Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3384: Apocalypse

Chapter 3384 Tianqi Jue

Chapter 3382 Heavenly Enlightenment

"Yin's combat skills!"

A strange light flashed in Ding Hao's eyes. Most of the classics left by the Yin people were researches on runes, or some history of the Yin people! The true fighting skills of the Yin people were also very precious during the Yin people's reign!

Therefore, the number of circulated to the world is extremely rare, and every combat skill is out of print!

"I once heard that at an auction in Neitianya, a Yin Ren's combat skills sold for the highest price in history!"

"Unexpectedly, I was so lucky, here today, I unexpectedly got a Yin Ren combat skill by chance!"

Ding Hao immediately put aside all thoughts and began to learn this Yin Ren combat technique.

"This Yin Ren combat skill is called Tianqi Jue!"

"This apocalyptic tactic is the warfare tactics created by the heavens and the earth when the world outside the sky is opened!"

"What?" When Ding Hao looked at the opening lines of this combat technique, his expression was already quite shocked!

"According to the legend, the people of Yin came to this Tianwaitian world hundreds of millions of years ago! But the combat skills on this stone tablet are clearly recorded, and this combat technique was actually originated from, Tianwaitian. When the world opens!"

After Ding Hao understood this, his face was quite shocked.

"If this sentence is spread, it will subvert the entire Gaishi Immortal Clan's understanding of Yin people!"

In the past, the Gaishixian clan would think that the Yin people had invaded the world of Tianwaitian, in the same situation as the Gaishixian clan; but if the record on this stone tablet is true, the Yin people have already come when the world of Tianwaitian originated. Here!

"These countless histories of hundreds of millions of years ago are really impossible to verify." Ding Hao paid little attention to the history of these Yin people.

He continued to watch, only to see the record behind, "In order to cultivate an Apocalypse Art, the Nine Cliffs Cave was specially opened. Only the people who can walk to the deepest part of the Jiuya Cave are qualified to practice this Apocalyptic Art..."

"What?" Ding Hao was even more dumbfounded when he saw this sentence.

For the Gaishixian clan, why is Jiuyadong mined? No one knows!

When the Gaishixian clan came to this world, Jiuya Cave had already been opened, and no one knew why it was opened.

Until now, the mystery was solved. It turned out that Jiuyadong was to test the genius of the descendants of the Yin people. Only after suffering and danger can you see the Apocalypse Art at the bottom!

"If you say that, then this combat technique is definitely the most powerful combat technique in the Yin period!" When Ding Hao discovered this, he couldn't believe it.

He immediately stood up and used his own power to remove all the moss from the other stone tablets in the cemetery. After a closer look, he believed it.

It turns out that in this cemetery, all the stone tablets recorded the same, this apocalypse!

The difference is that different stone tablets record different parts of the Apocalypse Jue and different evolutions!

"I counted. There are 108 steles of Apocalypse. The content of each piece is more difficult than the previous one! The first one in your cultivation shows how much strength you have. If you can cultivate to 108 pieces, all All of his Apocalypse tactics have been cultivated, and the power possessed at this time will reach the pinnacle of the entire outer world!"

"My God!" Although Ding Hao has walked through countless worlds, he has never seen such a powerful technique, 108 layers, and he can reach the pinnacle of the world after all cultivation is completed!

"If I can cultivate to the 108th stone stele of Apocalypse Jue, I believe my strength, I am afraid that even my teacher is not an opponent!" When Ding Hao discovered this, his heart was shocked. His teacher Yun Tianke is already in this world. The most peak powerhouse, "If I can surpass the teacher in strength, then I really can't imagine!"

After discovering this, Ding Hao immediately began to practice, starting from the first stone tablet.

When he started to practice Tianqi Jue, he soon discovered why the ferocious beast outside dared not enter this cemetery? !

The fierce behemoth outside is not afraid of the golden dragon fish, but the apocalypse in this cemetery!

"According to the record on this stone tablet, this giant beast outside is called a world beast, and it is an eternal undead creature! Its purpose here is to practice the apocalypse!"

Ding Hao looked at the giant beast outside the cemetery and nodded, "Just say that this thing has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and it seems to be the case now! This thing was used for training by the Yin people back then, and this thing It is special. Not only is it immortal, but no matter how many years have passed, its strength will not change! It will neither become stronger nor weaker! It will maintain a certain strength and stay here for a long time as a sparring partner!"

"Yin people really put a lot of hard work to cultivate their own genius offspring!"

After Ding Hao understood this, he suddenly laughed, "All the hard work that Yin people left behind is now all cheaper for me!"

Not only can he practice the "Apocalypse Art" left by Yin Ren, but he can also use this world beast as his own training partner!

"That's great, I will start practicing now!"

For Ding Hao, in fact, he is also a cultivator madman. After encountering really good exercises, he was utterly intoxicated, forgetting to sleep and eat, and started studying and researching! It only took him two months to finish studying the Apocalypse Art on the first stone tablet!

"So that's it!" Although the contents recorded in the Tianqi Jue opened his horizons, it still gave him enough confidence.

"Study the content on the first stone tablet in two months! Now it's time for me to test!"

Ding Hao immediately released his weapon and rushed out of the cemetery to fight the behemoth.

"Black Giant Slash! God Wing Armor!"

Ding Hao didn't dare to neglect, using his own weapons to fight with all his strength. He used all the Apocalypse Jue he had just learned in the battle, and soon he discovered the advantages of using the Apocalypse Jue.

"Not only my combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, but I also get more bonuses, and it fits better with the runes of this world!"

This is a completely different feeling. In the past, when fighting against people, the Celestial Clan had to follow the rules and regulations. During the battle, they had to comply with some rules for characterizing runes, especially the ancient runes, which seemed very restrained!

But using the apocalypse tactics will not have these troubles at all, take a fight, do whatever you want, but secretly fit the oldest ancient rune!

"My God! If I said that, if I practiced the Apocalypse Art, it would be equivalent to having learned all the ancient runes!" After understanding this, Ding Hao's heart was even more shocked, "Gai Shi Xian No one in the clan dare to say that he has learned all the ancient runes! But if you learn 108 stone tablets of the Apocalypse Jue, it will be so effective! It's amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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