Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3383: Yin Ren combat skills

Chapter 3383 Yin Ren's combat skills

Chapter 3381 Yin Ren's combat skills

Ho Ho Ho!

In the depths of the water, in a maze-like cave, a ferocious behemoth, like a huge earthworm, roared while chasing Ding Hao and biting behind him!

The strength of this behemoth is amazing. I don't know how many billions of years it has lived here. It is quite terrifying.

Fortunately, Ding Hao was wearing divine wing armor, and he was able to dodge the attack of this behemoth under the rapid flight.

"This behemoth is really strong!"

The divine wing armor behind Ding Hao flapped quickly, like a black lightning at the bottom of the water, and behind him was the ferocious behemoth that was chasing after him. Wherever he went, the cave collapsed, and various beasts in the cave Class, also all suffered.

"This behemoth probably already existed in the Yin era. To this day, I don't know how many years it has lived, and its cultivation level is much better than that of many powerful kings!"

Ding Hao was not his opponent at all, and could only escape at high speed.

"No, I am not familiar with the terrain here, the situation is very dangerous!"

This underwater cave has no one in history. Ding Hao has no idea about the topography here and often goes to a dead end!

At the beginning, Ding Hao was in a dead end, and there was still enough time to change the line; but as the behemoth got closer and closer, he didn't have enough time to change the line!

"It's over, if I go to a dead end again, I will have nowhere to escape!"

While fleeing, Ding Hao tried his best to choose those relatively large caves, so that the chance of a dead end would be smaller.

But as he went down, the wide caves became less and less, and the width of the caves became smaller and smaller. There was no chance for him to go wrong!

"As long as I make a mistake once, I will die of no return!"

But just as Ding Hao was running around like a headless flies, he suddenly saw the end of a passageway, and suddenly a golden light flashed by.

"There!" A strange light flashed in Ding Hao's eyes.

The purpose of his coming down this time was to find the golden dragon fish who was in retreat. Who knew that he was chased by this giant beast, he was ready to give up his original intention, but he did not expect to see it at this time, and the golden light flashed.

"The golden dragon fish is over there!"

Ding Hao hesitated for a moment, and said in his heart that instead of going to other places and going into a dead end, it is better to rush to the golden arowana and see what this arowana evolved into before dying.

Thinking of this, Ding Hao didn't care about other things, and flew directly to this passage.

As he got closer and closer, the golden light in the passage in front of him became brighter and brighter. At the end, the golden light was dazzling!


Ding Hao broke into a cave that was completely different from other places.

"Here..." Ding Hao's gaze was taken aback.

Before, all the caves he passed through were naturally formed, without traces of human carvings. But here, it seems to be a cemetery with many tall stone monuments. Someone must have built it here.

"Yin Ren Ruins!" Ding Hao was overjoyed.

The human ruins that can be seen here must have been passed down by the Yin people, but he didn't have time to study this. He quickly walked towards the birthplace of the golden light, behind this cemetery.

When he came here, the giant beast behind had also rushed over, but to Ding Hao’s surprise, this giant beast seemed to be afraid of the golden dragon fish. After approaching a large amount of golden light, the giant beast finally stopped. He came down and blocked the entrance of the cemetery with a low roar.

"Leave it alone."

Ding Hao was safe for the time being, and he didn't care about the giant beast. He quickly approached the large golden light. When it came in front of him, he found that the golden light was an oval golden light curtain, like a super huge golden egg.

However, the light curtain on the surface of the golden egg is transparent. He can clearly see through the golden light curtain to see the sight of the arowana. Now the golden arowana has completely transformed into a golden dragon, with a long and thin body covered with golden dragons. The scales, golden light, and the sharp teeth on the dragon's claws look very sharp!

Now the evolution of this dragon fish has reached the end, the only part that is evolving is the head, and the other parts have completely transformed into a dragon shape.

"After eating Yinchi Dragon Ball, this golden dragon fish turned into a dragon! Listening to the tone of the two grandpa and grandson, although Yinchi Dragon Ball was eaten by this dragon fish, if the dragon fish is tamed, You can still get the treasure and power left by the Yin people!"

Of course, what Ding Hao wants to do most now is to tame this dragon fish, but it seems impossible now. Although this thing is in retreat, it looks very weak, but a golden light curtain protects it. Ding Hao wants to get close to its roots. impossible!

"It still seems impossible."

Ding Hao tried it. He wanted to break this golden mask. It was impossible. He could only watch the golden dragon fish transforming into the dragon.

"Oh." Ding Hao regretted a little. If he didn't throw that dragon ball to Arowana, he would be rich.

But think about it, this is not the reason, if he doesn't throw the dragon ball to the dragon fish, then he will die at the hands of the grandfather and grandson!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao's face for a while, he clasped his fist and said, "Senior Arowana, no matter what, I want to thank you. If you didn't let me in, I would definitely die in the hands of my grandparents! Now that I come in, I am not grateful , I want to tame you instead, I am too greedy!"

When Ding Hao said these words, the golden arowana lying in the closed light curtain opened one eye and glanced at Ding Hao. It was obvious that he heard the words and understood.

"Senior Arowana, I'm so sorry."

After Ding Hao expressed his apology, he left in front of the golden light curtain, stopped disturbing the golden dragon fish, and let it quietly retreat.

At this moment, the giant beast outside was still blocking the door, and he had no way to go, so he simply came to a huge tombstone.

After so many years, on the tombstones here, an astonishing number of various plants have grown, like very thick moss.

Ding Hao just waved his hand, and his power was released like water spouting from a pipe, quickly washing away the plants on the tombstone in front of him, and all the text on the tombstone was exposed in front of him.

"Sure enough, it is the inscription of the Yin people!"

Ding Hao had seen many Yin people inscriptions in the Yin Ruins, which were very helpful for cultivation, but after all, he was in a hurry in the Yin Ruins, and he had not studied Yin people's script, and he did not have much time to study.

But now that he stays in such a place, he has nowhere to go. It's better to be patient and start learning and understanding the content on the Yin people's tombstone.

When he saw this, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "This turned out to be the few Yin people's combat skills left behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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