Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3346: Wanshan City

Chapter 3346 Wanshan City

Chapter 3344 Ten Thousand Mountain City

"Tian Hao Yu of the commander level..." the short white-bearded old man shook his head, "Tian Hao Yu of this level is a popular item! Every time he comes out, he will be bought out! It is said that! Up to now, no one has been able to gather a set of Tianhaoyu at the rank of thousands! I have seen two at the rank of centurions!"

"so tough?!"

When Ding Hao heard this, his heart was cold.

Originally 369 fragments, it was very difficult to collect them completely. Now, listening to the little white-bearded old man talk about it, Ding Hao is even more disappointed.

For so many years, so many people have been collecting the fragments of Tian Haoyu, and no one can collect them!

However, the little old man with white beard walked back to the piles of randomly stacked treasures, rummaged for a while, took out a treasure that looked like a palm-sized compass, and handed it to Ding Hao, "If you want , I can sell it to you at a cheaper price! This was the treasure I made by myself to find the Tianhaoyu fragments! I was also obsessed with this back then. I just searched for many years and wasted my time! I found three fragments in total, and later I shot it at a high price! Now there is still this searching compass. If you need it, I can sell it to you at a low price."

"Looking for a compass?"

The white-bearded old man said, "As long as you take this thing, hang it around your waist, and a fragment of Tianhaoyu appears within your body, it will send a signal to your will!"

"This is a good thing." Ding Hao's expression was joyful, "If I take this thing and walk outside the Yin Ruins! As long as I encounter the Tianhaoyu fragment, it will remind me! Then I will go and look for it!"

"It's true." The white-bearded old man said again, "Not only will the fragments hiding in the wild alert you, but if there are people around you with Tianhaoyu fragments, they will also alert you! Let's not hide it. Back then, I wanted to use this thing to kill people and win treasures! It's just a pity that I am not strong enough. People with Tianhaoyu fragments are very strong, and I can only give up in the end!"


Ding Hao smiled, although he didn't want to kill anyone, but if he knew that someone else had what he wanted, then he could take the initiative to ask and exchange the offer! If the other party is willing to bear the pain, then he can add another fragment!

"Is there any outside of this compass?" Ding Hao asked again.

The white-bearded old man said, "This is the only one in the periphery of Yin Ruins, which I personally built! At that time, my purpose was also to find the Tianhaoyu fragments, so I didn't create other ones! If you want, the price is not expensive, just sell it. You 100 million Fuyu!"

"So expensive?" Ding Hao almost fainted. The old man in front of him was really the owner of the black shop. He kept saying that he was not expensive, and he just said one hundred million.

Maybe the boss also felt that he was asking a little bit more, so he raised his hand and grabbed another copy of the classics and threw it to Ding Hao, "Plus this, one hundred million!"

Ding Hao took the classics and scanned them with his own thoughts, and his expression was immediately happy, "Tian Haoyu's repair method!"

With the Tianhaoyu fragment, if I want to reconnect it for my use, this repair method is necessary!

"Very good, how about I exchange this rune?"

Ding Hao had two medium-sized ancient runes in his hand, which were of no use to them.

Seeing that it was a rune, the white-bearded old man nodded again and again, "Although this thing is difficult to deal with, it will definitely be more than 100 million after the deal. I still made it! Then change it!"

At the moment the two exchanged, Ding Hao put away the classics, hung the compass-like item around his waist, and walked out of the shop.

When he went out, he happened to see Shenyou and Gongsunbo looking for them.

"Ding Hao, we have already bought everything! Where have you been?"

Ding Hao smiled, "I also bought a treasure I wanted."

As he said, he pointed his finger at the compass hanging on his waist. Gongsun Bo and the others didn’t know what it was. They didn’t take it seriously, but showed their defensive armor and said, “How? I just bought it, Taikoo. Rune armor, 50 million runes!"

Ding Hao nodded, "Good stuff."

Shenyou stood aside and said, "Okay! Things are ready, let's go! Every time the mysterious orchard appears, a large number of Yin Wen Lu Yin will automatically fly out! Presumably many people are already there!"

"Then go."

Right now Ding Hao released Ding Xiaohei, and all four of them set foot on Ding Xiaohe's back. Ding Xiaohei's big wings flicked and rose into the sky, moving forward under the guidance of Shenyou.

"The place where the mysterious orchard appeared this time is in Wanshan City outside the Yin Ruins! It is a more lively place outside the Yin Ruins, so I feel that this time, it will definitely not be so peaceful. Let's be more cautious."

Ding Xiaohei, commanded by Shenyou, flew towards the destination.

When they came to the so-called Wanshan City, they knew what Wanshan meant here.

The Yinxu Ruins are full of tall buildings. These tall buildings are high and short, and they are scattered. But in Wanshan City, it is even more special. The tall buildings here are tall and short, and they are connected together. From a distance, they seem to be composed of one tall building after another. Mountains!

"Sure enough, there are thousands of sights! Wanshan City really seems to have tens of millions of hills!" Ding Hao and the others were shocked by the sights before them when they first came here.

Shenyou said, "Let's not rush into it in a hurry. Someone should have got the news now! If you have a Yin Wenlu guide on your body, you will be targeted!"

Ding Hao and the others nodded and landed on the top of a relatively remote building in Wanshan City.

When they fell, they heard a loud rumbling noise not far away, and at the same time someone shouted loudly, "Lead the way and stay, and wait for your life!"

Immediately after seeing the sky, several powerful men rushed past.

Ding Hao and the others glanced at each other, secretly rejoicing in their hearts, fortunately, they didn't rush in rashly just now, otherwise they would also face a large number of other cultivators' siege.

But at this moment, another group of strong men quickly passed by in the sky.

Among these powerful men, there was one who looked down and shouted, "Hurry up! That kid has a sky-patterned bone!"

Ding Hao looked up and recognized who this person was.

At that time, the wife of the city lord brought five of his men to hunt them down, Shenyou killed one, Ding Hao and the others killed four, and one escaped!

The person in front of him was the one who had escaped.

This person and other cultivators have formed a team, and now seeing Ding Hao, this person immediately shouted loudly and told the world about Ding Hao's secret.

The few people who teamed up with him were all Fenghou-level powerhouses. Looking at Ding Hao, their eyes were extremely unkind. Everyone wanted to kill people for treasure, dig out the bones of the sky pattern, and graft into their body!

(End of this chapter)

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