Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3360: King Pang Sun

Chapter 3360 The Headache King Pang Sun

3358-Pangsun King

The time for a cup of tea is about a quarter of an hour.

Before, the lord of White Rock City gave Ding Hao a quarter of an hour to assemble Tian Hao Yu; Ding Hao was unwilling to take advantage. Since the other party requested a cup of tea time, Ding Hao also readily agreed!

In fact, Ding Hao didn't worry that the city lord of Baishi City would play tricks, but he still agreed, because Ding Hao had enough confidence in himself! Even if the lord of White Rock City can play tricks, Ding Hao is not afraid!

In a quarter of an hour, the city lord of Baishi City quickly wrote a suicide note, raised his hand and threw it out, and threw it to his men.

"This is the arrangement for all the personnel in White Rock City after my death!"

After the White Rock City Lord made arrangements, his face became straight, and he raised his hand to grab and took out a blood-red jade piece.

Gongsun Bo's expression suddenly changed, "What does he want to do?"

The people present also looked at each other, wondering what the jade piece was used for?

The lord of White Rock City ignored anyone and said lightly, "It's not time for a cup of tea!"

After speaking, he began to refine this jade talisman piece. When the jade talisman piece was half refined, Ding Hao felt that something was wrong, his face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "City Lord Baishi, I will give you a chance. I did not expect you I really want to play tricks!"

The lord of White Rock City raised his eyelids and said, "The trapped beast is dying, and there will be a blow! As a powerful king, even if I die, I will not die so easily! This piece of jade rune is me A piece of Yin beast essence and blood snatched to death in the inner layer of Yin Ruins! After refining, it needs life to sacrifice! Ding Hao, I am a mortal person, then I will give you this as a gift!"


The lord of White Rock City did not lie to Ding Hao, he really had a mortal heart when he asked for this tea time.

However, even if he is dying, he still wants Latinho and the others to hold back!

"Resurrect me!"

The lord of White Rock City finished speaking, with a decisive look in his eyes, suddenly opened his mouth, and the blood gushing out from the mouth, he cut his heart, sacrificed with his life, and resurrected this Yin beast!

"My God! It turned out to be Yin Beast!"

Yin beasts are a powerful beast raised during the Yin people's time. This type of beast generally only appears in the inner layers of the Yin Ruins. It is very powerful and cannot be captured by modern people! However, the essence and blood left by the ancient Yin Beast can be used for sacrifice!


When this majestic seven-colored behemoth suddenly appeared, the Fenghou-level powerhouses in the settlement were all scared and fled.

Yin Beast is one of the beasts in the inner layer of Yin Ruins. It is very powerful. Even if it is a powerful king, you must form a team to kill it. Now this thing appears on the periphery of Yin Ruins and it is invincible!

"Damn it! The City Lord of White Rock, gave us some tricks before he died!"

Although the three of Ding Hao and the others were able to defeat the White Rock City Lord, in the face of such a summoned behemoth, none of the few powerful kings were their opponents. Yes, let alone Ding Hao and the others? Right now they can only turn around and run away!

However, in the will of this giant beast, he had long been ordered by the city lord of White Rock, and he was chasing after him.

"Hidden into the house in front!" Ding Hao and the others hid head-on, facing a skyscraper.

But I didn't expect that this behemoth was really powerful. It slammed its head against the tall building in front of it and smashed the tall building to its knees.

"My God!" From the top of the tall building, a strongman of the rank of marquis stood up and shouted, "Asshole settlement master, we live here but pay for a long time! You damage my cave, you must Compensation!"

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued, and tall buildings one after another were knocked over by this giant beast, and the loss of the settlement was huge!

King Pangsun, who had already left, got the news and returned again. He saw the foreground and shouted loudly, "Asshole Ding Hao, you have damaged so many of my buildings, I want you to pay!"

King Pangsun jumped with anger. Originally, he wanted the lord of White Rock City to kill Ding Hao to relieve his hatred; and he had another idea, that is, if Ding Hao dies, Yun Tianke will take this opportunity to fight Leave it to yourself? He is still very confident in himself!

But I didn't expect that the city lord of White Rock was a fool.

Not only did he never beat Ding Hao, but instead released this giant beast to wreak havoc in the settlement, smashing the cave houses of the residents here one after another. All these must be compensated by him, and he has suffered a huge loss!

Although Ding Hao and the others were chased by this giant beast, it was dangerous, but for a while, they would not be in danger; instead, Ding Hao and the others kept hiding behind the tall buildings, which caused all the tall buildings to be covered by this. The behemoth collapsed!

In a blink of an eye, many of the tall buildings in this cultivator's settlement were knocked over.

"King Pangsun, what are you doing?" From among the tall buildings, several powerful king-ranked men walked out.

These people are all the masters of this settlement, sitting on an equal footing with King Pangsun. Originally, King Pangsun violated the rules and asked the City Lord of Baishi City to do something here. These people were quite dissatisfied; but after all, everyone sat on an equal footing, and they would bear it. .

But I didn't expect that things would happen to this point, and the whole new settlement would be completely overthrown by this behemoth if it continued.

"It's all that hateful Ding Hao!" King Pang Sun still gritted his teeth.

However, several other Fenghou-level powerhouses all shook their heads and said, "You are the blame for this. Why are you allowing them to fight in the settlement? Now Ding Hao and the others have nothing to do. Instead, our settlement is a piece of land. It's messy, if this continues, the amount of compensation we have to pay will be an astronomical number!"

"This..." King Pang Sun had nothing to say.

As the owner of the settlement, everyone wants to have a fixed income here, but if the settlement is destroyed, these people will demand compensation, and King Pang Sun will have to pay a very large compensation fee!

"It's not immediately, so hurry up and take down this behemoth first!"

Several powerful kings could no longer bear the giant beasts galloping in the city, knocking down shops and caves, all these are an astonishing number of Fuyu!

"It's just this behemoth..." King Pang Sun wanted to say something.

But the other powerful kings can't wait. If it takes a while, all the buildings in the entire settlement will be completely knocked down, and their losses will be even more astonishing!

"Okay." By now, King Pangsun knew that it was impossible to kill Ding Hao. He cursed, "This idiot, the city lord of White Rock City caused me such a big trouble when he died, come on!"

Suddenly, the several masters of the settlement, the powerful king-ranking experts all rushed towards that giant beast, but Ding Hao and the others relaxed and relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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