Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3358: Tianhao

Chapter 3358 Tian Hao Zhan

Chapter 3356 Heaven Slash

Boom boom boom!

The battle was still going on, the swords and shadows exploded everywhere, venting their power crazy.

In such a battle, Ding Hao began to realize at the same time that the effect of the Ghost Face Fruit King was amazing. Even in the battle, he was still able to comprehend the rune.

That rune comes from his main body of Tian Haoyu who is a commander of thousands!

Although this set of Tianhaoyu was not originally owned by a strong Yin man, in the main body of this treasure, there is such a mysterious rune! This rune is very similar to the ancient rune of Tianwaitian, but it is slightly different!

"It seems that the Yin people stayed in this world at the beginning, and they also took a fancy to the runes of this world!"

Ding Hao felt distracted while he was fighting, but he couldn't take care of it, let Gongsun Bo and Hoshino give it to him!

Gongsun Bo is really desperate today. He is the most pessimistic among the three. He feels that he is incapable of escape this time; but it is this pessimistic mentality that gives him an aura of breaking the boat. Every time he makes a shot, he is all fighting for his life. How to play!

"My life was saved by Ding Hao and Hoshino. If my life can be used to cause damage to the lord of White Rock and buy time for Ding Hao and Hoshino, then I will die well! I die satisfied!"

Thinking of this, Gongsun Bo attacked frantically, the power of the double-edged giant axe in his hand was exerted to the extreme, and the sky was full of crazy axe shadows.

"Is this kid crazy?" White Rock City Lord's expression was gloomy.

Although he also wanted to take a risk and get hurt, he could kill Gongsun Bo, and then kill Ding Hao and the others. It was much easier; but at this moment in full view, if he is a king-class powerhouse at the expense of his own injury, he could kill him. Kill Gongsun Bo, then he will lose face!

"No! I still have to be more cautious! I want to win! I want to kill these three people without any harm to myself, so that the thousands of Feng-level powerhouses on the field will look at me. Majesty!"

With this idea in his mind, the lord of White Rock City immediately became conservative in the battle, so that Ding Hao would gain more time.

In fact, the lord of White Rock City can also guess what Ding Hao is feeling, but he doesn’t take it seriously; in the current battle, even if Ding Hao has a sense of one or two runes, what is the use, he can decide victory or defeat. Well?

This is impossible!

But the White Rock City Lord didn't know, he had missed his only chance to win a big victory!

After Ding Hao took the King of Ghost Face Fruit, his perceptive ability was very strong. The rune left by the Yin person was actually not a too esoteric rune. Soon Ding Hao discovered something, and his face was suddenly covered. Happy!

"Tian Haoyu's unique combat skills, Tian Hao cut!"

When Ding Hao discovered the content in the rune, he was immediately happy!

Just as the lord of White Rock City thought, at this time, Ding Hao felt that one or two Primordial runes would not help at all; but Ding Hao suddenly got a super combat skill, and he could still use it with Tian Haoyu.

This is the most favorable situation for Ding Hao, who can instantly increase Ding Hao's strength!

"Tian Hao Zhan is a combat skill used in conjunction with Tian Hao Yu! It is impossible to use other weapons! This combat skill will only reappear every time Tian Hao Yu combines! Tian Hao Yu is our Yin One of man’s most powerful combat skills, Tian Haoyu will never be an independent treasure!"

"Tian Hao Yu is indeed a treasure!" Ding Hao's face was ecstatic, "This day Hao Yu is not only a treasure that combines defense, flight and combat, but also has its own unique combat skills. Only when these are all combined Together, blessings on me can the weapon of this sword be used to the strongest!"

Seeing Ding Hao's face change, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino's expressions also moved, and they rushed to ask questions, "How?"

Ding Hao immediately said with a smile, "I got a unique combat skill of Tianhaoyu, if I use it, my strength can be improved a lot!"

"Haha!" Gongsun Bo was also ecstatic and smiled boldly, "Ding Hao, don't forget that you promised me that you will give me this day Haoyu in the future! As for this unique combat skill, it will be necessary in the future. For me!"

"Say it!"

Ding Hao learned this combat skill almost instantaneously, and then his movements began to become misty.

"what's the situation?"

The faces of the Fenghou-level powerhouses present changed in shock. You must know that their cultivation level reached this level, with high strength and vision; but now they can't see Ding Hao's movements clearly, only seeing Ding Hao's figure fluttering back and forth, Ding Hao seems to disappear In general, I only saw the silver glitter formed by Tian Haoyu!

"It's just a few side sects!" The White Rock City Lord didn't take it seriously, but instead attacked Ding Hao with all his strength.

He knew that Ding Hao was the backbone of the three, as long as Ding Hao was defeated, the other two would definitely die.

But this time, he wanted to defeat Ding Hao, not so easy!

When his figure came to Ding Hao, the misty silver light stopped instantly, and the countless huge silver wings behind Ding Hao also stood still. At that moment, Ding Hao was like a silver angel floating in the air, covered with silver light. , Ding Hao's eyes are also a silver light!

"What kind of exercise is this?" At this point, the City Lord of White Rock suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Among the thousands of Fenghou-level powerhouses present, there are many well-informed people. When these people saw Ding Hao at this moment, their expressions changed, and they felt that Ding Hao’s exercises were very strange, but in the next second. , Someone has recognized it.

"This is Yin Ren's combat skills!"

"What?" All the Fenghou-level powerhouses present were shocked.

Yin people’s combat skills are very rare in the Yin Ruins. Yin people’s fighting methods are quite special, and most people rely on runes to fight, and there are no special combat skills! However, the real Yin people have their own combat skills, if they are discovered, they can sell them at an earth-shattering price!

"You actually have Yin Ren's combat skills!" The White Rock City Lord also changed his expression.

"Not bad! Then you can try this Tianhaozhan!"

Ding Hao suddenly yelled, and behind him countless wing-like silver giant knives were raised. At that moment, Ding Hao's people seemed to have turned into an unstoppable giant knife, cutting down!

At the same time, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino yelled, "Ding Hao has made a full shot, and we don’t want to keep any! After so many years of practicing in the periphery of Yin Ruins, we have killed countless Fenghou-level powerhouses, we 'S strength has been greatly improved! So even if we face the king-level powerhouse, we have the power to fight!"

"Dead!" Ding Hao and the others screamed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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