Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3359: A cup of tea time

Chapter 3359 A Tea Time

Chapter 3357-Tea Time


The Tian Hao Yu used by Ding Hao combined with the special martial skill Tian Hao Slash, his whole person instantly turned into a huge silver light!

This silver awn is overwhelming the sky, and the scene is very spectacular, like mercury pouring out of the earth, everywhere!

Most of the onlookers at the scene were Fenghou-level powerhouses, but when they saw Ding Hao using this trick, they all stepped back and turned pale in fright.

"If it is the strength of my waiting, facing Ding Hao, under such an attack, ten of me would not be his opponent!" A Fenghou-level expert couldn't help saying.

"Really strong! How could this kid make such a terrible blow?"

The Fenghou-level powerhouses were not convinced in their hearts, and secretly felt that these Inner End's new nobility should not surpass themselves, but with Ding Hao's attack, the conversation among all the population changed.

Strength can represent everything!

In the world of the immortal clan, always obey the strength and respect the strong. When Ding Hao's strength is so strong that they can't look directly at them, they are all honest and willing to give praise!

At the moment Ding Hao released his strongest attack, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino also released their strongest attack at the same time!

Over the years, Gongsun Bo and Xingye have obtained an astonishing number of natural treasures in the periphery of the Yin Ruins; they did not waste these things, nor did they exchange them for money. For example, they did not sell one of them, and they all used them to improve their own. Fighting power!

Therefore, when they were also desperate and issued a full blow, the attack power of Ding Hao and the three combined was very terrifying!


The lord of White Rock City was in the center of the attack, and his face suddenly became pale.

He secretly felt that he had missed a good opportunity!

Obviously, Ding Hao’s attack on Tianhao Slash was just a realization of his success; if Ding Hao had just realized that he could kill Gongsun Bo or Hoshino beforehand, he would take a lot of initiative now!

But there is no regret medicine in this world. Faced with a three-sided siege, the City Lord of Baishi City gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "I don't believe that I am a powerful king, and I can't beat you, an inner world noble!"

The lord of White Rock City burned his heart with anger and became angry from shame. In this state, he made a mistake again!

If he can stop the loss in time, make an all-out effort at Gongsun Bo or Hoshino, open a gap, and escape, then it will be great!

But he did not do this!

He has his own dignity as a king-level powerhouse, and he still looks down on Ding Hao, the nobleman in the inner world!

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​running away and chose to head-on with Ding Hao!

"How about Yin Ren's combat skills? How about the full set of Tianhaoyu? How about Tianwen Baogu?"

What about the three of the White Rock City Lord's mouths, they were very unconvinced and killed them, and he also tried his best to fight Ding Hao!

"This battle is beautiful!" The people who watched the battle didn't think it was too much trouble, wishing them to fight to the death.

Just listen to a loud bang!

Ding Hao’s attack and the full resistance of the White Rock City Lord finally collided. A sphere formed by power swayed crazy from that point. People on the scene couldn’t even see the most important thing on the battlefield, like a new star. The explosion overturned the roofs of many huge buildings in the surrounding settlements of Yin Ruins!

"My God! This is the first time that new settlements have been built for thousands of years to cause such damage!"

Immediately after the first explosion, there were two loud bangs. This was the sound of Gongsun Bo and Hoshino's attacks that fell on the city lord of White Rock!

In this series of explosions, everyone clearly saw a figure falling out, with a pale face and blood pouring in his mouth. It was the city lord of White Rock!

"What? How could it be!" All the people present were dumbfounded, especially Xiao Tang who was standing among the crowd.

"The king-level powerhouse can't beat the three Inner End Aristocrats?" Xiao Tang almost vomited a mouthful of blood. He thought that Ding Hao was bound to die this time, but who knew the outcome would be like this.

However, Xiao Tang was still not reconciled, and said, "The City Lord of White Rock was seriously injured, and Ding Hao should have suffered serious injuries in this blow! Why don't we wait and try our best to help Lord City Lord and cut Ding Hao and others. kill!"

Xiao Tang can see it, one of the masters of this settlement, King Pangsun, hopes Ding Hao will die!

If they violate the ban and attack Ding Hao here, King Pangsun should not be too careless!

The several powerful princes who followed the lord of White Rock City were also quite moved and eager to try.

However, the expression on their faces changed in the next second...

The light from the explosion dimmed and Ding Hao and the three of them appeared. What everyone did not expect was that Ding Hao, who had fought head-to-head with the White Rock City Lord, had no scars at all!

"How is it possible! The blow that the two collided just now was a life-threatening style of play! The City Lord of White Rock was seriously injured, but why Ding Hao didn't suffer any harm?" Xiao Tang couldn't figure it out.

In the ear, a ridicule of a Fenghou-level expert came, "You are really stupid! Didn't you see the Tianhaoyu wearing Ding Hao? This is not only a super combat weapon, but also a super strong. Defensive weapon! The damage caused by that blow just now has all been buffered and resolved by Tian Haoyu!"

"That means that now Ding Hao can still release the blow just now!" The city lord's subordinates who were still ready to move just now suddenly became much better.

If Ding Hao wasn't injured, and a few of them rushed to shoot, it would be death!

"Ding Hao!" The city lord of White Rock City had blood in his mouth. He himself did not expect that the ending would be like this. He and Ding Hao had the strongest blow, and he had never beat Ding Hao! At this moment, he is already in an absolute weak position, but as a king-level powerhouse, he has his own dignity.

Let him beg Ding Hao for mercy, he can't do it!

But Ding Hao would never let him go. The City Lord of White Rock raised his hand and said, "Ding Hao, before the battle, I promised you time to give you a cup of tea! Now that the battle is about to end, I also request to give me a cup of tea. time!"

"No!" Gongsun Bo gritted his teeth, "This kid is cunning, what tricks must he play?"

However, Ding Hao shook his head, his eyes were extremely firm and said, "City Lord of White Rock, you will definitely die today! No matter what tricks you do, I still want to defeat you. When you strike at me, you should think of this ending! "

The lord of White Rock City nodded and said, "I need this tea time, not to recover or play tricks, I just want to arrange some funeral!"

Hearing this, Ding Hao nodded and said, "For a mortal person, I don't want to owe you anything! You give me time for a cup of tea before the fight, and then after the fight, I will give you time for a cup of tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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