old man, and was still quite arrogant, coldly snorted, "It is my authority to enter and leave your cave at will! I act within the authority, being polite and impolite, whatever you think ! In three days, I will come over and ask for money!"

"You're a bit too much!" Gongsun Bo stepped forward and cursed, "Although you are already a powerful man, you are just a guard here! It shows that you are even a powerful man, your strength But that's all! But we are the new aristocrats in the inner world with great development in the future! Sooner or later, we will become nobles, and we will become powerful men of the rank, and we will definitely surpass you. Do you really want to offend us?"

This leading man is actually not very strong, probably about the same as Fei Xuehou.

It is only because he, as the guard here, has authority in hand, so he dare to be arrogant.

If he really offends the strong, he will also be retaliated against. Listening to Gongsun Bo's words now, his arrogance is immediately suppressed a lot.

"Huh! In short, it is my authority to enter and exit your cave to collect money! You have the ability to become long-term residents of the settlement! I won't be able to enter your cave!" After speaking, the leader took his hands. Turn around and leave.

"It's hateful." Hoshino cursed and said, "It's really not worthwhile for us to pay such a huge amount of housing fees every day! Otherwise, we will also seek long-term residents of a settlement!"

"Impossible." Gongsun Bo said, "The most basic condition for long-term residents of settlements is to be a powerful man! None of the three of us can do it, and it is impossible to qualify for long-term residents!"

"There is no way this way." Hoshino said annoyedly, "Now the three Fenghou-level powerhouses are blocking me outside the door, and we can't get out. How can this be good?"

Ding Hao laughed, "We have paid the money for three days, don't you want to stroll around in the settlement? I think this batch of Inner World Nobles who are here to try, no one else can come here except us. Huh? Why not hurry up?"

Gongsunbo and Hoshino both laughed, "That's true too! Then I will let go of my worries and go shopping."

Soon, they left the cave and began to visit this huge cliff cave.

The world inside the cave is actually the same as the world outside. Although all the shops and dwellings are on the cliff, it is perfectly built.

From a distance, the brightly lit cliff wall looks like a splendid ancient painting, the scene is extremely magnificent; there is no sun, moon and stars here, the lights are eternal, flying here, it looks brilliant, and there are moving golden lights everywhere. !

"There is a pub over there!"

It is really a disappointment to come to the inner cave without going to the tavern.

Ding Hao and the three of them walked into the tavern, and the lively tavern suddenly became quiet, and many people cast their gazes over.

In the tavern in front of them, even the bartender and Xiao Er who came forward to pour the wine, are all powerful masters.

Aristocrats like Ding Hao and others are not upstarts in the inner world. Here, of course, they must be paid attention to. A giggling female leader came up and said, "Unexpectedly, I would meet such a tender newcomer here! Looks pretty good, far away, this is the kind you like!"

In the inner cave, the life of the male nuns is chaotic. The most powerful thing is that the male style here is more vigorous. Seeing Ding Hao and their young and tender appearance, many sturdy male cultivators walked up.

Facing these people's insults, Ding Hao took Gongsun Bo and the others to sit in a corner of the wall and said, "We are here because we have paid a lot of money to stay! This cost includes the cost of protecting us! What if you Acting on us will break the rules and be careful to be punished!"

"Haha! These three boys understand the rules!"

In this settlement, there are as many as seven king-ranked powerhouses to manage, and king-ranked powerhouses sit and observe every day.

Anyone who violates the rules will be punished by the powerful king, some will be driven out of the cliff, and if some are excessive, they will even be killed on the spot!

Therefore, these people in the tavern, although they spoke rudely, did not dare to do anything excessive.

After Ding Hao and the others sat down, they ordered a pot of wine. Although the price was very high, the taste was really good.

"I got a lot of Jiuyadong wine from Meng'ao before, but they were all from the outer cave! Only when I came to the inner cave did I know that the wine here is really delicious!"

After Ding Hao finished drinking, he bought another big jar and sent it to Meng Ao when he was about to turn around.

When they were drinking, they inquired around and found that the tavern was a good place to complete Neitianya missions. Many people formed teams and released mission information; and many strong people made friends, formed teams, and set off together. , Explore deeper cliff caves.

"Inner cave, it seems that it is really a good place! After I become a Fenghou-level powerhouse, I will live here too!" Gongsun Bo said enviously while drinking.

Hoshino said with a smile, "Nearly half of the Fenghou-level powerhouses live in the inner cave to explore treasures; nearly half of the Fengwang-level powerhouses live and practice in Yinxu all the year round! These two places are the most famous in the inner world. Local! It is said that becoming a Fenghou-level powerhouse requires certification, and it is also done in the depths of the inner cave! And the Fenghou-level powerhouse needs to be crowned, and it must be successful in the Yin Ruins!"

"It turned out to be like this." Ding Hao is actually not quite clear about these things. Now listening to other people's chats, he also understands a lot.

Gongsun Bo said with emotion, "I am already satisfied with being able to become a Fenghou-level powerhouse in my life! But this trial is over, I have to go back to Outer World to see my relatives and friends! The competition among the immortal clan is really true. It is very tragic. Those of my friends in Outer End of the World, I am the only one who got the opportunity and succeeded in becoming the upstart of Inner End of the World! As for them, I don’t know when they can enter Inner End of the World!"

Everyone is very emotional when talking about it.

The descendants of the Gaishixian clan are huge, with a population of hundreds of millions, which are simply uncountable.

However, there is only one selection of Neitianya every 20 years, and only one hundred newcomers from Neitianya can be selected each time. In a sense, the more competition becomes more intense in the future, only true geniuses can pass the hierarchy. Layer selection enters the inner world.

After entering the inner world, they are still just little-known juniors, and they have to go through selections again and again if they want to grow up.

In the end, a monk who became a powerful prince, or even a powerful prince, was really just missing!

"The road to cultivation is really difficult! Where did it go? It's all the same! But I have this confidence!"

(End of this chapter)

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