Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3347: Road guide controversy

Chapter 3347 Controversy of Lu Yin

Chapter 3345 Lu Yin Controversy


The loud noise in front sounded again, and someone exclaimed, "That team, they have a way!"

Suddenly, many cultivator teams rushed past, and in the sky, those greedy-looking Fenghou-level powerhouses paused, and temporarily spared Ding Hao, running fast in the sky!

After all, at this time, the most important thing is to grab the way.

Seeing these people leave, Shenyou laughed and said, "Ding Hao, your trouble is coming! Although these people haven't dealt with you for the time being, it's because they are not free now! They will come when they are free. I'm looking for you! And the fact that you are carrying the bones of the sky pattern will also be spread! At that time, the entire periphery of the Yin Ruins will be coveted by many people!"

Ding Hao had been prepared for a long time, and snorted coldly, "If they don't come to me, I will find them! They come if they want to die!"

In fact, just now, among the few people who flew past, one of them carried a fragment of Tian Haoyu on his body. Ding Hao had already found the compass on his body and sensed the treasure carried by this person.

Ding Hao was anxious that this person would look for him, so he could add another Tianhaoyu fragment.

Gongsun Bo cursed at the sky, "Little boy, the previous battle let you escape! If there is another next time, you will surely die!"

The fish that slipped through the net flew very far, turned around and sneered, "Then you just wait."

Although the matter of Ding Hao's body carrying the bones of the sky pattern has been leaked out, but fortunately, the matter with Yin Wenluyin on them has not been spread, and for the time being, they will not be besieged in Wanshan City.

Shenyou said, "None of us are powerful princes, these people never think we have a guide! We approached quietly, if there is a chance, immediately take the guide and rush directly into the mysterious orchard!"

Speaking of this, Gongsun Bo took out the piece of Yin Wen and handed it to Ding Hao, "This thing is most at ease with you! Just leave it to you, and you take us in!"

"It's good." Ding Hao put Lu Yin in his pocket, and said, "Let's not rush in, but first find out the situation and look for opportunities! The most important thing is that we must make others think that we are here to grab Lu Yin. Yes! Not to rush into the mysterious orchard! So all of you, don’t look at the mysterious orchard, but search everywhere for those who rushed over!"

"You are cunning." Shenyou nodded secretly.

In fact, at the moment, at the entrance of the mysterious orchard, a large number of practitioners stood.

No one knows who will have a guide. Everyone is watching each other's words and expressions. Therefore, Ding Hao’s suggestion is very important. If the four of them are found to have guides, then everyone will besiege them, so they don’t even think about it. Go in!

"Okay!" Hoshino said with a smile, "Then I won't even look at the mysterious orchard at a glance, and I will treat myself as a way to grab a guide!"

"You all pretend to look a little bit!"

Ding Hao is under the heaviest pressure at this moment.

Others can all invest in finding others without observing the mysterious orchard; but Ding Hao can't. Ding Hao shoulders the mission of bringing everyone in. If he does not observe the direction and situation of the mysterious orchard, there will be no chance to break in suddenly.

"Fortunately, I'm so knowledgeable and able to see the needle!"

Ding Hao is stronger than his teammates in that he has experienced countless worlds, and he is more adept at observing words and colors; he has a clearer grasp of various situations!

At this moment, a squad carrying a guide did not rush in, but was besieged and retreated.

Seeing this scene, Ding Hao suddenly shouted, "Block them! Rob!"

At this moment, the four of them had completely brought themselves into the ranks of the snatchers, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino all released their weapons and madly killed them.

Holding a double-edged giant axe in his hand, Gongsunbo shouted loudly, "Hand over the guide, Liuer wait for a little life!"

Boom boom boom!

The battle sounded vigorously, and those Fenghou-level powerhouses who were blocking the entrance of the mysterious orchard all rushed over.

This combat squad with Lu Yin in his hand, after suffering heavy damage, found that the leader of the cultivator had been surrounded by Tuan Tuan and was about to be destroyed. This was helpless. He raised his hands and said, "Dear friends, let us go. Horse! We will not go to the mysterious orchard this time!"

After finishing speaking, the leading cultivator raised his hand and took out the triangular Yin Wen.

All the Fenghou-level powerhouses surrounded all around stopped fighting, and everyone looked forward to it.

Unexpectedly, the leader of this battle team suddenly raised his hand, threw this Yin Wen at Ding Hao, and cursed, "You are blocking our way. If you want, just lead this one. Give you!"

It seems that Ding Hao and the others resented this team the most. If it weren't for Ding Hao and the others, this team would have escaped long ago.

So now, this team gave up the guide and threw it to Ding Hao, just to make Ding Hao and the others a target.

"This..." Ding Hao was also bewildered by the unexpected scene in front of him.

He has a guide in his hand, and another is useless to him!

But if he doesn't take it, then the other Fenghou-level powerhouses on the scene are not stupid, it is likely that he still has!

So how he chooses has become a huge problem.

Lu Yin threw it very fast, and he came to him in a blink of an eye, and he could take it if he didn't.

When he grabbed this piece of Yin Wen, dozens of Fenghou-level powerhouses present immediately changed their goals and surrounded him! Among the eyes of each one, there were gloomy eyes, Ding Hao and the four of them seemed to be caught in a flock!

"What should I do?" Although Shenyou has been around the periphery of Yin Ruins for many years, he was surrounded by dozens of fierce Fenghou-level powerhouses and was blinded by this situation.

Ding Hao grabbed this guide, and immediately had an idea, and shouted, "Dear friends, listen to me!"

Dozens of fierce Fenghou-level powerhouses have all surrounded Ding Hao and the others, but they are not in a hurry.

Ding Hao said, "Anyway, this guide can bring countless people in! Why not take this guide and bring everyone in!"

"This..." The dozens of Fenghou-level powerhouses present were all stared blankly, unexpectedly Ding Hao would come.

Obviously, however, the Fenghou-level powerhouses present were not willing to share it with others, and a vicious strongman said, "Boy, you didn't even get the Feng-hou-level ranking. Why would you bring us in? What are you? Lead the way out and spare your life!"

Ding Hao immediately found the opportunity, raised his hand and threw Yin Wen directly to this person, "Well, I can't beat you, I will give it to you."

"You!" Unexpectedly, Ding Hao threw it to him directly, catching the guide, suddenly ecstatic, turned his head and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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